Indlæg tagged med John Fullerton

John Fullerton om divestment: Are fossil Fuels the New Slavery?

5. januar 2014

Denne 18:44 min. video fra The Laura Flanders Show har besøg af John Fullerton, som taler om divestment, forestående carbon bubbles og fossile brændsler som The New Slavery.

Fullerton er tidligere J.P. Morgan olie- og gasinvestor, som i 2010 ‘stod af’ ræset for at grundlægge en tænketank, som problematiserede økonomiens og finansverdenens manglende indkalkulering af den globale klima- og bæredygtighedsudfordring. Han giver i denne video indledende et fint rids af ‘videnskaben bag’ divestment tanken og hele den situation, at hvis det lykkes og at gennemføre den planlagte klimaindsats, som kan holde klodens temperaturudvikling under 2°C, så vil vi stå med et gigantisk volumen af ‘værdiløse’ fossile reserver med alvorlige økonomiske implikationer for olieselskaberne til følge. Jeg vil ikke her afsløre hans slavery plot, men blot sige, at videoen giver et fint indblik i den økonomiske dimension af den forestående fossile afvikling.

John Fullerton grundlagde i 2010 tænketanken Capital Institute, hvis mission det er: “to explore and effect the economic transition to a more just, regenerative, and thus sustainable way of living on this earth through the transformation of finance. Through our thought leadership, storytelling, and activating projects we illuminate how our financial system can operate as a restorative, even regenerative agent, supporting a new way of living on this earth that promotes a shared social, economic, and ecological prosperity.”

Se tidligere blog-indlæg: Carbon Bubbles,  Bill McKibben: Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math og Do the Math – The Movie.

Joe Solomon: Big Hopes for the Student Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement in 2014, Huffington Post 31.12.2013.

Andrea Schmidt: Heirs of anti-apartheid movement rise up, Al Jazeera 15.12.2013.

Victor Luckerson: College Divestment Movement Takes on Fossil Fuels After Battling Apartheid With  Mandela, Time Magazine 10.12.2013.

Bob Rocheleau: Boston-area college students vow to escalate call for schools to divest
from fossil fuel industry
, 10.12.2013.

Cara Newlon: Students push for fossil fuel endowment divestment, USA Today 05.12.2013.

Steven Mufson: On campuses, a fossil-fuel divestment movement, Washington Post 26.11.2013.

John Fullerton & Hunter Lovins: Creating A “Regenerative Economy” To Transform Global Finance Into A Force For Good, Fast Coexist 29.10.2013.

John Fullerton: Why We Need a Financial Transactions Tax, Huffington Post 25.08.2011.

John Fullerton: The Big Choice, The Future of Finance Blog juli 2011.

