COP19: Climate smart agriculture – adaptation & mitigation

25. november 2013

Dette er et aldrig færdiggjort blog-indlæg, som havde til hensigt at belyse climate-smart agriculture. Når jeg ikke fik det lavet færdigt dengang, var det fordi jeg blev optaget af spørgsmålet, om – og i givet fald hvordan – en sådan tilgang ville kunne bruges i bymæssig sammenhæng. Efterfølgende fulgte jeg således længe et meget vitalt diskussionsforum om climate-smart agriculture. Men anvendelsen synes foreløbig at være fokuseret på landlige situationer og landsbysamfund i udviklingslande, hvor det ikke mindst i Østafrika synes at have fået en vis udbredelse. Så indlægget blev aldrig skrevet. Og nu har jeg sat det som publiceret, uanset at det er en meget foreløbig skitse, da der kunne ligge en værdi i selve link-delen.

Under denne COP19 har der tilbagevendende været refereret til forholdet mellem adaptation og mitigation – to ord som er svære at oversætte direkte, men hvor adaptation handler om gennem klimatilpasning at beskytte sig mod følgevirkningerne af klimaforandringerne og nogenunde præcist kan oversættes med klimatilpasning, så er mitigation en indsats for at mindske den globale opvarmning gennem at mindske årsagerne dertil kun ufuldstændigt beskrevet med det danske ord klimaindsatsDer synes i FN-regi at ligge en stærk bestræbelse på i et holistisk perspektiv at samle disse to størrelser og sammenkøre det i en bæredygtig udviklingsstrategi.

Konference torsdag 14.11.:
Linking adaptation and mitigation to address multiple risks: New research findings and field examples.
Ecosystem-based & community interventions can contribute to addressing adaptation & mitigation jointly. CIFOR, IFRC and partners will present new research findings & field examples on how synergies and trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation are addressed in projects, policies and funding.

Konference fredag 15.11.:
Getting REDD+ off the ground: Challenges and opportunities.
The objective of this event is to provide a platform for discussion on implementation challenges experienced by REDD+ sub-national initiatives, and what can be done to overcome these. CIFOR will present key findings of a survey undertaken this year asking representatives of 23 REDD+ proponent organizations about the challenges they have encountered.

Konference fredag 15.11.:
Opportunities for REDD+ in degraded forests and complex landscapes.
Implementation of REDD+ assumes that we know more or less exactly the carbon emissions we will save by avoiding deforestation and forest degradation. But how accurate is this knowledge across forested tropical landscapes? We will present the latest advances in measuring and accounting for carbon stock changes in forested landscapes in the tropics and focus specifically on the importance of degraded forests and mosaic landscapes that account for an increasing share of tropical land use.

Konference fredag 15.11.:
Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs): experiences and lessons learned.
NAPs are advancing in many countries with sector-specific strategies. This side event follows on from a workshop where 10 countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America share their experiences in developing plans for the agriculture and livestock sector, and aims to synthesize lessons.

Konference lørdag-søndag 16.-17.11.:
The Global Landscapes Forum.
The pre-eminent global platform for sharing landscapes development strategies that are climate smart, equitable, productive and profitable, recognising the central role and identity of farmers and forest-dependent people.

Breakfast Briefing lørdag 16.11.:
Addressing the barriers to reducing deforestation from forest risk commodity supply chains.
Many solutions that can address the deforestation and degradation arising from the production and trade of forest risk commodities have been implemented, but systemic global changes that could ensure the long-term preservation of tropical forests, and that are therefore vital for the delivery of REDD+, have not yet occurred. Discussions will look at how the barriers to achieving a transformational shift can be overcome and include areas such as transparency and traceability of global supply chains, investing in the transition to sustainable production and trade, as well as incentivising innovative public private sector collaborations.
GCP are launching “The Little Book of Big Deforestation Drivers” at COP19.

Konference mandag 18.11.:
The Global Adaptation Network: Experiences on knowledge-sharing from Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
The side event will share lessons learnt from adaptation knowledge-sharing and capacity building undertaken by Regional Networks. Opportunities and limitations of various modalities for knowledge mobilization will be discussed, together with the challenges of tracking progress in access to knowledge.

Konference onsdag 20.11.:
Enhancing Climate Smart Innovations in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Sharing key successes and partnerships for Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Konference onsdag 20.11.:
Five years of the UN-REDD Programme: What can we learn for scaling up REDD+?
The event will discuss REDD+’s concrete achievements in the last five years, and how it can further support and leverage scaled-up action for addressing climate change.

Peter Holmgren: On Landscapes – Part 1: Why are landscapes important? Forests News 25.10.2013.

Peter Holmgren: On Landscapes – Part 2: What are landscapes? Forests News 29.10.2013.

Peter Holmgren: On Landscapes – Part 3: Defining objectives and measuring progress, Forests News 02.11.2013.

Se IISDs Earth Negotiations Bulletin for 11.11., 12.11., 13.11., 14.11., 15.11., 16.11., 18.11., 19.11., 20.11. og 21.11. og 22.-23.11. for et mere teknisk præget resume af forhandlingerne i de mange spor (pdf).

Se COP19 optegnelser her på Strøtanker for 11.11., 12.11., 13.11., 14.11., 15.11., 16.-17.11., 18.11., 19.11., 20.11., 21.11., 22.11. og 23.11.

Se samtlige blog-indlæg tagged COP19.

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Cecilia Schubert: ‘Climate-warrior’ urges collective action for farmers now, CGIAR 20.11.2013.

Global Landscapes Forum video – Closing Plenary, (17.11.) 1:25:17 min. GLF webcast 19.11.2013.

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Global Landscapes Forum video – Opening Plenary Day 1, (16.11.) 48:02 min. GLF webcast 17.11.2013.

Barbara Fraser: Biological corridors help plants adapt to climate change – study, 19.11.2013.

Megan Rowling: Time to stop treating farms and forests separately – experts, Reuters 18.11.2013.

Isaiah Esipisu: Climate-smart farming could help reduce ’emissions gap’ – experts, Reuters 17.11.2013.

Sarah Carter: What and where are the low hanging fruits in climate-smart agriculture? GLF 17.11.2013.

Alex Kirby: Warsaw – Day 7: World ‘neglects climate impact on food’, Climate News Network 17.11.2013.

Megan Rowling: Not too late to get agriculture into 2015 climate deal – World Bank expert, 17.11.2013.

Fred Pearce: Why one billion farmers deserve better from COP19, CGIAR 17.11.2013.

Ruth DeFries on Landscapes and Climate Change, (4:03 min. video) GLF 17.11.2013.

A Landscape Approach: What, where and how? (9:03 min. video) GLF 17.11.2013.

Landscapes approach for sustainable development, (3:33 min. video samt konferenceoversigt) CGIAR 15.11.2013.

Enggar Paramita: Filling the emissions gap with tree based ecosystem approaches, GLF 17.11.2013.

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Rachel Kyte: Plump Goats and Pawpaws: A Story of Climate-Smart Farming in Kenya, World Bank 15.11.2013.

Jeff Smith: Water Storage key to climate change adaptation, Forests News 15.11.2013.

Paul Neate: Breaking the link between commodity agriculture and deforestation, CGIAR 15.11.2013.

Aline Mosnier: REDD+: Cutting emissions, not trees, in the Congo Basin, NEXUS 14.11.2013.

Kate Langford: COP side event: The mitigation potential of agriculture, Agroforestry News 14.11.2013.

Panelists in Warsaw Discuss Ways to Link Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies, IISD 14.11.2013.

Laurie Goering: ‘Zero net deforestation’ goals may harm natural forest – experts, Reuters 14.11.2013.

Christopher Neglia: Talking About What it Means to be Climate-Smart, IFAD 14.11.2013.

Paul Neate: Can climate-smart agriculture and forests work together at the landscape level? CCAFS 14.11.2013.

Ali Raza Rizvi: UN climate talks: the happenings and the ‘not-happenings’, IUCN 19.11.2013.

Mark Foss: The challenge of certifying forest ecosystem services, Forests News 13.11.2013.

Barbara Fraser: Combining climate-change adaptation and mitigation: a win-win option, Forests News 13.11.2013.

Cora van Oosten: Forest landscape restoration: where to start? Agriculture and Ecosystems Blog 13.11.2013.

Pieter Terpstra: Is Adaptation Short-Changed? The Imbalance in Climate Finance Commitments, WRI 13.11.2013.

The UNEP Emissions Gap Report and Climate-Smart Agriculture: ICRAF COP19 Side Event, Landscapes Blog for People, Food and Nature 13.11.2013.

Emily Davila: Bringing land back to life: Farmer Managed Natural Resource Generation, Agriculture and Ecosystems Blog 13.11.2013.

Lindsey Allen & Anna Lappé: Leaked IPCC Report Must Be Catalyst for a Reassessment of Global Food System, Our World, UN University 12.11.2013.

Climate-smart agriculture is improving the lives of millions – here’s how, CGIAR 12.11.2013.

Paul Neate: Climate-smart agriculture. Success Stories from Farming Communities Around the World, CGIAR 2013 (pdf).

Paul Neate: New report highlights lessons from national adaptation planning, CGIAR 11.11.2013.

P.J.M. Cooper et al.:  Large-scale implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions in agriculture, CCAFS Working Paper No. 50, Copenhagen, 2013 (pdf).

Bruce Campbell: How Climate-smart Agriculture Is Improving the Lives of Millions Around the World, Huffington Post 11.11.2013.

Richard Munang: Working with nature to fight climate change and food insecurity in Africa, Agriculture and Ecosystems Blog 11.11.2013.

Sara J. Scherr: A COP19 Must: Integrating Adaptation and Mitigation in Climate Finance for Land Use, Landscapes Blog For Peolpe, Food and Nature 11.11.2013.

Taryn Fransen, Smita Nakhooda & Takeshi Kuramochi: 3 Lessons for Long-Term Climate Finance, WRI 11.11.2013.

Jens Hvass: Københavns Kommunes klimatilpasningsplan, 11.04.2011.

REDD+ & 280 mio.$ skovprojekt

Vishwa Mohan: Warsaw climate summit pledges funds for afforestation, Times of India 26.11.2013.

BioCarbon Fund Launches $280 million Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes, The World Bank 20.11.2013

Fiona Harvey & John Vidal: $280m forests initiative launched at UN climate talks in Warsaw, The Guardian 20.11.2013.

Stian Reklev: Norway, UK, U.S. allocate $280 million to stop deforestation, Reuters 20.11.2013.

Jean Chemnick: Rich Nations Agree to Fund Forest Protection for Climate, Scientific American 20.11.2013.

New US$280 million Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes announced by top REDD+ donor nations, WWF 20.11.2013.

Warsaw to be known as the forest COP? Climate Change Negotiators on the Cusp of Completing REDD+ Package, WWF 20.11.2013.

Norway, UK and USA come together to pledge approximately $280 million to sustain the world’s forests, UK Gov 20.11.2013.

Alex Morales: Unilever Joins Norway, U.K., U.S. in $280 Million Forest Plan, Bloomberg 20.11.2013.

Ellysar Baroudy: Committed to Healthier Forests and Landscapes, The World Bank 19.11.2013.

Forests and Climate Change Negotiations, (video) WWF 2013.

Breen Byrnes: Expectations for REDD+ at this year’s global climate change meeting: an interview with Josefina Brana-Varela, WWF Forest and Climate Programme Policy Director, WWF 07.10.2013.

Peter Holmgren (CIFOR) on why forestry can work with agriculture, 3:55 min. RTCC video 13.11.2013.

COP19: Robert Lewis Carlson on agriculture within climate talks, 4:06 min. RTCC video 19.11.2013.

Tim Christophersen (UNEP) on REDD breakthrough in Warsaw, 5:17 min. RTC video 13.11.2013.

The BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes, (flyer) The World Bank (pdf).


