7. november 2016 arkiv

Road to COP22 – en videorapport fra Marokko

7. november 2016

Road to Cop22: Green Tourism in Marrakech (Episode 1)

Dette blog-indlæg består i al sin enkelhed af en serie af små korte videoer, som Euronews har udarbejdet forud for FNs klimatopmøde COP22 i Marrakech, som starter i dag. De seks videoer, hver omkring 3 min. i længden, giver tilsammen et godt billede af klimaindsatsen og klimaforandringerne i et land som Marokko, hvor ørkenen trænger sig på sydfra mens et stigende hav graver langs kysterne mod nord og vest. Jeg har i første omgang ladet Euronews’ små engelske introduktionstekster blive stående.

The Moroccan city of Marrakech, which is hosting the COP22 climate change summit in November, has dedicated itself to eco-tourism. Marrakech, where culture and history merge in an ambitious vision for the future, has created a number of sustainable development initiatives.

The city which is nicknamed “ochre city” is developing into a green city that encourages eco-tourism. More than 30 hotels carry the prestigious Green Key, the Eco label awarded to tourism establishments for ecological commitment and environmental responsibility.

Tourism is the second source of income in the kingdom – it makes up 12 percent of its GDP. In 2015 more than ten million tourists visited Morocco. The country’s national tourism office integrates environmental protection programmes into the tourism sector.

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