22. november 2013 arkiv

COP19: Optegnelser for 22. november

22. november 2013

Som det forlød sent natten mellem torsdag og fredag er der gode nyheder på REDD+fronten. Så her er der (som forud forventet) idet mindste ét område, hvor man nåede til konkrete resultater. Der følger endda en vis finansiering med projektet, først og fremmest fra Norge og England REDD+ har til formål én gang at sikre verdens skove mod fældning og binde større mængder af CO2 i dem. I en pressemeddelelse fra UNFCCC i dag kan man læse:

Governments at the UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw on Friday agreed a set of decisions on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and the degradation of forests.

The agreement on the so-called REDD+ initiative is backed by pledges of 280 million dollars in financing from the US, Norway and the UK.

President of the conference Marcin Korolec said: “I am proud of this concrete accomplishment. We are all aware of the central role that forests play as carbon sinks, climate stabilizers and biodiversity havens. We know the destructive impact that forest fires and deforestation have on peoples and economies. Through our negotiations, we have made a significant contribution to forest preservation and sustainable use which will benefit the people who live in and around them and humanity and the planet as a whole.”

The decisions adopted provide guidance for ensuring environmental integrity and pave the way towards the full implementation of REDD+ activities on the ground. The package also provides a foundation for transparency and integrity of REDD+ action, clarifies ways to finance relevant activities and how to improve coordination of support.” 

I hovedforhandlingssporet, hvor der gerne skulle ligge en helt klar arbejdsplan for den globale klimaaftale, som skal være klar til underskrift i Paris i slutningen af 2015, har det helt store problem i løbet af dagen været det banale, hvornår de enkelte lande skal fremlægge sine reduktionsmål for perioden 2020-30, så man kan nå at vurdere, om de nu er rimelige.

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