COP22: The CVF Marrakech Communique

18. november 2016

Mere end 40 af verdens mest sårbare nationer har slået sig sammen i CVF, Climate Vulnerable Forum. Her søger man at fremme forståelsen for nødvendigheden af ikke bare at sigte efter Paris-aftalens 2°C-målsætning, men at forfølge muligheden for at bremse temperaturudviklingen inden 1,5°C. Ud over generelt at arbejde for øget klimaambition har CVFs medlemslande således for eksempel forpligtet sig til at nå 100% vedvarende energi mellem 2030 og 2050.

På et High Level Meeting i dag ved COP22 vedtog Climate Vulnerable Forum en handlingsplan for medlemslandene, The Marrakech Vision. Den har fem hovedpunkter:

Det første indebærer opbakning til de initiativer for luftfart, skibsfart og HFC-gasser og generelt øget vægt på klimaindsatser forud for 2020. Det andet fremhæver indsatsen for hurtigt at nå 100% vedvarende energi. Det tredje fremhæver nødvendigheden af den nødvendige klimatilpasning for de særligt sårbare lande selv ved 1,5°C. Den fjerde belyser synergien mellem klimaindsatsen og de nye mål for bæredygtig udvikling, mens det femte punkt fremhæver nødvendigheden af økonomisk vækst for denne gruppe lande, som ud over at høre til verdens mest sårbare lande uretfærdigvis også i stor udstrækning tilhører verdens fattigste lande, samtidig med, at fossile subsidier osv. udfases.

Al Gore har i dag udsendt en rosende kommentar om CVFs initiativ: “Today’s commitment by the member countries of the Climate Vulnerable Forum to move toward powering their economies entirely with renewable energy is a bold vision that sets the pace for the world’s efforts to implement the Paris Agreement and move even more quickly to solve the climate crisis. These ambitious and inspiring commitments show the path forward for others and give us all renewed optimism that we are going to meet the challenge before us and meet it in time.”

CVF vedtog samtidig et Marrakech Communique. Jeg har medtaget teksten i sin helhed herunder, da den fint indfanger den stemning af uomgængelig nødvendighed, som klimaudfordringen andre steder i verden er omfattet af.

Som baggrundsrapport for CVF-initiativet har UNDP udarbejdet en rapport, som viser, at hvis vi er i stand til at holde 1,5C-målsætningen, kan det være medvirkende til at undgå klima-relaterede tab i størrelsesordenen 12 trillioner $ eller omkring 10% af GDP i 2050. Se:

Elena Kosolapova: UNDP, CVF Report: Reaching 1.5°C Temperature Goal Will Help Avoid US$12 Trillion in Losses, IISD 22.11.2016.

Se øvrige blog-indlæg tagged COP22: Strøtanker om COP22 i Marrakech 7.-18. novemberRoad to COP22 – en videorapport fra MarokkoHvad skal der til på kort sigt for at holde 1,5°C-målsætningen?UNEP Emissions Gap Report: Hvad skal der til for at holde 1,5°C?COP22: Marrakech Action Proclamation, og Klimabilleder og klimakommunikation.

Se blog-indlæg tagged COP18COP19COP21.

The Marrakech Communique (0,1 Mb pdf)


Outcome document of the CVF High Level Meeting at UNFCCC COP22 on Friday 18 November 2016.

We stand united

We, Ministers and High Level representatives, members of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, representing a significant number of nations most vulnerable to the dangers of global climate change.

We will survive and thrive

Expressing solidarity with our fellow member, Haiti, devastated by Hurricane Matthew, a humanitarian catastrophe amplified by capability constraints clearly overwhelming any capacity to adapt in a now all-too familiar repetition of disaster.

The people must know

Having committed to ensure our people are informed about the risks of climate change and are empowered as communicators to pursue solutions to address it.

We fight together

Recognizing that climate change is now one of the most pressing humanitarian concerns of our time just as its implications threaten the very survival of nations, our members among them.

Justice must be done

Being guided by the principles of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including the principle of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and pursuant to the objective to prevent our dangerous interference with the climate system.

We passed the turning point – the world is rising

Welcoming the landmark Paris Agreement for enshrining priorities encapsulated in our Manila-Paris Declaration, recalled here, notably that all Parties would strive to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius or below above pre-industrial levels.

Climate action does not limit development – it strengthens it

Recognizing also the Paris Agreement as a beacon to all sectors of society, testifying to the conviction of governments to transform the world together, leaving behind the carbon economy.

Peace is under threat

Asserting that climate change is already a major threat to the enjoyment of fundamental human rights and to the maintenance of peace and security that also requires appropriate attention and action by relevant organs of the United Nations, which our Forum will work to promote.

We need to put words into action

Reminding it as incumbent upon all countries to take actions that will make the goals, in particular the long-term temperature goal, and objectives of the Paris Agreement, a reality, marking the facilitative dialogue in 2018 as a key political moment in which to take stock of the collective efforts in relation to progress towards the long-term goal as directly informed by the Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on the impacts of 1.5 degrees and related GHG pathways.

Every effort matters

Promoting full implementation of the 2016 Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, which provides the basis for reducing emissions equivalent up to 0.5 degrees of warming, and also work towards joining the International Civil Aviation Organization’s voluntary scheme, capacity requirements providing, and to promote effective regulation of maritime emissions through the International Maritime Organization.

We have just one chance

Recalling the scientific consensus of achieving the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement whereby global emissions must peak as early as possible and by 2020 at the latest, while achieving net carbon neutrality by mid–century.

We need greater ambition now

Emphasizing that any country with an NDC not yet compliant with its fair share consistent with the Paris Agreement’s long-term goal must, therefore, in accordance with that Agreement’s provisions, update these contributions by 2020 at the latest.

We strive to lead

Further to greening our economies as our contribution towards achieving net carbon neutrality and 100% renewable energy, as well as recalling our agreement to strengthen our own national climate actions in order to lead processes to help trigger increased commitments from all countries for urgent progress towards the 1.5°C or below goal, state our commitment, in the context of robust , in the context of robust and predictavle support, to develop and submit updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as early as possible before 2020, emphasizing again that additional enabling support on means of implementation from donors, especially capacity building, is indispensable to any upscaled mitigation and adaptation action by our countries.

We will plot a clear path to the future

Preparing mid-century, long-term low GHG development strategies before 2020, connecting our short, medium and long term development pathways as we strive to limit to the maximum the increase in warming below if not well below 1.5 degrees Celsius, attaining maximal resilience, while endeavouring to achieve or exceed the Sustainable Development Goals, to the limits of our highly restricted capabilities.

We recognize progress

Noting the Roadmap presented by developed countries outlining a pathway to achieving the $100 billion per year joint climate change finance mobilization target, which aims to improve predictability of climate finance commitments.

Our resilience is a humanitarian priority

Urging increased prioritization of adaptation finance in order to safeguard lives, livelihoods, land, infrastructure, cultural heritage and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals by ensuring a 50:50 balance of finance for adaptation and mitigation by 2020, calling for continued scaling up of financial support in a balanced manner.

Commitments must be honoured

Looking forward to furher clarification on new and additional contribution, in accordance with the decisions of the UNFCCC, so as not to divert resources from critical development programmes even as all development assistance should align fully with our climate change objectives and goals.

We are also investing

Pursuing our own V20 Action Plan to 2020 we are focused on attaining a significant increase in climate investment in our countries’ public and private climate finance from wide ranging sources, including international, regional and domestic mobilization.

We must transform the marketplace

Noting the V20 commitment to establish carbon pricing regimes, we will consider and share experiences in how to effectively and fairly use such instruments.

We are pioneering

Sharing experiences in accessing climate funds and encouraging the development of joint proposals between two or more of our members, and taking forward, together with the V20, an innovative collective proposal of our members for climate action to the Green Climate Fund aiming to exceed an above average private sector finance mobilization, and encouraging all countries to make the most of public finance in light of the demands of transformational change for the world economy, while viewing the $100 billion target as a minimum that can be surpassed through concerted international collaboration.

Capacity and technology supports ambition

Pursuing also highly ambitious National Adaptation Plans fully integrated with our national development strategies, and striving to ensure pipelines of projects as we actively explore enhanced assistance and cooperation on capacity building and technology transfer and development to better enable our climate action.

We need insurance against disasters

Reinforcing the resilience of our nations, reducing disaster risk, and encouraging members to actively engage in the G7 Climate Risk Insurance which aims to extend insurance coverage for climate-related risk by 2020 to 400 million most vulnerable people in developing countries, and thereafter aim to extend insurance coverage to every community within the territories of our members.

There are benefits to climate action

Highlighting the findings of the Forum-commissioned Low Carbon Monitor developed by the United Nations Development Programme that clarify the overwhelming benefits of taking action consistent with the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

We have to protect decent work

Noting the multi-agency report on climate change and labour that identifies risks for emerging economies of as much as 10 per cent losses in working hours due to deteriorating thermal conditions in the workplace as a single impact of climate change capable of altering the economic arc of the developing nations.

We will work with you

Encouraging all members to actively engage in the NDC Partnership being established by developed countries to provide essential support for the implementation of NDCs of developing countries.

Our losses and damages cannot go unaddressed

Recognizing the importance of averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including extreme weather events and slow onset events, and the role of sustainable development in reducing the risk of loss and damage.

We back our leadership

Expressing our full support for the first African Chair of this forum of the vulnerable, Ethiopia, our designated Chair for 2018–2020, Marshall Islands, and the Troika Plus coordination hub, in leading the process to take forward these efforts through advocacy and engagement at international level.

Everyone must contribute to climate action

Expressing also our support for continued implementation of our Road Map in the domains of agriculture, education, health, human rights, gender, labour, migration/displacement, science, tourism and water, building on meaningful initiatives for addressing climate change our Forum has already promoted in the UN Human Rights Council, the International Organization of Migration, the International Labour Conference, and the World Health Organization, among other fora.

We will stand together again

Working to reconvene at Ministerial Level in 2017, together with the V20, in order to prepare for the first Summit of our full Forum to be held in 2018 as our input to the critical UNFCCC 24th Conference of the Parties.

Issued at Marrakech this 18th day of November 2016

De 48 medlemslande af Climate Vulnerable Forum, som står bag The Marrakech Communique er: Afghanistan, Haiti, Filippinerne, Bangladesh, Honduras, Rwanda, Barbados, Kenya, Saint Lucia, Bhutan, Kiribati, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, South Sudan, Cambodia, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Comoros, Maldiverne, Sudan, Costa Rica, Marshalløerne, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mongoliet, Timor-Leste, Den Dominikaske Republik, Marokko, Tunisien, Ethiopien, Nepal, Tuvalu, Fiji, Niger, Vanuatu, Ghana, Palau, Vietnam, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Yemen og Guatemala.

Climate vulnerable nations aim for 100 per cent renewable energy at talks in Marrakech, (Reuters, AAP) Sydney Morning Herald 19.11.2016.

Zahra Hirji: Climate Change’s Most Vulnerable Nations Vow to Run Entirely on Renewable Energy, InsideClimate News 18.11.2016.

‘We strive to lead,’ climate-vulnerable countries declare, pledging robust action on Paris accord, UN News Centre 18.11.2016.

Jennifer L. Morgan: The World Unites, The Vulnerable Inspire – But Hard Work Ahead, Huffington Post 18.11.2016.

Matt Payton: Nearly 50 countries vow to use 100% renewable energy by 2050, The Independent 18.11.2016.

