Så er COP18 skudt i gang. I de næste 2 uger vil verdens lande dels forsøge at komme nærmere en global klimaaftale, dels prøve at få Kyoto-aftalen fortsat for den lille gruppe lande, som er til sinds at binde sig i årene frem mod 2020.
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Se indlæg tagged COP18 video, COP18 noter, COP18 links, COP18, COP17, COP16, COP15.
Roger Harrabin: Doha climate talks: US faces dilemma over final text, BBC News 08.12.2012.
Alister Doyle & Barbara Lewis: Weak plan to save Kyoto pushes climate talks to brink, Reuters 08.12.2012.
Qatar seeks to extend Kyoto to break climate change deadlock, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 08.12.2012.
James Murray: Doha deal in balance as “Loss and Damage” text tabled, Businesss Green 08.12.2012.
Ed King: UN climate talks: Why is loss and damage so controversial? RTCC 08.12.2012.
Bangladesh, Maldives front runners in adapting to climate change impacts: WB, The Daily Star 08.12.2012.
John Parnell: ‘Loss and damage’ to make or break Doha climate talks, RTCC 08.12.2012.
Steps taken to save Amazon forests, cop18.qa 08.12.2012.
Karl Ritter: UN Climate Talks: Aid To Developing Countries Disputed On Final Day, (AP) Huffington Post 08.12.2012.
Bikash Singh: Several areas in Assam witnessing change in rainfall pattern: Study on climate change, The Times of India 08.12.2012.
Zack Beauchamp: U.S. Senator Protests Climate Talks With Activist Who Believes The UN Is The Anti-Christ, Climate Progress 08.12.2012.
Sophie Trevitt: The Morning After Stock-Take, International Political Forum 08.12.2012.
Countries have to close ranks to cut greenhouse gas emission: Al-Naimi, Saudi Gazette 08.12.2012.
Selina Juul: Kom ud af hamsterhjulet. COP18: Nekrolog for klimabølgen, Jyllandsposten 07.12.2012.
Fiona Harvey: Doha climate talks stall over draft text wording, The Guardian 07.12.2012.
Submission from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates, UNFCCC 07.12.2012 (pdf).
Ed King: Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain & UAE make mysterious climate pledge, RTCC 07.12.2012.
Fiona Harvey: UN climate summit’s Qatari hosts under fire as talks drag on, The Guardian 07.12.2012.
Roger Harrabin: ‘Hot-air’ release at Doha climate talks dispels tension, BBC News 07.12.2012.
Karl Ritter: Money in focus as UN climate talks enter last day, AP 07.12.2012.
Michael Casey: UN climate talks go into overtime in Qatar, (AP) Contra Costa Times 07.12.2012.
Jesper Løbenbalk Hansen: Klimakampens uovervindelige ildsjæle, Information 07.12.2012.
Jesper Løbenbalk Hansen: Dagbog fra Doha: Håbløshedens logik, Information 07.12.2012.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Permafrosten tør, og FN’s klimapanel tier, Information 07.12.2012.
Rebecca Lefton & Andrew Light: Deadlock In Doha: Is Qatar Going To Be The Place Where International Agreements Go To Die? Climate Progress 07.12.2012.
Jessica Shankleman: But COP18 talks likely to continue into tomorrow as negotiators attempt to tie together key strands, Business Green 07.12.2012.
Richard Harris: At Doha Climate Talks, Modest Results At Best, NPR 07.12.2012.
John Parnell: Most vulnerable nations urged not to sign weak climate deal, RTCC 07.12.2012.
UN Climate Talks in Doha, (audio m. transscript, interview med Alden Meyer) Living on Earth 07.12.2012.
Ed King: Clock ticking for UN climate talks as tempers fray in Doha, RTCC 07.12.2012.
Stephen Leahy: A Hotter World Is a Hungry World, IPS 07.12.2012.
Michael Marshall: Doha climate talks stumbling towards a deal, New Scientist 07.12.2012.
John Parnell: Tension mounts as UN climate talks enter final day in Doha, RTCC 07.12.2012.
Louise Gray: Climate change deal limping towards ‘disappointing’ conclusion, 07.12.2012.
Nicole Ghio: World Bank’s New Climate Strategy: Keep Financing Coal, Just Don’t Call It A Coal Plant, Climate Progress 07.12.2012.
Julia Whitty: Yikes! Government Details 6 Most Terrifying Arctic Trends, Mother Jones 07.12.2012.
Invention demonstrates how humidity can be turned into water, cop18.qa 07.12.2012.
Regan Doherty: Qatar deports activists after climate talks protest: group, Reuters 07.12.2012.
Religions agree prayer has a role in war on climate change, cop18.qa 07.12.2012.
Avaaz launch drive to boost US climate finance contributions, RTCC 07.12.2012.
Sophie Trevitt: Stop Blaming Civil Society, International Political Forum 07.12.2012.
Ed King: Doha protests as doubts grow over Qatari leadership at UN climate talks, RTCC 07.12.2012.
The Doha Climate Change Conference: Getting to ‘Yes’ – 194 Times, Zahwya 06.12.2012.
Vesela Todorova: Middle East faces extreme climate change, The National 06.12.2012.
John Vidal: Will Philippines negotiator’s tears change our course on climate change? The Guardian 06.12.2012.
Philippines negotiator makes emotional plea at Doha climate talks – video, The Guradian 06.12.2012.
Ministers from 25 Nations Commit to Scaling Up Voluntary Action to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants, UNEP 06.12.2012.
Fiona Harvey: Rare note of harmony at Doha as action agreed on black carbon, The Guardian 06.12.2012.
Jörg Schindler: US Disappoints at Doha Climate Talks, Der Spiegel 06.12.2012.
Suzanne Goldenberg: US envoy’s cutting remark on C02 emissions fails to add up, The Guardian 06.12.2012.
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