Fukushima links år 3 – første halvår
11. november 2011Den oprindelige link-side med links om udfoldelsen af problemerne efter Fukushima Daiichi-katastrofen var efterhånden blevet så lang, at det var på tide at opdele den. Herunder finder man således links fra tredje år (det første halvår), mens de to forudgående indlæg, Fukushima links år 1, og Fukushima links år 2 rummer links fra de første to år efter katastrofedagen. Og link-siden for år tre blev efterhånden så uhåndterlig lang, at den er delt i to: Fukushima links år 3 – første halvår samt Fukushima links år 3 – andet halvår.
Siden juni 2012 har jeg næsten dagligt lavet små optegnelser over udviklingen omkring genstarten af de japanske reaktorer og vedtagelsen af en ny energiplan, som bringer Japan ind i en udvikling baseret på vedvarende energi. Disse optegnelser er holdt månedsvis – se tilsvarende optegnelser for juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november og december 2012, januar, februar, marts, april, maj, juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november og december 2013 samt januar, februar og marts 2014. I den forbindelse er der medtaget ganske mange links til belysning af den politiske side af energiplanens tilblivelse, som ikke findes herunder.
Det har vist sig, at både Mainichi og Kyodo inddrager de fleste af deres nyhedsartikler. Frem for at fjerne disse links fra oversigten er de givet en brun farve og link-henvisningen er fjernet. Hvis det er noget, man meget gerne vil læse, vil en Google-søgning på overskriften (sat i gåseøjne) ofte afsløre, at der er en tredjepart, som har indkopieret artikelteksten. Det vil blot være uoverkommeligt at gøre for samtlige artikler, så jeg har valgt at lade overskriften stå for at bevare overskriftsbilledet af en proces med mange variable.
Hen over sommeren 2013 har jeg sat paper.li-siden Fukushima Blues op, så den hver morgen kl. 8 dansk tid opdateres med nyhedsartikler, videoer mv. om om Fukushima-katastrofen og dens udfoldelse i det japanske samfund. Der dukker indimellem regulære skæverter op, men omvendt kommer man med Fukushima Blues langt omkring i informationsstrømmen omkring Fukushima Daiichi.
Gå direkte til links for marts, april, maj, juni, juli og august.
Se samtlige blog-indlæg om Fukushima.
September 2013
… opdateres løbende.
NHK: Attempts to stop Fukushima contamination flowing into ocean have failed — Japan Nuclear Expert: “Most likely flowing fairly quickly into sea” from nearby Reactor No. 2, Energy News 11.09.2013.
Now Japan must deliver, (leder) Japan Times 11.09.2013.
Christian Sarich: Miso Soup Found to Protect Against Radiation Exposure, Natural Society 11.09.2013.
Scrap nuclear power in Sweden: Social Democrat, The Local 11.09.2013.
Fukushima Unit 4 Fuel Removal Risks, Simply Info 11.09.2013.
Ministry angers residents by pushing back Fukushima cleanup, Asahi Shimbun 11.09.2013.
Decontamination work delayed in 7 Fukushima municipalities, Mainichi 11.09.2013.
Finlay Colville: Recharged Japan Solar PV Industry Hits 10 GW of Installed Capacity, SolarBuzz 11.09.2013.
David McNeill & Miguel Quintana: Return to the radiation zone: Fukushima clean-up operation mired in fear and misinformation, The Independent 11.09.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: No. 1 chief pleased with Olympics bid; tritium reading doubles, Japan Times 11.09.2013.
Japan ponders Fukushima options, but TEPCO too big to fail, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 11.09.2013.
Xinhua: “Indications are that there is a second leak” at Fukushima, says Japan expert – Fish over 140 km from plant have shown extremely high levels of contamination, Energy News 11.09.2013.
Jon Day & Liu Tian: TEPCO failing to solve Japan’s nuke crisis, but gov’t keeping away on financial concern, Xinhua News 11.09.2013.
Japan Marine Expert: Fukushima radioactive tanks may have already been emptied into Pacific Ocean -Xinhua, Energy News 11.09.2013.
2011 disaster survivors stuck in housing limbo, Asahi Shimbun 11.09.2013.
Eric Johnston: Kansai not overly enthusiastic about Tokyo landing Olympics, Japan Times 11.09.2013.
Finlay Colville: Recharged Japan Solar PV Industry Hits 10 GW of Installed Capacity, SolarBuzz 11.09.2013.
Japan disaster, economic crisis prompt IAEA to cut nuclear growth projection, Eco-Business 10.09.2013.
Fredrik Dahl: Japan disaster, economic crisis prompt IAEA to cut nuclear growth projection, Reuters 10.09.2013.
Marco Evers: Japan’s Nuclear Migraine: A Never-Ending Disaster at Fukushima, Der Spiegel 10.09.2013.
Minoru Matsutani: Japan hopes to blow ahead in renewables with floating wind farm, Japan Times 10.09.2013.
Fukushima victims angered at decision not to prosecute officials, Asahi Shimbun 10.09.2013.
Water highly irradiated near leaky tank, (AFP-Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 10.09.2013.
Disaster areas critically short of manpower, (Jiji) Japan Times 10.09.2013.
Japan Times: Prime Minister telling “outright lie”? — Experts: Nuclear material “has kept gushing into Pacific far beyond man-made bay” — Fukushima fisherman: “He must be kidding… he doesn’t know what’s going”, Energy News 10.09.2013.
Mari Saito: Fukushima plant operator names U.S. adviser to aid clean-up, Reuters 10.09.2013.
Japan Nuclear Expert: I was “flabbergasted” by Olympic speech — Fukushima reactors are actually destroyed and constantly leaking in ocean – Contamination dumping into sea – PM: “It’s contained in 0.3 km² area of harbor”, Energy News 10.09.2013.
Abe wasn’t originally going to mention radioactive water leak in Olympic speech, Mainichi 10.09.2013.
Doubt cast on Abe’s assurance to IOC about Fukushima leaks, Asahi Shimbun 10.09.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Abe’s assurance to IOC on nuclear plant called into question, Japan Times 10.09.2013.
Japan disaster, economic crisis prompt IAEA to cut nuclear growth projection, Eco-Business 10.09.2013.
Speeches by Tokyo bid committee members during final presentation to IOC, Mainichi 10.09.2013.
Candy Chan & Amy Nip: Ban all fish from Japan to ease fears, says Hong Kong food expert, South China Morning Post 10.09.2013.
Leak from Fukushima tank contaminating groundwater, Asahi Shimbun 10.09.2013.
Abe’s assurance over Fukushima radioactive water comes under question, Mainichi 10.09.2013.
New hotspot: TEPCO detects high groundwater radiation at Fukushima plant, RT 10.09.2013.
Fukushima refugees disappointed that ex-PM, TEPCO execs escape prosecution, Mainichi 10.09.2013.
Ko Shu-ling: Taiwan’s 4th nuclear plant might be ready for loading fuel rods in Sept.: ministry, Kyodo 10.09.2013.
Lucas W. Hixson: Spread of contamination likely to prevent TEPCO from pumping groundwater into the ocean, Enformable 10.09.2013.
High radiation detected at Fukushima monitoring well: reports, (AFP) France 24 09.09.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Reactor makers look abroad as home market fizzles, Japan Times 09.09.2013.
Prosecutors decide not to indict anyone related to Fukushima nuclear accident, Asahi Shimbun 09.09.2013.
Ida Torres: Japanese fishermen object to planned release of Fukushima water into Pacific Ocean, Japan Daily Press 09.09.201
Masaaki Kameda: Games nod pressures Tokyo to act, Japan Times 09.09.2013.
Stress-induced deaths in Fukushima top those from 2011 natural disasters, Mainichi 09.09.2013.
Feed-in-tariff system should be used to recharge local communities, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 09.09.2013.
Phred Dvorak: A New Groundwater Problem, Wall Street Journal 09.09.2013.
Nuclear Consultant: They will have to maintain Fukushima ice wall for hundreds of years if ever installed, Energy News 09.09.2013.
Philippa H. Stewart: Fukushima’s financial fallout, Aljazeera 09.09.2013.
Kan, Tepco execs avoid charges over nuclear disaster, (Kyodo) Japan Times 09.09.2013.
Gundersen: Spent fuel likely to break when pulled from Fukushima Unit 4 pool – Racks have been distorted; Fuel rods overheated – Suspects some will be stuck there for long, long time, Energy News 09.09.2013.
Hirotaka Kojo & Eiji Zakoda: Quake reconstruction budget still used for unrelated projects, Asahi Shimbun 09.09.2013.
Radio: Problems looming at Fukushima plant; Soil unstable, risk of liquefaction – CBC: If fuel pool comes down, release could be dozens of times larger than Chernobyl, Energy News 09.09.2013.
Asahi poll: 72% criticize government’s response to Fukushima radioactive water leak issue, Asahi Shimbun 09.09.2013.
Lake H. Barrett: Fixing Fukushima’s water problem, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 09.09.2013.
David Icke: Boycott The Radioactive 2020 Olympics Of Death, 08.09.2013.
Yoichi Shimatsu: Boycott The Radioactive 2020 Olympics Of Death, rense.com 08.09.2013.
Abe hopes Tokyo Olympics will ring out period of deflation, Asahi Shimbun 08.09.2013.
Gundersen: Fukushima reactor cores are in crisis as bad as ‘China Syndrome’, Energy News 08.09.2013.
Hosting Olympics to lift Japan’s GDP by 0.5%: estimate, (Kyodo) Japan Times 08.09.2013.
Ed Odeven: What others are saying about Tokyo’s winning Olympic bid, Japan Times 08.09.2013.
Tokyo wins bid to host 2020 Olympics, (Kyodo) Japan Times 08.09.2013.
Tokyo emerges triumphant in race for 2020 Summer Games, Asahi Shimbun 08.09.2013.
Tokyo Olympics to be held from July to August 2020 under theme ‘Discover Tomorrow’, Mainichi 08.09.
Masaaki Kameda: Tokyo Olympic bid committee makes last-ditch pitch for 2020 Games, Japan Times 08.09.2013.
The Characterization of Chernobyl Findings by Fukushima Medical University’s Thyroid Survey, Paul Langley’s Nuclear History Blog 08.09.2013.
Richard Osley & Oscar Quine: ‘The safe Games’: Judges convinced over Fukushima fallout fears as Tokyo wins the race to host 2020 Olympics, The Independent 08.09.2013.
Elain Lies: Japan anticipates Olympic boost, but Fukushima shadows linger, Reuters 08.09.2013.
Nuclear Expert: Biggest concern at Fukushima is the huge source of radioactivity from molten fuel and spent fuel pools winding up in ocean – “The health of the entire Northern Pacific is at stake”, Energy News 07.09.2013.
Finland seeks lessons after Fukushima on nuclear complacency culture, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 07.09.2013.
Stephen Wilson: Tokyo, Istanbul, Madrid make final 45-minute pitches ahead of 2020 vote, Japan Today 07.09.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Science panel recommends strengthening inspection of Fukushima-grown produce, Asahi Shimbun 07.09.2013.
Inose slams Fukushima coverage, (AFP-Jiji) Japan Times 07.09.2013.
Momentum for 2020 Games with Tokyo: Tokyo Gov. Inose, Mainichi 07.09.2013.
Rowan Hopper: Fukushima: health disaster or PR fail? Japan Times 07.09.2013.
South Korean ban on Japanese seafood imports could hurt fisheries industry as a whole, Asahi Shimbun 07.09.2013.
Charlie Smith: IOC grants Tokyo 2020 Olympics, despite ongoing concerns over Fukushima power plant, straight.com 07.09.2013.
Rowan Hopper: Fukushima: health disaster or PR fail? Japan Times 07.09.2013.
Fukushima residents rap Tokyo Olympics bid chief over nuclear crisis, Kyodo 06.09.2013.
Keiji Hirano: Outgoing antinuclear mayor attacks Japan’s nuclear exports, Kyodo 06.09.2013.
Ida Torres: Anti-nuclear mayor calls gov’t export of nuclear power ‘unethical’, ‘shameful’, Japan Daily Press 06.09.2013.
Mattt Slater: Olympics: How Madrid has edged ahead in 2020 host city vote, BBC news 06.09.2013.
S. Korea bans fishery imports due to radioactive water leak on eve of Olympic vote, Asahi Shimbun 06.09.2013.
2,020 candles cheer Tokyo for successful bid to host 2020 Olympics, Mainichi 06.09.2013.
Reconstruction Agency must listen to victims of nuclear disaster, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 06.09.2013.
Crime up among No. 1 plant staff, (Jiji) Japan Times 06.09.2013.
Tokyo Olympic bid committee on the defensive over radioactive water at Fukushima nuke plant, Mainichi 06.09.2013.
South Korea bans fisheries imports from Fukushima area, BBC News 06.09.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: At stake in bid – ¥3 trillion, Japan Times 06.09.2013.
Nuclear Engineer: Fuel appears damaged in Fukushima Unit 4 pool and will fall apart if they pull it up – Make sure your radiation monitor works so you know what’s going on when something drops, Energy News 06.09.2013.
Gov’t agency kept meetings on nuke disaster support off-record, withheld documents, Mainichi 06.09.2013.
Team holds second Olympics presentation rehearsal, (Kyodo) Japan Times 06.09.2013.
Meeyoung Cho & Mari Saito: South Korea extends Japan fisheries ban as Fukushima concerns grow, Reuters 06.09.2013.
Masaaki Kameda: Experts uncertain about Tokyo bid, Japan Times 05.09.2013.
Tokyo Olympic bid news conference hit with questions about nuke plant contamination, Mainichi 05.09.2013.
David Hueston: JOC delegates in radiation spin control, (Kyodo, AP) Japan Times 05.09.2013.
Atsushi Akutsu: Japan assures IOC Tokyo is safe ahead of Summer Games vote, Asahi Shimbun 05.09.2013.
The Road Less Taken: Energy Choices for the Future, (med transskript af videoen) Fairewinds 05.09.2013.
Hamaoka plant holds Nankai drill, (Jiji) Japan Times 05.09.2013.
TV: People will be consuming radioactive material coming from Fukushima – Seafood “much further away” from region will have unacceptable levels of contamination at times, says senior scientist, Energy News 05.09.2013.
Chisaki Watanabe: Japan Fuel Cell Market Ripe After Fukushima, Bloom Energy Says, Bloomberg 05.09.2013.
Michael Greger: Fukushima and Radioactivity in Seafood, (m. video) 04.09.2013.
Eleazar David Melendez: 2020 Olympics Likely To Go To Madrid: Source, Huffington Post 04.09.2013.
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Bid Shadowed by Fukushima, Discovery News 04.09.2013.
NRA team still seems leaning toward ruling fault under Aomori nuke plant is active, (Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 04.09.2013.
Prime minister’s office rushes to address Fukushima contamination as Olympic vote nears, Mainichi 04.09.2013.
Trade minister says Japan in contact with U.S., others on Fukushima water crisis, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 04.09.2013.
Ministry meeting on greenhouse gases scheduled, but carbon dioxide off the agenda, Mainichi 04.09.2013.
Mizuho Aoki: Tokyo sets up English website on radiation, Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Mayor gets disaster response award, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Fukushima leaks won’t be threat to Tokyo Olympics – bid leader, RT 03.09.2013.
New radiation spike found near Fukushima nuclear plant water tanks, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2013.
NRA experts agree ‘crush zone’ at Oi nuclear plant is not active fault, Mainichi 03.09.2013.
Justin McCurry: Japan earmarks £300m+ for Fukushima cleanup, The Guardian 03.09.2013.
Fukushima water release unavoidable: Japan watchdog, AFP 03.09.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: Academic society recommends releasing radioactive tritium into sea, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Abe steps in to tackle nuclear water crisis, Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Gov’t to spend 47 bil. yen to fight Fukushima toxic water, (Kyodo) Mainichi 03.09.2013.
Government to spend ¥47 billion to tackle water problem at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2013.
Mari Yamaguchi: Japan to fund costly ice wall around Fukushima reactors to contain radioactive water leaks, AP 03.09.2013.
Japan to Spend Almost $500 Million on Water Crisis at Fukushima Nuclear Plant, (Reuters) New York Times 03.09.2013.
Kishida eyes nuke projects in Brazil, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Radioactive water leaks call Japan’s crisis management capability into question, (leder) Mainichi 03.09.2013.
Clare Leschin-Hoar: In the Aftermath of Radiation, Is Fish From the Pacific Ocean Safe to Eat? Take Part 03.09.2013.
Residents file criminal complaint against TEPCO over Fukushima leaks, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2013.
Tepco dealt another criminal complaint, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Fear and Fukushima, World Nuclear News 03.09.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Approx. 90% of contaminated water tank is already full, Fukushima Dairy 03.09.2013.
No active fault under Oi plant, NRA team says, (Jiji) Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Phred Dvorak & Mari Iwata: Fukushima Cleanup to Test Japan Government, Wall Street Journal 03.09.2013.
Japanese government turns on TEPCO after latest Fukushima failures, (audio) ABC 03.09.2013.
Fukushima No. 4 fuel pool “is perhaps the greatest threat humanity has ever faced” – CEO, Energy News 03.09.2013.
Evgeny Sukhoi: Fukushima radioactive leak is ‘the greatest threat humanity ever faced’ – expert, The Voice of Russia 02.09.2013.
Anthony Bond: New radiation leaks from Fukushima could be ‘lethal within four hours’ as safety concerns at nuclear power plant increase, Daily Mail 02.09.2013.
Tanks said built in haste, bound to leak, (Jiji) Japan 02.09.2013.
High radiation levels detected in water leaking from Fukushima plant tank pipes, Mainichi 02.09.2013.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima: Japan promises swift action on nuclear cleanup, The Guardian 02.09.2013.
Don’t let Fukushima nuke disaster devolve into another Battle of Guadalcanal, Mainichi 02.09.2013.
Leaking pipe connecting tanks adds more woes at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 02.09.2013.
News Navigator: What is ALPS, and can it solve the radioactive water crisis? Mainichi 02.09.2013.
Oi reactor halt leaves just one unit still online, (Kyodo) Japan Times 02.09.2013.
Don’t let Fukushima nuke disaster devolve into another Battle of Guadalcanal, Mainichi 02.09.2013.
Oi reactor checks to temporarily halt nuclear power generation, (Kyodo) Japan Times 01.09.2013.
New disaster evacuation rules say firefighters must flee before helping others, Mainichi 01.09.2013.
Chubu Electric eyes April rate hike, (Kyodo) Japan Times 01.09.2013.
Governor: Who instructed Tepco to lie for months and say Fukushima didn’t melt down? “It should have been explained there were reasons why lies had to be told”, Energy News 01.09.2013.
RO Waste Water Leak at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Spot with 1,800 Millisieverts/Hr “Dose Equivalent” Found, Hilarity Ensued, EX-SKF 01.09.2013.
High radiation readings suggest new tank water leak at Fukushima, (Kyodo) Mainichi 01.09.2013.
Ryuta Koike: Leaks suspected from more tanks at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 01.09.2013.
Edan Corkill: Naoto Kan speaks out, Japan Times 01.09.2013.
Fukushima plant worker says leaks were feared when water tanks constructed, Kyodo 01.09.2013.
Tetsuji Hashimoto: Radiation readings spike at water tank at Japan’s ruined nuclear plant, (Reuters) Chicago Tribune 01.09.2013.
New radioactive hotspots suggest more leaks at Fukushima, RT 01.09.2013.
Douglas A. Yates: Fukushima’s comeback: Radiation from unending mess could threaten Alaska’s fisheries, Daily News Miner 01.09.2013.
August 2013
Contamination levels skyrocket at Fukushima plant, up nearly 2,000% – NHK: Quadrillions of becquerels already released; “Gov’t needs to take charge entirely”, Energy News 31.08.2013.
Toru Furushu: New device tests food for radioactive content more efficiently, Asahi Shimbun 31.08.2013.
Martin Fackler: Radiation Near Japanese Plant’s Tanks Suggests New Leaks, New York Times 31.08.2013.
Jake Edelstein: Japan’s nuclear comedy just goes on and on, Japan Times 31.08.2013.
Fishermen ponder whether Olympic bid, not safety is priority for Diet, Asahi Shimbun 31.08.2013.
“Very clear and present danger”: New push to dump radioactive Fukushima water in Pacific – Or boil it in large kettle and release steam into atmosphere for many years – Or do both says UC Berkeley professor, Energy News 31.08.2013.
Tomohiro Yamamoto: Program to provide jobs to disaster victims misses target, Asahi Shimbun 31.08.2013.
U.S. Nuclear Insider: Will be challenge to get “what’s left” of Fukushima’s melted fuel – Eventually they want to limit “material in substructure” from escaping, Energy News 31.08.2013.
Government finally decides on basic policy to help Fukushima victims, Asahi Shimbun 31.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Nuclear Regulation Authority “Reactor4 possibly had 2~3 strong explosions in 311″, Fukushima Dairy 30.08.2013.
Female Thyroid Cancer, Incidence, 1975 – 2008, all data available, official Japanese estimates, Paul Langley’s Blog 30.08.2013.
Christopher Foote: Evaluating Fukushima: fallout from a butterfly controversy, BMC Blog 30.08.2013.
Nilima Choudhury: Japanese grid faces clean energy ‘congestion’ dilemma, RTCC 30.08.2013.
Eric Johnston: Japan under increasing pressure to accept outside nuclear help, Japan Times 30.08.2013.
Jacob Adelman & Yuji Okada: Japan’s Trade Ministry Seeks Budget Boost for Fukushima Cleanup, Bloomberg 30.08.2013.
Koji Ueda: Fukushima fishermen can’t catch a break, (AP) Japan Times 30.08.2013.
Government under fire for slow response to Fukushima leak, Asahi Shimbun 30.08.2013.
Government to set up office in Fukushima to find sites to store radioactive soil, (Jiji) Japan Times 30.08.2013.
Abe: Government will take charge of Fukushima radioactive water leak, Asahi Shimbun 29.08.2013.
What Must Be Done To Save Fukushima & The Pacific, Simply Info 29.08.2013.
Nicole Mortillaro: Fukushima waste to reach west coast of Canada in three years, Global News 29.08.2013.
Issei Kato: The quiet of a nuclear beach, Reuters Photographers Blog 29.08.2013.
NRA urges monitoring of Fukushima sea, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 29.08.2013.
Charles Digges: Japanese nuke regulators say Fukushima Daiichi operator botching cleanup job, Bellona 29.08.2013.
Phared Dvorak: Previous Experiments With Ice Walls, Wall Street Journal 29.08.2013.
Eric Johnston: Fukushima spill snags reactor restart quest, Japan Times 29.08.2013.
Quirin Schiermeier & Jay Alabaster: Government ‘must step in’ to halt Fukushima leaks, Nature 29.08.2013.
NRA urges monitoring of Fukushima sea, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 29.08.2013.
TEPCO’s sloppy oversight of radioactive water tanks continued even after advice, (Kyodo) Mainichi 29.08.2013.
Fishermen lash out at Tepco over toxic water, (Kyodo) Japan Times 29.08.2013.
Environment Ministry giving out radiation dosimeters to Fukushima residents, Mainichi 29.08.2013.
Andrew Dewit & Chrisopher Hobson: Government must take over Fukushima nuclear cleanup, Japan Times 29.08.2013.
Radioactive water should be diluted, released into ocean: experts, Mainichi 29.08.2013.
Japan nuclear regulator raps Tepco’s monitoring of toxic water tank, (Bloomberg, Kyodo) Japan Times 29.08.2013.
Fukushima plant in national emergency says governor – “Severe radioactive contamination with serious health affects on local population” – ‘Global intervention’ suggested, Energy News 29.08.2013.
Abe: Government will take charge of Fukushima radioactive water leak, Asahi Shimbun 29.08.2013.
Will Fukushima now officially be referred to as worst nuclear disaster in world history? Study estimates Japan plant released 100 quadrillion becquerels (PBq) of cesium into atmosphere… In a single day, Energy News 29.08.2013.
Yuriy Humber, Chisaki Watanabe & Masumi Suga: Fukushima Fishermen Ruined by Tepco Now Key in Radiation Fight, Bloomberg 29.08.2013.
Bloomberg: Japan gov’t needs to understand crisis at Fukushima is a matter of life and death – ABC Interview: “They are slowly killing us… They know full well it’s leaking, but they’ve done nothing”, Energy News 29.08.2013.
Aaron Sheldrick & Mari Saito: Japan official wants Fukushima operator Tepco to be liquidated, (Reuters) Planet Ark 29.08.2013.
Harumi Ozawa: Japan should stop ‘confusing messages’ on Fukushima: IAEA, phys.org 29.08.2013.
Luca H. Hixson: Japan still has not responded to South Korea’s request for radiation data, Enformable 28.08.2013.
TEPCO Restart Of Kashiwazaki Kariwa Appearing Less Likely, Simply Info 28.08.2013.
Connor Simpson: Latest Fukushima Leaks Prompt Grim Assessment from Nuclear Agencies, The Wire 28.08.2013.
Severity level of Fukushima water leak raised to ‘serious’, (Kyodo, APF-Jiji) Japan Times 28.08.2013.
Fukushima crisis new blow to fishermen’s hopes, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 28.08.2013.
Gov’t decides to put off target date for decontaminating area near Fukushima plant, Mainichi 28.08.2013.
NRA formally raises Fukushima water leak to INES Level 3 incident, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 28.08.2013.
John Upton: Fukushima keeps on leaking, Japan keeps on issuing confusing explanations, Grist 28.08.2013.
As Fukushima Raises Severity Level, Nuclear Expert Warns Radioactive Leaks Will Only “Get Worse”, (video) Democracy Now 28.08.2013.
Ex-PM Junichiro Koizumi pushes for a ‘zero nuclear power’ Japan, Japan Daily Press 28.08.2013.
Fukushima water leak likely went undetected for more than a month, Asahi Shimbun 28.08.2013.
Tepco to sell Ginza building to Yomiuri Shimbun group, (Kyodo) Japan Times 28.08.2013.
Industry ministry to demand funds to tackle radioactive water leaks, Mainichi 28.08.2013.
Large methane hydrate deposits likely in Sea of Japan, Asahi Shimbun 28.08.2013.
Taiwan returns irradiated containers, (Kyodo) Japan Times 28.08.2013.
Yasuji Nagai: Experts urge Japan to break away from ‘failed’ nuclear reprocessing program, Asahi Shimbun 28.08.2013.
TEPCO didn’t take measurements of problem tank after ground sank, Mainichi 28.08.2013.
Continuing Monju project doesn’t make sense, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 27.08.2013.
Japan Professor compares cesium-137 releases from radiation disasters: Fukushima at up to 77 quadrillion Bq (77 PBq); Chernobyl at 85 quadrillion Bq (85 PBq) – Fukushima releases ongoing, Energy News 27.08.2013.
Gen Okamoto: Nuclear accident evacuees to sue government, TEPCO for damages, Asahi Shimbun 27.08.2013.
‘Whack-a-mole’ Tepco can’t cut it, so state steps in, (Bloomberg) 27.08.2013.
More cleanups planned in Fukushima where radiation levels have rebounded, Asahi Shimbun 27.08.2013.
Nuclear experts concerned about water flow “reversing” due to Fukushima underground ice plan – Even more highly radioactive liquid inside reactor buildings to enter aquifer? Energy News 27.08.2013.
Industry minister inspects Fukushima nuke plant following radioactive water leakage, Mainichi 27.08.2013.
Andrew Karam: Just How Dangerous Are the Fukushima Leaks? Popular Mechanics 26.08.2013.
Erik Holm: Havareret atomkraftværk kæmper med radioaktivt vand, Ingeniøren 26.08.2013.
Benjamin Sovacool: Is Fukushima the new normal for nuclear reactors? The Conversation 26.08.2013.
Fukushima Daiichi Sends Japan Govt. Into Tailspin, Simply Info 26.08.2013.
Harvey Wassermann: Dr. Hansen, We Need You at Fukushima and Diablo Canyon, TruthDig 26.08.2013.
Nuclear Engineer: Estimated 276 quadrillion Bq of Cs-137 entered Fukushima basements – Triple Chernobyl total release – A portion “has already made its way to aquifer, whence it can easily flow into sea”, Energy News 26.08.2013.
Antoni Slodkowski: Fukushima operator to seek foreign advice on toxic water, Reuters 26.08.2013.
David Biello: Lights Out?: How the Grid Copes When a Nuclear Power Plant Goes Down, Scientific American 26.08.2013.
ALPS filter off till at least September, (Bloomberg) 26.08.2013.
Japan eyes emergency funds for Fukushima containment bid, RT 26.08.2013.
Trade minister vows help in resolving nuke crisis, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 26.08.2013.
‘Mismanaged’ leaks to require reserve funds, (Jiji, AP, Kyodo) Japan Times 26.08.2013.
Japan may dip into budget reserves to fight Fukushima toxic water, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 26.08.2013.
Outside help offered to deal with Tepco debacle, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 26.08.2013.
Takao Yamada: Former PM Koizumi’s anti-nuclear case makes sense, Mainichi 26.08.2013.
Talks on new greenhouse gas emissions target stalled amid conflict between ministries, Mainichi 26.08.2013.
West Coast of North America to Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation, Eaw For Beauty 26.08.2013.
More Fukushima evacuees to sue Tepco, government, (Jiji) Japan Times 26.08.2013.
Japan foreign min. visits Chernobyl to apply insight to Fukushima, (Kyodo) Mainichi 26.08.2013.
Plugging Tepco’s brain drain, Japan Times 26.08.2013.
91 percent of Japanese want gov’t to step in at Fukushima nuke plant: Mainichi poll, Mainichi 26.08.2013.
Trade minister vows help in resolving nuke crisis, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 26.08.2013.
Takashi Hirokawa, Jacob Adelman, Peter Langan & Yuji Okada: Fukushima Leaks Prompt Government to ‘Emergency Measures’, Bloomberg 26.08.2013.
Christopher Busby: Worse than Chernobyl: The inner threat of Fukushima crisis, Veterans Today 25.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Stop and Think – Is nationalization of Fukushima decommissioning without new invention the right way to go? Fukushima Dairy 25.08.2013.
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: RO Waste Water Tank That Leaked Had Been Moved from Another Area After Ground Sank, EX-SKF 25.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: 1,388 m³ of groundwater used to flow into the plant everyday before 311, Fukushima Dairy 25.08.2013.
Tepco’s tank leaks blamed on seals, reassembly, (AP, AFP-Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 25.08.2013.
Tank where toxic water leaked may have been deformed: TEPCO, (Kyodo) Mainichi 25.08.2013.
Ground subsidence could have damaged leaky tank at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 25.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Cs-134/137 density of reactor 1 seawater increasing over 10 times much since this May, Fukushima Dairy 25.08.2013.
Contamination now spiking in seawater off Fukushima plant – Asahi reports up to 18-fold increase in a week, Energy News 25.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Tepco reused the tanks that went through land subsidence since 2011, Fukushima Dairy 24.08.2013.
Strong oversight of Tepco needed, Japan Times 24.08.2013.
High-level radioactive tritium found in seawater at Fukushima plant port, Asahi Shimbun 24.08.2013.
Tepco to drain two suspect water tanks at Fukushima No. 1, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 24.08.2013.
Despite Fukushima, IAEA sees global progress on nuclear safety, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 24.08.2013.
Lawmaker: Declare ‘State of Emergency’ right away and intervene at Fukushima – Japan Professor: Issue S.O.S. now, it’s really an emergency… Gov’t is utterly lost, international help is needed, Energy News 24.08.2013.
Sebastian Sarmiento-Saher: Japan’s Never-Ending Nuclear Nightmare, The Diiplomat 24.08.2013.
“Intentionally dumping Fukushima’s Radiation into the Sea as a “safe” Solution”, Global Research 24.08.2013.
Justin McCurry: New Fukushima leak puts spotlight on plant operator – again, Christian monitor 23.08.2013.
RO Waste Water Leak: TEPCO’s Modus Operandi Is “Bad But Cheap”, Says Fukushima I Nuke Plant Worker, EX-SKF 23.08.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Nuclear Operator Raises Alarm on Crisis, New York Times 23.08.2013.
Nuclear Power Storage Crisis, Living on Earth 23.08.2013.
Mark Bittman: The New Nuclear Craze, New York Times 23.08.2013.
Mari Yamaguchi: Tepco hit for failing to foresee menace of radioactive groundwater, tank leaks, (AP) Japan Times 23.08.2013.
Mari Saito & Antoni Slodkowski: Insight: In Fukushima end-game, radiated water has nowhere to go, Reuters 23.08.2013.
TEPCO’s Fukushima inspections inadequate – Japan nuclear regulator, RT 23.08.2013.
Agency: TEPCO’s monitoring of failing storage tanks inadequate, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 23.08.2013.
Tepco testing tainted earth at No. 1 plant, (JIJI, Kyodo, AFP-JIJI) Japan Times 23.08.2013.
55 years after atomic bombings, survivors 2.5 times more likely to develop leukemia, Mainichi 23.08.2013.
Andy Coghlan: Should Fukushima’s radioactive water be dumped at sea? Scientific American 23.08.2013.
Olympics: Tokyo governor says nuclear crisis won’t affect Games bid, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 23.08.2013.
Andy Sharp: No. 1 plant leak clouds Abe nuke spiel, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 23.08.2013.
More tanks at embattled Fukushima plant may have leaks, Asahi Shimbun 23.08.2013.
Mizuho Aoki: Tepco radioactive flow raises alarm over seafood safety, Japan Times 23.08.2013.
New radiation readings suggest more Fukushima tank leaks, RT 22.08.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Rate of radioactive flow to Pacific alarming, Japan Times 22.08.2013.
TEPCO: 10 trillion becquerels of strontium may have leaked into ocean, Asahi Shimbun 22.08.2013.
TEPCO and Citizens Thanked and Bid Farewell to Masao Yoshida, Plant Manager of #Fukushima I Nuke Plant at the Time of the Accident, EX-SKF 22.08.2013.
Fukushima operator pleads for international help as radiation crisis deepens, RT 22.08.2013.
TEPCO: Contaminated water from leaking tank likely reached ocean, Asahi Shimbun 22.08.2013.
High-level radiation detected along seams of two Fukushima water tanks, (Jiji) Japan Times 22.08.2013.
Jason Motlagh: The News From Fukushima Just Gets Worse, and the Japanese Public Wants Answers, Time Magazine 22.08.2013.
Matt McGrath: Fukushima leak is ‘much worse than we were led to believe’, BBC News 22.08.2013.
Gov’t lacks sense of responsibility over Fukushima radioactive water leak, (leder) Mainichi 22.08.2013.
Abe needs to step up and lead crisis response at Fukushima plant, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 22.08.2013.
TEPCO Weird Statements, Regulator & Experts Involved Making Dire Comments On Fukushima, Simply Info 22.08.2013.
TEPCO faces ‘biggest management crisis’ after toxic water leak from Fukushima tank, Mainichi 22.08.2013.
Fukushima: the global fallout, (leder) The Guardian 21.08.2013.
TEPCO tries to have lawsuit seeking compensation for farmer’s suicide thrown out, Asahi Shimbun 22.08.2013.
Tyler Durden: “Tepco Has Lost Control” – What Is Really Happening At Fukushima In Four Charts, Zero Hedge 22.08.2013.
Mark Willacy: Sorry, sorry, sorry: As the nuclear radiation crisis at Fukushima deepens, at least TEPCO know the script, The Independent 21.08.2013.
Disturbing thyroid cancer rise in Fukushima minors, RT 21.08.2013.
David J. Unger: Fukushima leak erodes confidence in nuclear power, Christian Monitor 21.08.2013.
Yuri Oiwa & Teruhiko Nose: 6 who were minors at time of nuclear disaster newly found to have thyroid cancer, Asahi Shimbun 21.08.2013.
Patrick J. Kiger: Latest Radioactive Leak at Fukushima: How Is It Different? National Geographic 21.08.2013.
‘Serious’: Japan hikes Fukushima radiation danger level, RT 21.08.2013.
Mark Willacy: Sorry, sorry, sorry: As the nuclear radiation crisis at Fukushima deepens, at least TEPCO know the script, The Independent 21.08.2013.
NRA: Water leak at Fukushima nuclear plant a ‘serious incident’, Asahi Shimbun 21.08.2013.
Kiyoshi Takenaka & James Topham: Japan’s Fukushima nuclear crisis deepens, China expresses ‘shock’, Reuters 21.08.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: NRA looks to raise leak severity level, Japan Times 21.08.2013.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima warning: danger level at nuclear plant jumps to ‘serious’, The Guardian 21.08.2013.
Radioactive water leak from tank at Fukushima No. 1 may have reached sea: Tepco, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 21.08.2013.
Leak of 300-Tonne RO Waste Water at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant Could Kill TEPCO’s Groundwater Bypass Plan, EX-SKF 21.08.2013.
300 tons of highly toxic water leaks from tank at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 21.08.2013.
Head of #Fukushima Fisheries Associations Agrees to the Release of Uncontaminated Groundwater from Fukushima I Nuke Plant, EX-SKF 20.08.2013.
Jacob Adelman & Yuji Okada: Fukushima Springs Another Leak in Battle With Radiated Water, Bloomberg 20.08.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Tank leaks 300 tons of radioactive water at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 20.08.2013.
John Hofilena: Fukushima bay radiation levels highest since measurements began, Japan Daily News 20.08.2013.
Real Leak of at Least 300 Tonnes of Really Highly Contaminated Water at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant, and Leak Continues, EX-SKF 20.08.2013.
John Hofilena: Fukushima bay radiation levels highest since measurements began, Japan Daily News 20.08.2013.
Evacuees, residents to sue for ¥1 in neglected aid, (Kyodo) Japan Times 20.08.2013.
Tokyo Professor: Ground beneath Fukushima reactors becoming increasingly unstable – “Potential catastrophe unfolding in plain sight”, Energy News 20.08.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Tank at No. 1 lost 300 tons of radioactive water, Japan Times 20.08.2013.
Japan Times: Fukushima Daiichi radioactive water problems seem ‘uncontainable’ – Believed to be wreaking environmental havoc upon Pacific Ocean, Energy News 20.08.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Tepco yet to track groundwater paths, Japan Times 20.08.2013.
Fukushima residents to sue gov’t for inaction on nuke disaster support law, Mainichi 20.08.2013.
Toxic puddles found near water tanks at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 20.08.2013.
‘Growing Alarm’: 25 trillion becquerels of Fukushima radioactive material leaks into ground – Kyodo News Advisory: Exact source of extreme contamination unknown; Tank missing 300,000 liters, Energy News 20.08.2013.
Kaori Ozawa: Lawsuit to demand action on law to support nuclear disaster victims, Asahi Shimbun 20.08.2013.
West Coast of North America to Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation, Washington’s Blog 20.08.2013.
Fukushima Governor: This is a national emergency – Massive radioactive leak causes emergency meeting – Tepco: Leakage believed to be continuing Tuesday, Energy News 20.08.2013.
TEPCO admits leakage of 300 tons of water with monstrous radiation level, RT 20.08.2013.
Eric Ozawa: Fukushima’s Invisible Crisis, The Nation 19.08.2013.
David Rosenberg: Exploring the Aftermath of Fukushima, Slate 19.08.2013.
NHK: Level 1 nuclear incident today at Fukushima plant – “Extremely high radiation levels” found leaking near Unit 4, Energy News 19.08.2013.
Radiation levels in Fukushima bay highest since measurements began – reports, RT 19.08.2013.
Radio: Fukushima may be eclipsing Chernobyl as worst nuclear disaster in history… It’s like a time bomb – They really need to seal off underground, Energy News 19.08.2013.
British nuclear plant needs 90 years for decommissioning after 26 years in operation, Mainichi 19.08.2013.
Julian Ryall: Japan’s tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear plant to become tourist attraction, Telegraph 19.08.2013.
90% of utilities fail to meet carbon dioxide reduction targets, (Kyodo) Japan Times 19.08.2013.
Jeff Kingston: Abe’s Nuclear Energy Policy and Japan’s Future, Japan Focus 19.08.2013.
2 more Fukushima workers radioactively contaminated, Mainichi 19.08.2013.
Japan, South Korea should work together to cut nuclear power, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 19.08.2013.
The Geology of Fukushima. Porous ground, lowered 10 metres, built over an aquifer with a fault line present, with basements below sea level, Paul Langley’s Nuclear History Blog, 19.08.2013.
Hydrology and Flow Accumulation Near Fukushima Daiichi PP, Paul Langley’s Nuclear History Blog, 19.08.2013.
Andrew DeWit: Fukushima, Fuel Rods, and the Crisis of Divided and Distracted Governance, Japan Focus 19.08.2013.
Patrick J. Kiger: Can an Ice Wall Stop Radioactive Water Leaks from Fukushima? National Geographic 19.08.2013.
Michael Snyder: 11 Facts About The Ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Holocaust That Are Almost Too Horrifying To Believe, The Truth 19.08.2013.
Stricter nuclear plant safety standards to force decommissioning of reactors, Mainichi 19.08.2013.
Colin Randall: Fukushima and Chernobyl haunt atomic future, The National 18.08.2013.
Takamitsu Sawa: Interest in climate change ebbs, Japan Times 18.08.2013.
Rady Ananda: Fukushima nightmare: An atmospheric scientist and a medical scientist sound alarm, Activist Post 18.08.2013.
Winifried Bird: How green is Tohoku’s ‘Green Connections’ project? Japan Times 18.08.2013.
Colm Delaney: Nuclear Power Opportunities Move East, Oilprice 18.08.2013.
Yuri Aono: How will Japan prepare for age of decommissioning reactors? Mainichi 18.08.2013.
Japan’s General Staff Office Knew About Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombing in Advance and Did Nothing, According to 2011 NHK Documentary – part 2, EX-SKF 18.08.2013.
Japan’s General Staff Office Knew About Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombing in Advance and Did Nothing, According to 2011 NHK Documentary – part 1, EX-SKF 17.08.2013.
Fukushima apocalypse: Years of ‘duct tape fixes’ could result in ‘millions of deaths’, RT 17.08.2013.
Marise Shikawa: Clean up Fukushima or else, Japan Times 17.08.2013.
Tyler Durden: Radioactive Water Leaking From Fukushima: Why Millions Of Lives Are At Stake, Zero Hedge 17.08.2013.
Clearer government role needed for Fukushima cleanup, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 17.08.2013.
TEPCO faces delay in work to pump up radioactive groundwater, Kyodo 17.08.2013.
Japan looks to Nagasaki atom bomb maker for lessons on Fukushima cleanup, RT 17.08.2013.
3.11 disaster survivors search for family photos at Sendai display, Mainichi 17.08.2013.
Mari Fujisaki & Toru Nakagawa: Local communities rush to set up micro power companies, Asahi Shimbun 17.08.2013.
Jacob Adelman & Masumi Suga: Tepco to Meet Fishermen’s Groups on Fukushima Water Bypass Plan, Bloomberg 16.08.2013.
TEPCO Considers Filling Fukushima Reactors With Concrete, SimplyInfo 16.08.2013.
Ida Torres: Calls for US seafood testing after revelations of Fukushima radiation leaks, Japan Daily Press 16.08.2013.
John Hofilena: WWII atomic bomb maker offers expertise for Fukushima cleanup, Japan Daily Press 16.08.2013.
Japan to ask H.K. to lift food import ban, (Kyodo) Japan Times 16.08.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: Cesium levels in Fukushima water 8 times higher than after disaster, Asahi Shimbun 16.08.2013.
LDP panel to recommend freezing construction of new nuclear plants, Mainichi 16.08.2013.
Ben Kamisar: Probe finds nuclear reactor near Columbia among most vulnerable to terrorism, City Star 15.08.2013.
Jacob Chamberlain: Experts: Japan’s Fukushima Risks An Even Worse Nuclear Catastrophe, Mint Press news 15.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: 5 parts of power cable trench of reactor 3 & 4 found empty / Tepco “Contaminated water have already gone underground”, Fukushima Dairy 15.08.2013.
Letting Tepco “Clean Up” Fukushima Is Like Letting a Murderer Do Brain Surgery On a VIP, Washington’s Blog 15.08.2013.
Japan’s Nuclear Watchdog Approves Fukushima Plant Decommissioning, RTT News 15.08.2013.
Phred Dvorak: Tepco Finally Gets an Official Cleanup Plan, Wall Street Journal 15.08.2013.
Ryuta Koike: Revised tsunami projection dashes hopes of early Takahama reactor restarts, Asahi Shimbun 15.08.2013.
Shigeru Sato & Yuji Okada: Nagasaki Bomb Maker Offers Lessons for Fukushima Cleanup, Bloomberg 15.08.2013.
Nuclear Experts: One century before Japan tries to deal with Fukushima’s melted cores? – “More likely what’s left of reactors will be left in situ for 100 years or more”, Energy News 15.08.2013.
Faith Aquino: US sailor believes health deterioration is linked to Fukushima radiation exposure, Japan Daily Press 15.08.2013.
Robert J. Geller: A Seismologist’s View of Nuclear Safety Issues in Japan – Part I, Forum on Energy 15.08.2013.
Faith Aquino: Former PM Naoto Kan denies criminal responsibility for Fukushima disaster, Japan Daily Press 15.08.2013.
Aaron Sheldrick & Antoni Slodkowski: After disaster, the deadliest part of Japan’s nuclear clean-up, Reuters 15.08.2013.
Mission Impossible? Fukushima scientists brace for riskiest nuclear fuel clean-up yet, RT 15.08.2013.
Kan says he shouldn’t be held criminally liable for Fukushima disaster, (Kyodo) Japan Times 15.08.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: NRA approves TEPCO’s Fukushima decommissioning plan, urges solution for water problem, Asahi Shimbun 15.08.2013.
Yvonne Chang: Japan Solar Energy Soars, But Grid Needs to Catch Up, National Geographic 14.08.2013.
Michael Marshall: South Korea bakes in extreme heat amid power cuts, New Scientist 14.08.2013.
Margaret Kimberly: Freedom Rider: Fukushima, Black Agenda Report 14.08.2013.
Nuclear Expert: Xenon detections in S. Korea may be from Fukushima reactors – Criticality or ‘spontaneous fission of curium’ to blame? Energy News 14.08.2013.
NRA OKs plan on safety measures for Fukushima No. 1, (Kyodo) Japan Times 14.08.2013.
William Pesek: Fukushima replaces economy as Abe’s legacy issue, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 14.08.2013.
Alexis Madrigal: The not-so-crazy plan to build a subterranean ice wall around the Fukushima plant, The Atlantic 14.08.2013.
Fish stocks threatened by Fukushima leaks, Deutsche Welle 14.08.2013.
Jacob Chamberlain: Dangerous Operation at Fukushima’s Reactor No. 4 Could Ignite “Atomic Chain Reaction”, Common Dreams 14.08.2013.
Jacob Adelman & Chisaki Watanabe: Japan Studies Ice Wall to Halt Radioactive Water Leaks, Bloomberg 14.08.2013.
Plan to reform Japan Atomic Energy Agency a major challenge, (leder) Mainichi 14.08.2013.
Japan studies ice wall to halt radioactive water leaks, Eco-Business 14.08.2013.
New energy suppliers up presence, (Jiji) Japan Times 14.08.2013.
Fishermen furious as TEPCO pumps up radioactive water at Fukushima plant, Mainichi 14.08.2013.
John C.K. Daley: Fukushima isn’t the only nuclear plant leaking radioactive water, Christian Monitor 13.08.2013.
Jeremy Hsu: Radioactive Water Leaks from Fukushima: What We Know, Scientific American 13.08.2013.
Kwanwoo Jun: Radioactive Isotope Detected in South Korea, Wall Street Journal 13.08.2013.
Matt Kwong: Calls for seafood tests due to radiation leak in Japan, MSN News 13.08.2013.
Alexis C. Madrigal: How to Build an Ice Wall Around a Leaking Nuclear Reactor, The Atlantic 13.08.2013.
Aaron Sheldrick & Antoni Slodkowski: After disaster, the deadliest part of Japan’s nuclear clean-up, Reuters 13.08.2013.
Stephan Lendman: Fukushima: Uncontainable, Global Research 13.08.2013.
Tokyo Professor on CBC: Latest Fukushima crisis is threatening public health –
Gov’t response “totally abysmal”, Energy News 13.08.2013.
Heat wave continues to bake nation, (Kyodo, Jiji) Japan Times 13.08.2013.
Mari Iwata: More Cooling Problems? Wall Street Journal 13.08.2013.
Japanese city votes to destroy tsunami ship landmark, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 13.08.2013.
Tokai leak was 20 billion becquerels, (Jiji) Japan Times 13.08.2013.
Ryuta Koike: Workers likely sprayed with radioactive mist at Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 13.08.2013.
Nuclear watchdog orders TEPCO to check trench at Fukushima plant over leaks, Mainichi 13.08.2013.
Oi reactor halt Sept. 15 to see all plants idled, (Kyodo) Japan Times 13.08.2013.
John Daly: More Bad News for the Pacific – Taiwanese NPP Leaking Radioactive Water, Oilprice 13.08.2013.
Andrew DeWit: Water, Water Everywhere: Incentives and Options at Fukushima Daiichi and Beyond, Japan Focus 12.08.2013.
Atsuki Hiyama et al.: The Fukushima nuclear accident and the pale grass blue butterfly: evaluating biological effects of long-term low-dose exposures, BMC Evolutionary Biology 12.08.2013.
10 exposed to radiation at Japanese nuke plant, (AP) Japan Times 12.08.2013.
Yumi Nakayama: With radiation fears rekindled, researchers seek truth off Fukushima coast, Asahi Shimbun 12.08.2013.
Contaminated mist: Workers at Fukushima ‘sprayed’ with radioactive water, RT 12.08.2013.
Tepco doubles consumption of coal, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 12.08.2013.
Nuclear Expert: Fukushima Is ‘Emergency Without End’, Common Dreams 12.08.2013.
South Korea in grip of power crisis, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 12.08.2013.
Japan’s highest temperature – 41 degrees – marked in Kochi Prefecture, Asahi Shimbun 12.08.2013.
Jacob Adelman & Yuji Okada: Fukushima Workers Exposed to Radiation From Spray, Bloomberg 12.08.2013.
William Pesek: Abe’s Japan Is Blind to Scary Nuclear Reality, Bloomberg 12.08.2013.
Western Japan city logs nation’s highest temperature at 41 C, (Kyodo) Mainichi 12.08.2013.
Brian Victoria: Radiation fears forced me to postpone Japan visit by U.S. students, Japan Times 12.08.2013.
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Historical Radioactive Cesium Levels in Seawater Near Water Intakes Inside Plant Harbor – From 71 Million Bq/L to 200 Bq/L in 2 Years, EX-SKF 11.08.2013.
Fabiu Maximus: We fear what we’re told to fear, not what we should fear. Like Fukushima, fabiusmaximus.com 11.08.2013.
Toxic water detected in newly built well at Fukushima nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 11.08.2013.
Fish And Nuclear Radiation, Radiate Smiles not Bombs 11.08.2013.
TEPCO says radioactive water likely flowed over underground wall, (Kyodo) Mainichi 11.08.2013.
Tepco: We’ve known for 2 years that massive amount of water flows under
Fukushima plant – Official “unable to explain” why they kept secret, Energy News 11.08.2013.
Prosecutors unlikely to indict Kan, ex-TEPCO execs over Fukushima, Japan Today 11.08.2013.
Korea Times: Quarter-billion liters of Fukushima contaminated water flowed into Pacific – Japan cover-up could violate international law – Hid global issue of environmental concern? Energy News 11.08.2013.
Kim Tae-jong: Korea may sue Japan for mishandling leaks, Korea Times 10.09.2013.
U.N. agency says it’s monitoring Fukushima and ready to help, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 10.08.2013.
Taiwan nuclear plant leak continues, (AP) Japan Times 10.08.2013.
Nataniel Hertz: Scientist, FDA: Don’t worry about radioactive fish, Anchorage Daily News 10.08.2013.
Mai Iida: A-bombed cities don’t buy Abe vow, Japan Times 10.08.2013.
Shunsuke Kiimura: TEPCO starts pumping up contaminated water, Asahi Shimbun 10.08.2013.
Radioactive water overruns Fukushima barrier – TEPCO, RT 10.08.2013.
Abe should provide effective leadership in nuclear disarmament, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 10.08.2013.
Obama visit to A-bomb cities would be powerful message against nuclear arms, Asahi Shimbun 10.08.2013.
Faultless in Fukushima: Media says ex-Japan PM escapes blame over nuclear accident, RT 09.08.2013.
Ida Torres: Prosecutors unlikely to press charges against former PM over TEPCO disaster, Japan Daily Press 09.08.2013.
Antoni Slodkowski: Prosecutors Unlikely To Indict Ex-Japan PM Over Fukushima, (Reuters) Arise News 09.08.2013.
No charges expected over Fukushima disaster, Al Jazeera 09.08.2013.
Radiation Leaking In Taiwan – For Over 3 1/2 Years, (AP) Global News 09.08.2013.
Taiwan says nuclear power plant may have leaked toxic water, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 09.08.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Tepco starts pumping groundwater, Japan Times 09.08.2013.
Mari Nakamura: Tokyo revisits ‘recovery from 3/11 disaster’ slogan in 2020 Olympic bid, Asahi Shimbun 09.08.2013.
TEPCO starts pumping up contaminated water at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 09.08.2013.
UN offers help to Japan on Fukushima nuke plant water leak, GMA News 09.08.2013.
Gov’t to extend financial support to TEPCO to block contaminated water leaks, Mainichi 09.08.2013.
Kan, Tepco execs won’t face negligence charges, (Kyodo, Jiji) Japan Times 09.08.2013.
Prosecutors plan not to indict Kan, TEPCO execs over nuke disaster, (Kyodo) Mainichi 09.08.2013.
Sungwoo Park & Heesu Lee: Falsified Reports After Fukushima Fan Anti-Nuclear Korea, Bloomberg 09.08.2013.
Justin McCurry: Toxic Fukushima fallout threatens fishermen’s livelihoods, The Guardian 09.08.2013.
Mayor skeptical of Abe vow at Nagasaki rites to seek end to nuclear arms, (Kyodo) Japan Times 09.08.2013.
Matt Smith: Fukushima leaks: Japan ponders freezing ground, (video) CNN 09.08.2013.
Yuya Shinohara & Takumi Kawaguchi: Drive on to find new radiation treatments, Japan Times 09.08.2013.
Total overhaul needed of way TEPCO operates, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 09.08.2013.
JAEA faces shakeup over Monju lapses, (Jiji) Japan Times 09.08.2013.
Nuclear evacuation zone changes inspire hope, despondency in Fukushima town, Mainichi 08.08.2013.
Fukushima Reinforces Worst Fears for Japanese Who Are Anti-Nuclear Power, (video) PBS Newshour 08.08.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Activists prod NRA to get serious about Fukushima water crisis, Japan Times 08.08.2013.
300 tons of toxic water flowing into sea from Fukushima plant daily: gov’t, Mainichi 08.08.2013.
Japan must explain how it will stop water leaks at Fukushima, (pressemeddelelse) Greenpeace 08.08.2013.
Jacob Adelman & Isabel Reynolds: Abe Joins Greenpeace in Signal Tepco Not Up to Cleanup, Bloomberg 08.08.2013.
Rezoning of all evacuation areas completed in Fukushima Prefecture, Mainichi 08.08.2013.
Taxpayers hit as framework to resolve Fukushima crisis hits wall, Asahi Shimbun 08.08.2013.
Jungah Lee & Chou Hui Hong: South Korea urges power-saving as shutdowns portend shortage, Bloomberg 08.08.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: Cesium hotspots found in seabed east of Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 08.08.2013.
Audie Cornish & Geoffrey Brumfiel: Fukushima Nuclear Plant Leaking 300 Tons Of Tainted Water Daily, (audio) NPR 08.08.2013.
Takafumi Yoshida: Former member of ‘nuclear village’ calls for local initiative to rebuild Fukushima, (interview) Asahi Shimbun 08.08.2013.
Water leaks at Fukushima could contaminate entire Pacific Ocean, RT 08.08.2013.
Patrick J. Kiger: Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Leak: What You Should Know, National Geographic 07.08.2013.
Government to take bigger role in Fukushima clean-up, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 07.08.2013.
TEPCO gets partial local approval to apply for Niigata reactor checks, (Kyodo) Mainichi 07.06.2013.
Fukushima plant leaks 300 tons of contaminated water daily, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 07.08.2013.
David McNeill: A Fukushima fisherman’s tale: Radioactive water from the Daiichi plant is flowing into the ocean at a rate of 300 tons a day, Independent 07.08.2013.
Mari Sato & Antoni Slodkowsky: Japan says Fukushima leak worse than thought, government joins clean-up, 07.08.2013.
Tepco needs public cash to dig deep wall, (Kyodo) Japan Times 07.08.2013.
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Accident: The Blind (METI) Still Leading the Blind (TEPCO), EX/SKF 06.08.2013.
Lucas W. Hixson: Fukushima Prefecture requests Japanese government remove TEPCO from management of Fukushima Daiichi decommissioning, Enformable 06.08.2013.
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Groundwater Contamination: TEPCO’s Ad-Hoc Underground Impermeable Wall in Embankment Made It Worse, EX/SKF 06.08.2013.
Panel drafts accounting rule revision for reactor decommissioning, Kyodo 06.08.2013.
Hokkaido, Tohoku, Shikoku utility rate hikes OK’d, (Kyodo) Japan Times 06.08.2013.
Eric Johnston: Nuke opponents feud over bombs vs. power, Japan Times 06.08.2013.
Radioactivity levels in Fukushima groundwater increase 47-fold over 5 days, Asahi Shimbun 06.08.2013.
Japan must redouble antinuclear effort as threat of atomic confrontation grows, (leder) Mainichi 06.08.2013.
Hajimu Takeda: Asahi U.S. professor connects global nuclear victims, raises awareness, Shimbun 06.08.2013.
Mari Iwata & Phred Dvorak: At Fukushima, Fear of a Losing Battle, Wall Street Journal 06.08.2013.
Hiroshima mayor skeptical of Abe atomic arms vow, (Kyodo) 06.08.2013.
Tokyo Electric can’t stop radioactive flow at Fukushima plant, (AP) Japan Times 06.08.2013.
We all must confront the ferocious destructive power of nuclear energy, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 06.08.0213.
Tepco gets partial local approval to apply for reactor checks, (Kyodo) Japan Times 06.08.2013.
Taro Nagazaki: Hiroshima marks 68th anniversary of A-bombing, Asahi Shimbun 06.08.2013.
Abe vows pursuit of world free of nuclear arms; Hiroshima mayor skeptical, (Kyodo) Japan Times 06.08.2013.
Peace ceremony represents Hiroshima’s long struggle: Fukushima town mayor, Mainichi 06.08.2013.
Hiroshima peace declaration on 68th anniversary of A-bombing, Mainichi 06.08.2013.
Address by PM Abe at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony, Mainichi 06.08.2013.
Take a stand against nuclear weapons, (leder) Japan Times 06.08.2013.
U.N. chief’s message to peace memorial ceremony, Mainichi 06.08.2013.
“The Parties Concerned Should Talk Things Out First” Over Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP, Says Minister of Economy, EX-SKF 05.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Tepco to try to start pumping up groundwater from this weekend / Storage facility undecided, Fukushima Dairy 05.08.2013.
Antoni Slodkowski: Fukushima radioactive water likely breached barrier – panel head, Reuters 05.08.2013.
Antoni Slodkowski & Mari Saito: Japan nuclear body says radioactive water at Fukushima an ’emergency’, Reuters 05.08.2013.
Japan NRA: Fukushima Daiichi’s radioactive water leakage into Pacific Ocean now an “emergency” situation, Beyond Nuclear 05.08.2013.
Miki Aoki: 9,640 Fukushima plant workers reach radiation level for leukemia compensation, Asahi Shimbun 05.08.2013.
Lukas I. Alpert & Miho Inada: Fukushima Watch: Russia Claims Continued Used Car Contamination, Wall Street Journal 05.08.2013.
“Eat and Support Fukushima” Campaign Going Strong in Its 3rd Year: Train Full of Fukushima Peach Ads in Tokyo, EX-SKF 04.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Summary of Fukushima situation July~August – The latest problems and the impending crisis, Fukushima Dairy 04.08.2013.
Philip Brasor: YouTube videos hold a sliver of hope for future elections, Japan Times 04.08.2013.
M6 quake hits northeastern Japan, no tsunami warning issued, (Kyodo) Mainichi 04.08.2013.
Strong quake shakes northeastern Japan, no immediate reports of injuries, no tsunami risk, (AP) canada.com 04.08.2013.
Trying To Sell Fukushima Peach Overseas – Malaysia & Thailand, Smiles Not Bombs 03.08.2013.
Huge leak of tritium feared in Fukushima, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.08.2013.
Doubts cast over TEPCO’s plan to block radioactive water at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 03.08.2013.
Ken Silverstein: Less Nuclear Energy Means More Coal, Natural Gas – And Carbon Emissions, Forbes 03.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Fukushima worker “Workers who looked straightly at contaminated water had the eyes damaged”, Fukushima Dairy 03.08.2013.
Nathan Layne: Radioactive Fukushima groundwater rises above barrier being built to contain it, (Reuters) The Raw Story 03.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Strontium-90 detected in seawater 3 km offshore Fukushima, Fukushima Dairy 03.08.2013.
Nuclear watchdog to require disaster-readiness checks for non-plant nuclear facilities, Mainichi 03.08.2013.
Spill-over threat: Fukushima radioactive groundwater rises above barrier level, RT 03.08.2013.
Slow reactor restart process rattles energy markets as uranium piles up, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 02.08.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: Mystery objects with high radiation found on Fukushima coast, Asahi Shimbun 03.08.2013.
NHK: “Contaminated underground water may have moved aboveground” at Fukushima plant – Asahi: Immediate concern it’s “spilling” into Pacific, Energy News 03.08.2013.
Tunnels under Fukushima plant suspected to have quake damage – Allows radioactive water to ‘move’ into ground – Still holding over 15,000 tons – High-level contamination flowing in from turbine buildings – Tepco “couldn’t afford to work on tunnels”, Energy News 03.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Tepco “40,000,000,000,000 Bq of Tritium leaked to the Pacific” / still 100,000,000,000 Bq leaking to the sea per day, Fukushima Dairy 02.08.2013.
Tritium in Perspective: If Rokkasho Ever Becomes Operational, It Will Release 18,000 Trillion Becquerels of Tritium into the Pacific Ocean PER YEAR, EX-SKF 02.08.2013.
Taiwan lawmakers brawl over nuclear plant referendum, (AP) Japan Times 02.08.2013.
John Upton: Big nuke company decides renewables are a better bet in the U.S. Grist 02.08.2013.
John Hofilena: Government allows residents to ‘come home’ to Fukushima district, but few return, Japan Daily 02.08.2013.
Nuclear Downsizing Accelerates, Sustainable Business 02.08.2013.
Kunio Ozawa: Long-stay program starts for Fukushima nuclear disaster evacuees, Asahi Shimbun 02.08.2013.
Fukushima plant may have leaked huge amount of radioactive tritium, Kyodo 02.08.2013.
Kazuki Yoshikawa & Mari Fujisaki: 3 regional utilities to raise household electricity rates, Asahi Shimbun 02.08.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Radioactivity levels higher in water deeper underground at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 02.08.2013.
Lucas W. Hixson: Japan establishes new organization to pursue decommissioning options at Fukushima Daiichi, Enformable 01.08.2013.
Winifred Bird & Jane Braxton Little: Contaminated forests: Management after Chernobyl and Fukushima, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 01.08.2013.
#nuclear plant earthquake story (Japan, 2007) – ground motion was 2.5 times design basis, EOF door jammed shut, nuclear.com 01.08.2013.
Proposal of Techincal Review Guidelines for Structures with Seismic Isolation, JNES 01.08.2013 (pdf).
Matthew J. Wald: Florida Nuclear Project Is Dropped, New York Times 01.08.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: 950,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 from reactor 2 seawater trench shaft, Fukushima Dairy 01.08.2013.
Climate targets blown in Japan, World Nuclear News 01.08.2013.
Tepco falling behind with restructuring, (Kyodo) Japan Times 01.08.2013.
Lukas I. Alpert: Russia Still Sees Radiation on Second-Hand Cars From Japan, Wall Street Journal 01.08.2013.
Utilities ordered to trim planned rate increases, (Kyodo) Japan Times 01.08.2013.
Residents of Fukushima district allowed home, but few opt to return, Mainichi 01.08.2013.
Cesium levels in water under Fukushima No. 1 plant soar the deeper it gets, Tepco reveals, (Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 01.08.2013.
35% of reconstruction budget unused as decontamination and other key projects stalled, Mainichi 01.08.2013.
Toshihiro Okuyama & Toshio Tada: TEPCO took no action about radioactive water leak for 2 years, Asahi Shimbun 01.08.2013.
Liquid glass fails to stop radioactive water leak into ocean from Fukushima No. 1 plant, Mainichi 01.08.2013.
Tsuruga plant operator says spent fuel in storage pool absolutely safe, Asahi Shimbun 01.08.2013.
Gov’t agencies secretly agreed to put off nuke disaster victim relief until after election, Mainichi 01.08.2013.
Juli 2013
Incompetent TEPCO should never be allowed to handle nuclear energy, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 31.07.2013.
Yet more Tepco incompetence, (leder) Japan Times 31.07.2013.
TePCO 2020, BANZAI7 31.07.2013.
40% of evacuees from Okuma town won’t return home, Fukushima Minpo News 04.07.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Tepco literally “swamped” in sea contamination prevention, Fukushima Dairy 31.07.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Tepco “In the worse scenario, groundwater may overflow to up-ground”, Fukushima Dairy 31.07.2013.
Ailing utility resumes offering jobs to new graduates for first time since 2011, (Kyodo) Japan Times 31.07.2013.
Takashi Ito & Takashi Maemura: TEPCO’s N-plant delays cause for worry, Yomiuri Shimbun 31.07.2013.
Takao Yamada: Power-saving societies are never gloomy, Mainichi 31.07.2013.
Tepco logs ¥437.9 billion April-June net profit, (Kyodo) Japan Times 31.07.2013.
‘Water Storage Nightmare’: Bolts in Fukushima tanks will corrode in just a few years, plant workers reveal – “Tepco says it doesn’t know how long tanks will hold” – Reuters, Energy News 31.07.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Tepco trying to keep radioactive water from reaching sea, but can it? Japan Times 31.07.2013.
Trillions for rebuilding Tohoku go unused, (Kyodo) Japan Times 31.07.2013.
Suvendrini Kakuchi: Fukushima Fallout Hits Farmers, (IPS) New International 30.07.2013.
Antoni Slodkowski & Mari Saito: Fukushima clean-up turns toxic for Japan’s Tepco, Reuters 30.07.2013.
Geert De Clercq: EDF exits U.S. nuclear, ups earnings outlook, Reuters 30.07.2013.
Harvey Wassermann: Fukushima Fallout Continues to Wreak Havoc, EcoWatch 30.07.2013.
Governor of Niigata Meets Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy, as Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuke Plant in Niigata Suffers a Small Fire (Fluorescent Light Burned), EX-SKF 30.07.2013.
Yoshihiro Makino: U.S. shows nuclear facilities to reassure Japan, allies on deterrence, Asahi Shimbun 30.07.2013.
Tepco stalling spurs NRA to up scrutiny, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 30.07.2013.
Pallava Bagla: What India can learn from Fukushima, The Hindu 30.07.2013.
Shigeki Tosa: Actor-turned-activist Yamamoto wants to be catalyst in Diet, Asahi Shimbun 30.07.2013.
Fukushima tourism on the upswing: survey, (Kyodo) Japan Times 30.07.2013.
Karl-Friedrich Lenz: Nuclear Decline in Germany Not Compensated 100 Percent by Renewable, Lenz Blog 30.07.2013.
Stefan Nicola: “Merkel’s GreenShift Backfires as German Pollution Jumps“, Bloomberg 29.07.2013.
Lucas C. Hixon: TEPCO still struggling to keep head above contaminated water at Fukushima Daiichi, Enformable 29.07.2013.
DPJ must overcome its crisis, (leder) Japan Times 29.07.2013.
Radio: Fukushima Daiichi has “contaminated the biggest body of water on the planet” – Radioactive leaks to harm marine and human life – Whole Pacific Ocean likely to have cesium levels 5-10 times higher than at peak of nuclear bomb tests, Energy news 29.07.2013.
Government must stop delaying assistance to nuclear disaster victims, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 29.07.2013.
Top Japan Nuclear Official: Remove Tepco from being in charge at Fukushima
Daiichi – “It is simply too big for one company to handle”, Energy News 29.07.2013.
Shunichi Kawabata: Volunteer divers continue search for victims of 3/11 disaster, Asahi Shimbun 29.07.2013.
TEPCO Needs To Disclose Melted Fuel Locations, Simply Info 29.07.2013.
Extremely high tritium level found in water in pit at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 29.07.2013.
Weekend Theme of #Fukushima I Nuke Plant on Japanese Twitter: “Only Foreign Media Tells Us the TRUTH!”, Citing (sic) Al Jazeera and BBC, EX-SKF Blog 28.07.2013.
Third check for quake faults ends at Oi plant, (Jiji) Japan Times 28.07.2013.
Mari Iwata: Tepco Under Increasing Fire Over Nuclear Accident Site, Wall Street Journal 28.07.2013.
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Groundwater Contamination: No One Fully Knows Exactly Where Trenches and Ducts Are Located, How They Are Connected, EX-SKF 28.07.2013.
Govt must help TEPCO handle polluted water at Fukushima, Yomiuri Shimbun 28.07.2013.
Tritium level also high in Fukushima trench water, (Jiji) Japan Times 28.07.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Tepco to fill the most contaminated 4 borings with asphalt / “No more data on the east side of reactor2″, Fukushima Dairy 28.07.2013.
Fukushima veggie campaign kicks off, Yomiuri Shimbun 28.07.2013.
David Biello: How to Prevent Another Fukushima Explosion, Scientific American 28.07.2013.
Japan nuke plant checked again for active earthquake fault, (Jiji) Japan Times 27.07.2013.
William Sposato & Mari Iwata: Radioactive Water Detected at Fukushima, Wall Street Journal 27.08.2013.
Anthony Fensom: Incredible stories that should not be forgotten, Japan Times 27.07.2013.
Paul Malone: ‘Recent Fukushima leaks cast more doubt on UK Government nuclear policy’ – Ritchie, Newry Times 27.07.2013.
TEPCO says was reluctant to worry public over leak, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 27.07.2013.
Hashimoto to stay as co-head of Japan Restoration Party, Mainichi 27.06.2013.
Toshio Tada: Hundreds of nuke plant workers missed crucial eye exams, Asahi Shimbun 27.06.2013.
Fukushima trench water crisis returns, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.07.2013.
Waterborne radioactive levels in Fukushima plant pit unchanged from 2011, Asahi Shimbun 27.07.2013.
Robert Sorokanich: An Experimental Fuel Rod Coating Could Prevent the Next Fukushima, Gizmodo 27.07.2013.
Part of no-go zone around Fukushima plant to open to long-term stays, Mainichi 27.07.2013.
Lucas C. Hixon: TEPCO has a different view of safety than the public, Enformable 26.07.2013.
DPJ must brace itself for years of patience to produce a true leader, Asahi Shimbun 27.06.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Delay in Disclosing Leaks at Fukushima Is Criticized, New York Times 26.07.2013.
Jacob Adelman & Yuji Okada: Tepco President Apologizes for Fukushima Leak Disclosure Delay, Bloomberg 26.07.2013.
Nuke experts blast Fukushima operator over toxic water leaks, AFP 26.07.2013.
Mari Yamaguchi: Fukushima Leak: TEPCO Delayed Informing Public Of Contaminated Water Leaking Into Sea, (AP) Huffington Post 26.07.2013.
Steam Found Near the Central Part of the Fifth Floor (Equipment Storage Pool Side) of Unit 3 Reactor Building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, (pressemeddelelse) TEPCO 26.07.2013.
A Look Around the Ruins of Fukushima, (video med transskription) Where Radiation Still Poses Danger, PBS newshour 26.07.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Tepco chief admits PR fiasco over water info, Japan Times 26.07.2013.
NRA must stand its ground, not cave in to pressure to restart reactors, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 26.07.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Opposition disparate; foe common, Japan Times 26.07.2013.
Kishida stresses safety of Japan’s nuclear plants, Kyodo 26.07.2013.
The MOX fuel conundrum, (leder) Japan Times 26.07.2013.
Fishermen lambaste TEPCO over radioactive water leaks, Asahi Shimbun 26.07.2013.
Christopher Hobson: Time to take over Daiichi? Japan Times 26.07.2013.
TEPCO provides conflicting accounts on toxic water leak, Mainichi 26.07.2013.
Nuke experts blast Fukushima operator over toxic leaks, phys.org 26.07.2013.
Internet campaign results, (leder) Japan Times 26.07.2013.
Fukushima quits as head of SDP, but still sees political role, Asahi Shimbun 26.07.2013.
68% of firms handling decontamination in Fukushima violated labor laws, Mainichi 26.07.2013.
Stress in evacuees drives up child abuse cases in disaster-affected region, Asahi Shimbun 26.07.2013.
Nuclear regulator hints at possible active fault off Aomori peninsula, Mainichi 26.07.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: Leaks from treatment device delay battle against Fukushima radioactive water, Asahi Shimbun 26.07.2013.
TEPCO; Alligator Tears And Excuses Among Admissions Of Failure & More Delays, Simply Info 26.07.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Fisheries station “Contaminated groundwater may well up a few m offshore Fukushima, Fukushima Dairy 26.07.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Data doesn’t show Tepco dumping contaminated water to the sea, but it’s worse than that, Fukushima Dairy 26.07.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Tepco postponed the announcement of sea contamination, “because they compiled the document during the weekend”, Fukushima Dairy 26.07.2013.
Ian Lovett: Californians Consider a Future Without a Nuclear Plant for a Neighbor, New York Times 25.07.2013.
TEPCO Admits Containment Failure At Unit 3, Simply Info 25.07.2013.
‘Mysterious’ steam at Fukushima Unit 3 – NPR: “Fuel could have shifted… or worse restarted nuclear reactions” – Tepco: “We still don’t know for sure the cause”, Energy News 25.07.2013.
New Nuclear Fuel-Rod Cladding Could Lead to Safer Power Plants, Science Daily 25.07.2013.
Mark Willacy: Fukushima operator TEPCO knew radioactive water was leaking into Pacific a month before going public, ABC News 25.07.2013.
Fishermen want drastic Tepco action, (Kyodo) Japan Times 25.07.2013.
J.T. Quigley: Fukushima Decontamination and Cleanup Will Cost $50 Billion, The Diplomat 25.07.2013.
Rampant violations of labor-related laws in decontamination work, Asahi Shimbun 25.07.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: SDP’s Fukushima resigns over dual election losses, Japan Times 25.07.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: NRA chairman says release of radioactive water into sea is inevitable, Asahi Shimbun 25.07.2013.
TEPCO Proves Again, They Can’t Be Trusted To Operate A Nuclear Reactor, Simply Infor 25.07.2013.
John Cronin: Dr. James Hansen and the Nuclear Briar Patch, EarthDesk 24.07.2013.
David McNeill: With Fukushima nuclear plant still leaking, Japan clean-up bill soars to $50bn, The Independent 24.07.2013.
Austria to go 100 percent nuclear-free, Renewables International 24.07.2013.
Aviva Hope Rutkin: Volunteers See Fukushima Radiation on the Move, Technology Review 24.07.2013.
Ayako Mie: DPJ in disarray, faults Kan for poll disaster, Japan Times 24.07.2013.
DPJ in debate whether to expel ex-PM Kan for supporting independent, (Kyodo) Mainichi 24.07.2013.
Carl Franzen: Fukushima nuclear meltdown cleanup costs could rise more than five times to $58 billion, The Verge 24.07.2013.
Tepco ‘Working Intensely’ On New Contamination Prevention Measures, NucNet 24.07.2013.
High radiation levels found near area where steam spotted at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 25.07.2013.
Time for TEPCO to stop dodging responsibility for radioactive water leak, (leder) Mainichi 24.07.2013.
Tomari reactor checks suspended, (Jiji) Japan Times 24.07.2013.
TEPCO Releases Unit 3 Radiation Levels, Shows New Problem, Simply Info 24.07.2013.
Researchers see over ¥5 trillion necessary for Fukushima cleanup, (Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 24.07.2013.
Yuri Oiwa: Institute revises radiation exposure chart without explanation, Asahi Shimbun 24.07.2013.
$58 billion: Fukushima decontamination outlay to rise by six times, RT 24.07.2013.
Tepco held back groundwater news, (Kyodo) Japan Times 24.07.2013.
Completion of Fukushima Daiichi 4 cover, World Nuclear News 23.07.2013.
Mark Willacy: Japanese govt criticises TEPCO’s handling of Fukushima plant, ABC Net 23.07.2013.
Only 15% of election winners support need for nuclear plants: Mainichi survey, Mainichi 23.07.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: M5.2 and M3.2 hit Fukushima nuclear plant, Fukushima Dairy 23.07.2013.
Pano Kroko: Fukushima keeps on giving… Bleeding Edge Blog 23.07.2013.
Harvey Wasserman: You Think the Fukushima Disaster Is Over? Think Again, The Progressive 23.07.2013.
Tepco sees steam again at reactor 3, (Kyodo) Japan Times 23.07.2013.
Election result not an endorsement for nuclear power, (leder) Mainichi 23.07.2013.
Abe Cabinet approval rate drops to 56%, (Kyodo) Japan Times 23.07.2013.
TEPCO criticized for belated admission of radioactive leaks into the sea, Asahi Shimbun 23.07.2013.
“Hot Spots” in #Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Locations Where Radiation Levels Exceed 1,000 mSv (or 1 Sv)/Hour, EX-SKF 23.07.2013.
Fukushima fishermen angry over contaminated water leaks into sea, Mainichi 23.07.2013.
LDP executive: Abandoning nuclear energy would cause ‘intolerable pain’, Asahi Shimbun 23.07.2013.
TEPCO loses trust over leak of radioactive water into sea, Mainichi 23.07.2013.
Erik Wesoff: Japan: The World’s Hottest Solar Market in 2013, Greentech Solar 22.07.2013.
Germany finds delays and surprises entering a post-nuclear world, E&E Publishing 22.07.2013.
Election win maintains reactor restart policy, World Nuclear News 22.07.2013.
Tepco now admits radioactive water entering the sea at Fukushima No. 1, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 22.07.2013.
Gundersen: Fukushima tanks releasing x-rays in very high quantities offsite – Exposure to people outside plant is very, very high from ‘Bremsstrahlung’ phenomenon – Hundreds of tanks could easily start leaking after quake, Energy News 22.07.2013.
TEPCO admits radioactive water leaked to sea, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 22.07.2013.
TEPCO’s Great Steam Hoax, Simply Info 22.07.2013.
IAEA experts visit Fukushima, Kyodo 22.07.2013.
Utilities cheer LDP victory, nuclear opponents disappointed, Asahi Shimbun 22.07.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: What can be anticipated after the pro nuclear government stands, Fukushima Dairi 21.07.2013.
Actor-turned-anti-nuclear activist wins Upper House seat, Asahi Shimbun 22.07.2013.
Asger Røjle: Kæmpe valgsejr giver Japans omstridte leder helt frit slag, DR.DK 21.07.2013.
Tatsuo Ito: Abenomics Trumps Nuclear Issue in Fukushima, Wall Street Journal 21.07.2013.
Actor Yamamoto, ex-wrestler Inoki assured of election victory, (Kyodo) Mainichi 21.07.2013.
Japanese Upper House Election: Taro Yamamoto Won Seat in Tokyo With 4th Highest Votes, Communist Party Increased Seats Significantly, EXSKF 21.07.2013.
Taro Is In, Smiles Not Bombs 21.07.2013.
Philip Inman: Energy companies are paying a heavy price for shunning renewables, The Guardian 21.07.2013.
Actor Yamamoto, ex-wrestler Inoki assured of election victory, (Kyodo) Mainichi 21.07.2013.
Japan’s upper house election system, (Kyodo) Mainichi 21.07.2013.
Voting under way for Japan upper house race, (Kyodo) Mainichi 21.07.2013.
Ayako Mie: Inaugural Internet campaigning not proving to be game-changer in poll, Japan Times 21.07.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Former town mayor Idogawa “JP Gov knew 311 to happen 8 days before, 3/3/2011 but gov & power companies concealed it”, Fukushima Dairy 20.07.2013.
Radioactive Cesium in Human Placenta After #Fukushima Nuke Accident Lower Than in Placentas During Atmospheric Testing and After Chernobyl, Japanese Researchers Say, EXSKF 20.07.2013.
Wolf Richter: “Who Could Trust Such A Company?” – The Big Fat Lies About Radiation Exposure Of
Workers At Fukushima, Zero Hedge 20.07.2013.
Mitsubishi to fight nuke plant negligence claim, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 20.07.2013.
Mari Fujisaki: TEPCO makes lump-sum bonus payment to managers to stop brain-drain, Asahi Shimbun 20.07.2013.
Adam Westlake: 300 radioactive cars seized as Russian customs inspect Japan imports, Japan Daily Express 20.07.2013.
Protesters say candidates skirting nuclear power issue, Asahi Shimbun 20.07.2013.
Deborah Blum: On the Trail of the Mutant Tomato, Knight Science Journalism at MIT 19.07.2013.
Mark Breddy: Exclusive: Leaked nuclear state aid proposals spark controversy, Greenpeace 19.07.2013.
Mark Flanagan: The Nuclear Bad Time Story, NEI Nuclear Notes 19.07.2013.
Charlie Dunmore and Henning Gloystein: Germany rebuffs European nuclear power subsidy proposal, Reuters 19.07.2013.
Rona Moon: Scaremongers strike again: “mutant” vegetables wrongly attributed to Fukushima, RocketNews24 19.07.2013.
Terry McAlister: Nuclear power: leaks show new EU push, The Gauadian 19.07.2013.
TEPCO now says 2,000 Fukushima workers exposed to high radiation doses, Asahi Shimbun 19.07.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Party of Japan’s Premier Poised for Big Election Win, New York Times 19.07.2013.
Managers to get ¥100,000 incentive, (Jiji) Japan Times 19.07.2013.
Public trust crisis threatens China’s nuclear power ambitions, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 19.07.2013.
Ailing TEPCO to give 100,000 yen to each management-level employee, Kyodo 19.07.2013.
MHI hit for U.S. nuclear plant flaw, (Kyodo) Japan Times 19.07.2013.
Nearly 2,000 at Fukushima No. 1 face higher thyroid cancer risk, (Kyodo) Japan Times 19.07.2013.
Tom Henry: Davis-Besse among 12 plants at risk, says analyst, The Blade 19.07.2013.
Evan Brandt: Report: Limerick nuke plant among those at risk for early closure, The Mercury 19.07.2013.
Japan Atomic Power should face reality and decommission its reactors, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 19.07.2013.
TEPCO Hides Unit 3 Data, Who Watches TEPCO? Simply Info 17.07.2013.
Ruling coalition on track to win majority in Upper House, Asahi Shimbun 18.07.2013.
Steam seen in Fukushima No. 3 reactor building, Japan Today 18.07.2013.
U.S. utility begins legal dispute against Mitsubishi over atomic plant, Kyodo 18.07.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Steam Detected at Damaged Fukushima Reactor, New York Times 18.07.2013.
Conclusion on faults under Monju reactor will take time: survey team, Kyodo 18.07.2013.
TEPCO sees steam but no crisis at nuclear plant, AP 18.07.2013.
More must be done to help Fukushima evacuees rebuild their lives, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 18.07.2013.
Matthew Philips: The U.S. Nuclear Power Industry’s Dim Future, Bloomberg 18.07.2013.
Yuri Aono: Parties’ campaigns should show new society with less nuclear power, (leder) Mainichi 18.07.2013.
Ryota Kyuki & Hidefumi Nogami: Company tied to pro-nuclear mayor in Fukushima defaulted on unsecured loans, Asahi Shimbun 18.07.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: 80% think another nuke disaster ‘probable’: poll, Japan Times 18.07.2013.
Shigeko Segawa: Survey: Most Japanese think Fukushima nuclear accident not settled, Asahi Shimbun 18.07.2013.
Politicians ignore nuclear evacuees, (jiji) Japan Times 18.07.2013.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima rainfall caused steam above reactor, says Tepco, The Guardian 18.07.2013.
David Roberts & Ted Lazo: Fukushima, from Fear to Fact, Project Syndicate 18.07.2013.
Julian Ryall: Alarm as steam seen rising from Fukushima reactor, Telegraph 18.07.2013.
Steam seen in Fukushima reactor 3 building, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 18.07.2013.
Steam rising from reactor building in Fukushima, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 18.07.2013.
Yoshiko Kurita: Japanese govt tries to “delete” the lessons of Fukushima from official records, DiaNuke.org 17.07.2013.
Jon Mitchell: 281_Anti Nuke: The Japanese street artist taking on Tokyo, TEPCO and the nation’s right-wing extremists 281_Anti Nuke, Japan Focus 17.07.2013.
Ayako Mie: The destroyer’ Ozawa slams opposition for failure to cooperate, Japan Times 17.07.2013.
Alex Thomson: Japan’s nuclear energy dilemma, 4 news 17.07.2013.
Izumi Sakurai: Toru Hayano: Abe to turn more aggressive on constitutional revisions if LDP wins big in Upper House races, Asahi Shimbun 17.07.2013.
Report: Over Three Dozen U.S. Nuclear Reactors at Risk of Early Retirement, 12 face Greatest Shutdown Pressure, (pressemeddelelse) Vermont Law School 17.07.2013.
Mark Cooper: Renaissance in Reverse: Competition Pushes Aging U.S. Nuclear Reactors to the Brink of Economic Abandonment, Vermont Law School 17.07.2013 (pdf).
J.G. Wibes: Disturbing Photos of Fukushima Mutant Fruit, IntelliHub 17.07.2013.
William Pesek: Japan’s voters set themselves up for a disappointing result, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 17.07.2013.
Although quiet on the issue, LDP, New Komeito at odds on nuclear policy, Asahi Shimbun 17.07.2013.
Takakazu Matsuda: DPJ should clarify its policy differences from LDP, (leder) Mainichi 17.07.2013.
Japan gets Net campaign, but not savvy candidates, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 17.07.2013.
Panel probes Monju geologic faults, (Kyodo) Japan Times 17.07.2013.
Have Japan’s gardeners come a cropper? Two years after Fukushima radiation disaster, evidence of ‘mutant vegetables’ sweeps across the region, Mail Online 17.07.2013.
Takashi Ichida, Kosuke Tauchi & Osamu Murayama: Construction firm’s loans saved business – and post- of pro-nuclear mayor, Asahi Shimbun 17.07.2013.
Ex-prime minister sues Abe for libel over Fukushima comments, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 17.07.2013.
Ewen Callaway: Fukushima offers real-time ecolab, Nature 16.07.2013.
2 years after nuclear disaster, Japan spawns freaky fruits and veggies, MSN Network 16.07.2013.
Regulators start safety review for reactors seeking restart, (Kyodo) Mainichi 16.07.2013.
Ayako Mie: Kan sues Abe for 3/11 defamation, Japan Times 16.07.2013.
Anti-nuclear votes split between Tokyo candidates in election, Mainichi 16.07.2013.
TEPCO tapped into contractor’s slush fund to buy land for nuclear facility, Asahi Shimbun 16.07.2013.
Utility seeks to overturn reactor ban, (Kyodo, Jiji) Japan Times 16.07.2013.
Paul Jobin: The Roadmap for Fukushima Daiichi and the Clean-up Workers, Japan Focus 15.07.2013.
Matthew M. Burke: In growing lawsuit, servicemembers fault TEPCO for radiation-related illnesses, Stars and Stripes 15.07.2013.
Roku Goda & Koji Kitabayashi: Prefectures forecast greater damage from Nankai tsunami than central government, Asahi Shimbun 15.07.2013.
Study: North America’s West Coast to be most contaminated by Fukushima cesium of
all regions in Pacific in 10 years – “An order-of-magnitude higher” than waters
off Japan, Energy News 15.07.2013.
Stuart Brown: Trolls or media watchdogs?: Japan’s foreign-born defenders, Japan Times 15.07.2013.
Angelique Chrisafis: French Greenpeace activists break into nuclear power plant, The Guardian 15.07.2013.
‘Radioactivity found in Swiss lake’ near nuclear plant, (AFP) France24 14.07.2013.
Alex Thomson: Inside Japan’s nuclear exclusion zone, Channel 4 News 14.07.2013.
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Contaminated Groundwater Leak Caused by Construction of Impermeable Wall Along the Ocean? EXSKF 14.07.2013.
Charlie Smith: Canadian officials should take notice of Japanese regulator’s comments about Fukushima water leaks, straight.com 13.07.2013.
Lettuces grown at Kawauchi plant shipped to Tokyo area, Fukushima Minpo News 13.07.2013.
NHK: Concern over highly contaminated fish caught 100 kilometers from Fukushima
plant – Most radioactive marine product detected in over 2 years, Energy News 13.07.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: TEPCO’s plan to halt spread of radioactive water based on shaky theory, Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2013.
Reactor restarts haunt Fukushima race, (Jiji) Japan Times 13.07.2013.
Lettuces grown at Kawauchi plant shipped to Tokyo area, Fukushima Minpo News 13.07.2013.
China cancels $6 billion uranium project after protest, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2013.
China scraps uranium plant after protests, (AP) Japan Times 13.07.2013.
Gerry Mullany: After Protest, China Cancels Plans for Uranium Plant, New York Times 13.07.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Kyushu Electric applies to restart two more reactors, Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2013.
Iodine tablets no prevention, (leder) Japan Times 13.07.2013.
Yosuke Akai: Hot ‘tropical nights’ increased 2.1 times over past 70 to 80 years, Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2013.
LDP needs to take hard look at reality of nuclear power, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2013.
Japan Atomic Power to seek restart at all reactors, Asahi Shimbun 12.07.2013.
Nearly half of Japanese against reactor restarts, poll finds, (Jiji) Japan Times 12.07.2013.
Shinichi Sekine & Eiji Zakoda: State withholds more than 60% of Fukushima cleanup budget, Asahi Shimbun 12.07.2013.
Operator bullish over Tsuruga reactor restart despite active fault row, Mainichi 12.07.2013.
Strontium detected in well on seaward side of Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 12.07.2013.
More restarts sought, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.07.2013.
Pros and cons of Abe’s nuclear policy, Asahi Shimbun 12.07.2013.
Summer heat wave covers many parts of Japan, Mainichi 12.07.2013.
Probe launched after contractor JDC dumped radioactive water into river for irrigation in Fukushima, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.07.2013.
David Elliott: Fukushima’s positive legacy, The Conversation 12.07.2013.
Peter Bradford: Nuclear renaissance was just a fairy tale, The Guardian 11.07.2013.
William Boardman: What the Fukushima 2013? (1 af 4) OpEdNews.com 11.07.2013.
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013, Executive summary & conclusions, World Nuclear Industry Status Report 11.07.2013.
Kyoto gov. says gov’t should clarify its responsibility for nuclear power policy, (interview) Mainichi 11.07.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Did late No. 1 plant head avert or facilitate nuke crisis? Japan Times 11.07.2013.
Atsushi Hiroshima: Parties clearly divided on nuclear policy as overall emphasis in campaign declines, Asahi Shimbun 11.07.2013.
Colin Powell: Nuclear option suicidal for North Korea, (interview) Asahi Shimbun 11.07.2013.
New findings prove no active fault lies under Tsuruga reactor: operator, (Kyodo) Japan Times 11.07.2013.
Sizzling heat continues from Kyushu to Kanto, Asahi Shimbun 11.07.2013.
Radioactivity detected near Fukushima underground tank, Kyodo 11.07.2013.
Remembering a hero of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Asahi Shimbun 11.07.2013.
Japan: Radioactive water likely leaking to Pacific, AP 10.07.2013.
Rushing to restart reactors, (leder) Japan Times 10.07.2013.
Mari Yamaguchi: Watchdog: Ocean contamination likely at Fukushima, Bloomberg 10.07.2013.
Japan nuclear watchdog spots Fukushima ocean leak, (AFP) The Raw Story 10.07.2013.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima boss hailed as hero dies, The Guardian 10.07.2013.
Japan nuclear regulator alarmed at Fukushima contamination reports, Reuters 10.07.2013.
Regulators suspect toxic water at Fukushima plant contaminating sea, Kyodo 10.07.2013.
Osamu Tsukimori: Japan may restart reactors in a year; Fukushima situation worsens, Reuters 10.06.2013.
Toxic groundwater reaching sea: NRA, (Kyodo, Bloomberg) Japan Times 10.07.2013.
Mixed reviews over deceased ex-Fukushima plant chief’s handling of nuclear crisis, Mainichi 10.07.2013.
Teruhiko Nose, Yasuo Kojima & Sachiko Miwa: Crucial vote: LDP, DPJ candidates in Fukushima say little about nuclear policy, Asahi Shimbun 10.07.2013.
Eric Johnston: Pro-nuke LDP’s candidate quiet on Ehime reactor restart bid, Japan Times 10.07.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Japanese Nuclear Plant May Have Been Leaking for Two Years, New York Times 10.07.2013.
Heat wave after short rainy season sends thousands to hospitals, Asahi Shimbun 10.07.2013.
58 municipalities near nuclear plants could have isolated areas in event of disaster, Mainichi 10.07.2013.
Japan nuclear regulator alarmed at Fukushima contamination reports, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 10.07.2013.
Justin McCurry: Japan to give nuclear power another chance, Christian Science Monitor 10.07.2013.
Satoshi Kurokawa: Japan’s New Direction On Climate Change, Asian Scientist 10.07.2013.
Cesium levels rise 100 times at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 10.07.2013.
Yuji Okada & Jacob Adelman: Tepco’s ‘Fukushima Fifty’ Leader Yoshida Dies of Cancer, Bloomberg 09.07.2013.
Mari Yamaguchi: Masao Yoshida Dead: Former Chief Of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Dies At 58, AP 09.07.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Masao Yoshida, Nuclear Engineer and Chief at Fukushima Plant, Dies at 58, New York Tomes 09.07.2013.
David McNeill: Japanese ‘hero’ who saved Fukushima plant from total meltdown dies of cancer, The Independent 09.07.2013.
Hero Fukushima ex-manager who foiled nuclear disaster dies of cancer, RT 09.07.2013.
NRA must assess risks posed by a concentration of reactors, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 09.07.2013.
Retweeting of nuclear power-related posts help boost their online presence, Mainichi 09.07.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: Cesium levels surge 90-fold over 3-day period at Fukushima nuke plant, Asahi Shimbun 09.07.2013.
Film blasts export of atomic plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 09.07.2013.
Former chief of Fukushima nuclear plant has died, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 09.07.2013.
Election viewpoints: Nuclear power and politics, Mainichi 09.07.2013.
Utilities seeking restarts have support of pro-nuclear government, Asahi Shimbun 09.07.2013.
Man who battled Japan nuke disaster passes away, (AFP-Jiji) Japan Times 09.07.2013.
Nuclear reactors awaiting restart clearance still in midst of safety measure preparation, Mainichi 09.07.2013.
Yuri Kageyama: Tepco safety drive hires foreign advocate, (AP) Japan Times 09.07.2013.
Andrew DeWit: Green Shoot: Abenomics and the 3rd Arrow, Japan Focus 08.07.2013.
Ruling LDP in a rush to restart nuclear reactors, Mainiichi 08.07.2013.
NRA starts accepting applications for reactor restarts, (Kyodo) Japan Times 08.07.2013.
Japan restarts procedures to reboot idled nuclear reactors, (Kyodo) Mainichi 08.07.2013.
Mothers pray for nuclear-free Japan on Tanabata Festival day, Asahi Shimbun 08.07.2013.
Fukushima evacuees criticize plans to restart nuclear reactors, Mainichi 08.07.2013.
Fukushima radioactive groundwater readings rocket, AFP 08.07.2013.
Miya Tanaka: World’s ‘toughest nuclear regulations’ still may not reassure public, (Kyodo) Japan Times 08.07.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Four utilities apply for safety examinations of 10 reactors, Asahi Shimbun 08.07.2013.
New regulations should remove ‘safety myth’ of nuclear plants, (leder) Mainichi 08.07.2013.
Civic groups protest against restarting nuclear reactors, Mainichi 08.07.2013.
Agency says torrential rain sharply increasing, flooding a growing risk, Asahi Shimbun 08.07.2013.
Joyce Man: Solar, wind power gain over nuclear power in China, says German official, South China Morning Post 08.07.2013.
Japan moves closer to restarting nuclear reactors, (AP) The Guardian 08.07.2013.
Osamu Tsukimori: Japan nuclear operators file for plant safety checks, but early restarts unlikely, Reuters 08.07.2013.
Japan’s First Citizens’ Political Group Established, Japan For Sustainaility 08.07.2013.
Summer heat leaves 1 dead, 740 taken to hospital across Japan, (Kyodo) Mainichi 08.07.2013.
Japan reopens application procedures for rebooting idled nuclear reactors, (Kyodo) Japan Times 08.07.2013.
Japan restarts procedures to reboot idled nuclear reactors, (Kyodo) Japan Times 08.07.2013.
Explosive costs hamper U.S. effort to dispose of nuclear arms, (Washington Post) Japan Times 07.07.2013.
William Boardman: Fukushima Continues: More than two years after the initial meltdowns, Fukushima is still SNAFU, Huntington News 07.07.2013.
Toxic radiation found at Japanese plant, Sydney Morning Herald 07.07.2013.
Mari Yamaguchi: Japan set to restart reactors after nuclear crisis, (AP) Jakarta Post 07.07.2013.
Gov’t releases power saving guide as it calls for energy cuts, Mainichi 07.07.2013.
Tritium soaring in water at No. 1 plant, (Jiji) Japan Times 07.07.2013.
Radioactive tritium level continues to rise in sea just off Fukushima plant, Kyodo 06.07.2013.
Ministry to test ‘demand response’ power model in autumn, Mainichi 06.07.2013.
Japanese power firms have no plans to scrap more nuclear reactors: poll, (Jiji) Japan Times 06.07.2013.
Toshio Tada: Records underestimate radiation exposure in Fukushima workers, Asahi Shimbun 06.07.2013.
METI to set up forum on nuclear waste disposal, (Jiji) Japan Times 06.07.2013.
Governor’s opposition forces TEPCO to delay restart application, Asahi Shimbun 06.07.2013.
TEPCO must not automatically assume that its nuclear reactors can be restarted, (leder) Mainichi 06.07.2013.
Japan, Uzbekistan to conduct joint uranium exploration, (Kyodo) Japan Times 06.07.2013.
Highly radioactive water found in another well at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 06.07.2013.
Daniel McNeill: Japan’s nuclear boss apologises for ‘sloppy decisions’, The Independent 05.07.2013.
Irrational reactor restart plan, (leder) Japan Times 05.07.2013.
Japan utility hires nuclear safety advocate, Mainichi 05.07.2013.
Tepco chief gets cool reception in Niigata, (Kyodo) Japan Times 05.07.2013.
Aaron Sheldrick & Kentaro Hamada: Japan says building nuclear safety culture will take a long time, Reuters 04.07.2013.
Ed Gent: Raising Japan’s nuclear safety will ‘take a long time’, E&T 04.07.2013.
Yuriko Suzuki: Japan pushes export of CO2-reducing coal-power facilities, Asahi Shimbun 04.07.2013.
Fukushima voters tell politicians to get real, Japan Times 04.07.2013.
Scientists detect highest cesium levels in a year in Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 04.07.2013.
How the Upper House election system works, (Kyodo) Japan Times 04.07.2013.
TEPCO reports another rat problem, this time at Fukushima No. 2 plant, Asahi Shimbun 04.07.2013.
40% of evacuees from Okuma town won’t return home, Fukushima Minpo News 04.07.2013.
Fukushima House of Councillors candidates begin campaigns, Mainichi 04.07.2013.
Economy not the sole key issue for Upper House election, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 04.07.2013.
Jacob Adelman & Yuji Okada: Japan Nears Switching on Reactors After Tepco’s Meltdown: Energy, Bloomberg 03.07.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Nuclear watchdog tightening safety regulations on fuel processing plants, Asahi Shimbun 03.07.2013.
New dam plans proceed despite clogging of pre-existing dam, threatening sacred Ainu land, Mainichi 03.07.2013.
Japan’s Nuclear Energy Model Falls Apart, The Fukushima Project 03.07.2013.
Tepco to seek Niigata reactor restarts, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.07.2013.
Niigata governor blasts TEPCO for applying for screening to reactivate nuclear plant, Mainichi 03.07.2013.
Oi reactors get OK to stay on till September, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.07.2013.
Niigata governor opposes nuke plant restarts, criticizes TEPCO, Asahi Shimbun 03.07.2013.
Japan’s sole operating reactors allowed to be online until Sept. Mainichi 03.07.2013.
DPJ ruins chance at power reform, (leder) Japan Times 03.07.2013.
TEPCO seeks screening to restart nuclear reactors with eye on grim financial status, Mainichi 03.07.2013.
International Atomic Energy Agency warns of Fukushima meltdown-inspired terrorism, (Bloomberg) Japan Daily Press 03.07.2013.
Fukushima a ‘blueprint’ for terrorists, IAEA warns, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 03.07.2013.
Water in all leaky trenches at No. 1 routed to other storage, Tepco says, (Kyodo, Jiji) Japan Times 03.07.2013.
Nafeez Ahmed: The coming nuclear energy crunch, The Guardian 02.07.2013.
Takemichi Nishibori: Juvenile abalone released in hopes of future Fukushima fishing, Asahi Shimbun 02.07.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Fukushima Plant Operator Intends to Restart Reactors Elsewhere, New York Times 02.07.2013.
AFP: Fire breaks out at crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, Energy News 02.07.2013.
Tsunami-hit town plagued by staffing problems, Mainichi 02.07.2013.
Alternative ideas need a voice, (leder) Japan Times 02.07.2013.
Shin Matsuura: Utilities lack funds to decommission reactors; consumers may foot the bill, Asahi Shimbun 02.07.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Nuclear safety rules put onus on utilities, Japan Times 02.07.2013.
Fumikazu Asai: Map shows iodine-131 levels in Fukushima shortly after disaster, Asahi Shimbun 02.07.2013.
It’s summer power-saving time, (Kyodo) Japan Times 02.06.2013.
Tweets on nuclear power and quake recovery abundant, but not reflected in poll: research, Mainichi 01.07.2013.
Fukushima waste incinerator takes shape, World Nuclear News 01.07.2013.
LDP alone in fighting nuclear power exit, (Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 01.07.2013.
March 2011 earthquake caused 5 volcanoes to sink, study finds, Asahi Shimbun 01.07.2013.
LDP’s lead growing ahead of Upper House election: survey, (Kyodo) Japan Times 01.07.2013.
Tetsuya Kasai: Last elderly evacuees settling in to new lives, want to keep it that way, Asahi Shimbun 01.07.2013.
Green fuel a big winner in fall out from Fukushima, Ammon News 01.07.2013.
All underground water storage tanks at Fukushima plant emptied, Kyodo 01.07.2013.
Japan, Maldives sign accord on emissions, (Jiji) Japan News 01.07.2013.
Jonathan Tirone: Fukushima Shows Nuclear-Terrorism Risks at UN Meeting, Bloomberg 01.07.2013.
Juni 2013
A group of mothers sends anti-nuclear wishes of one million moms to PM Abe: Tanabata gathering in front of Prime Minister’s office on July 7, World Network for Saving Fukushima’s Children, 30.06.2013.
Japan’s power-saving period begins ahead of summer, (Kyodo) Global Post 30.06.2013.
Toxic groundwater found in Fukushima No. 1 well just 6 meters from Pacific, (Jiji) Japan Times 30.06.2013.
Abe to start election campaign in Fukushima, (Jiji) Japan Times 30.06.2013.
LDP only party opposed to moving toward zero nuclear plants, Asahi Shimbun 30.06.2013.
Japan, U.S. jointly developing tech to gauge melted fuel at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 30.06.2013.
LDP’s lead widens as support expands ahead of election: Kyodo poll, Kyodo 30.06.2013.
Municipalities ask Tepco for residents’ data to expedite redress, (Jiji) Japan Times 30.06.2013.
Miki Aoki: Government offers dosimeters – not decontamination – for Fukushima evacuees, Asahi Shimbun 29.06.2013.
China at center of Asia nuclear energy expansion: IAEA chief, (interview) Xinhua 29.06.2013.
Utilities reap ¥10 billion of 3/11 funds, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 29.06.2013.
Hirohito Ono: We cannot allow return to nuclear power without proper debate, Asai Shimbun 29.06.2013.
Niigata gov. raises doubts about gov’t safety requirements for nuclear reactors, Mainichi 29.06.2013.
Major utilities announce rate hikes for August, (Jiji) Japan Times 29.06.2013.
Local communities should have more say in nuclear safety planning, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 29.06.2013.
Melted fuel removal at Fukushima plant seen optimistically starting in 2020, (Kyodo) Japan Times 28.06.2013.
Hiroaki Kimura: Floating wind turbine headed for coast off Fukushima Prefecture, Asahi Shimbun 28.06.2013.
Eric Johnston: First MOX shipment since 3/11 arrives in Fukui, Japan Times 28.06.2013.
Eiji Zakoda & Hirotaka Kojo: Government diverts quake recovery funds to help utility with idle reactors, Asahi Shimbun 28.06.2013.
Ayako Mie: Komeito to campaign for nuke phaseout, denies disconnect with LDP, Japan Times 28.06.2013.
Negatives abound for Japan’s ‘pluthermal’ power generation plans, Asahi Shimbun 28.06.2013.
New nuclear safety standards, (leder) Japan Times 28.06.2013.
Fallout decontamination efforts falling short, (Jiji) Japan Times 28.06.2013.
Anti-nuke shareholders state their case at power company meetings, Asahi Shimbun 27.06.2013.
Reactor operators face shareholders, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.06.2013.
Nuclear watchdog: Contaminated water at Fukushima plant likely flowing into sea, Asahi Shimbun 27.06.2013.
MOX fuel processed in France arrives at Takahama nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 27.06.2013.
Protesters greet ship carrying mixed-oxide fuel from France, Asahi Shimbun 27.06.2013.
Diet closes, paving way for upper house election in July, Mainichi 27.06.2013.
Ryojiro Komatsu: TEPCO rejects compensation settlement for radiation anxiety, Asahi Shimbun 27.06.2013.
Utility shareholders reject all anti-nuke proposals, Asahi Shimbun 27.06.2013.
Japan unlikely to use MOX fuel in nuclear reactors, Mainichi 27.06.2013.
Open letter to utilities: Wake up and smell the coffee! (leder) Asahi Shimbun 27.06.2013.
Upper house members should reflect on lack of in-depth policy debate, (leder) Mainichi
Anti-nuke shareholders state their case at power company meetings, Asahi Shimbun 27.06.2013.
NRA assails particle accelerator staff over continued experiments after radiation leak, Mainichi 26.06.2013.
Jacob Adelman & Yuji Okada: Tepco’s Shareholders Decline to Pursue GE for Fukushima Claims, Bloomberg 26.06.2013.
9 utilities want to restart idled reactors as soon as possible, Asahi Shimbun 26.06.2103.
Radiation exposure data inaccurate for 16,000 Fukushima residents, (Kyodo) Japan Times 26.06.2013.
‘Solar sharing’ spreading among Fukushima farmers, Asia One News 26.06.2013.
Utilities unreceptive to shareholders’ proposals to phase out nuclear power, Mainichi 26.06.2013.
Keiji Hirano: Fight to get Tepco, state to come clean lives on, (Kyodo) Japan Times 26.06.2013.
Peace forum organizers split over nuclear energy, Kyodo 25.06.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Tritium samples in sea near No. 1 soar, Japan Times 25.06.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Higher seaborne tritium levels outside Fukushima plant suggest leaks not plugged, Asahi Shimbun 25.06.2013.
Level of radioactive tritium rising in harbor at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 25.06.2013.
Plutonium problem lingers as mixed-oxide fuel comes to Japan, Asahi Shimbun 25.06.2013.
Japan made secret promise with U.S. to restart pluthermal nuclear program, Mainichi 25.06.2013.
Ayako Mie: LDP win mimics December election, Japan Times 25.06.2013.
Gov’t white paper points to flaws in nuclear facility safety management, Mainichi 25.06.2013.
Eric Johnston: Hashimoto stays at helm despite fiasco, calls to exit, Japan Times 25.06.2013.
NRA fails to find party to probe Oi quake faults, (Jiji) Japan Times 25.06.2013.
35% of Tokyoites gauged Abenomics in Metro Tokyo assembly election, Mainichi 24.06.2013.
Level of radioactive tritium rising in port at Fukushima plant, Kyodo 24.06.2013.
Jeremy Leggett: Solar power still better than nuclear in the fight against climate change, The Guardian 24.03.2013.
Kansai Electric should lose its smug attitude, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 24.06.2013.
Hope, lackluster opposition fueled Tokyo win for LDP, New Komeito, (leder) Mainichi 24.06.2013.
Aaron Sheldrick & Kentaro Hamada: Japan nuclear safety upgrades dazzle, mask industry woes, (Reuters) Planet Ark 24.06.2013.
Japanese Communist Party makes comeback in Tokyo assembly election, Mainichi 24.06.2013.
Anti-LDP voters pick Communists over DPJ in Tokyo election, Asahi Shimbun 24.06.2013.
Abe’s LDP sweeps Tokyo assembly poll ahead of Upper House election, (Kyodo) Japan Times 24.06.2013.
Noriyoshi Otsuki: In Fukushima first, district declared decontaminated, Asahi Shimbun 24.06.2013.
Japan Restoration Party routed in Tokyo election in wake of Hashimoto remarks, Mainichi 24.06.2013.
LDP leads pack with 28% support rate ahead of Upper House poll, (Kyodo) Japan Times 24.06.2013.
LDP cruises to victory in Tokyo assembly election, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 24.06.2013.
Terry Macalister: UK’s nuclear clean-up programme to cost billions more than expected, The Guardian 23.06.2013.
Abe’s LDP gains momentum into July election after winning in Tokyo vote, Asahi Shimbun 23.06.2013.
Stunning Story from a Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Worker: Interview by Comedienne Oshidori Mako, World Network for Saving Children form Radiation 23.06.2013.
Tepco seeks dismissal of damages suit filed in U.S, (Kyodo) Japan Times 23.06.2013.
Takahi Ebuchi: Utilities face shareholders’ proposals to get rid of nuclear power, Asahi Shimbun 22.06.2013.
Radioactive cesium in foods drops to one-fifth in Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 22.06.2013.
Monju operator lax on inspecting 2,100 other components, (Kyodo) Japan Times 22.06.2013.
TEPCO: Radioactive water leaked from flowmeter cap at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 22.06.2013.
Hideki Muroya: Lack of safety checks at Monju reactor more serious than initially thought, Asahi Shimbun 22.06.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Brazil’s Rousseff cancels Japan visit, Japan Times 22.06.2013.
Hisashi Hattori: Lesson for Japan: Decommissioning Chernobyl may take ‘100 years’, Asahi Shimbun 22.06.2013.
Japan Reports New Radioactive Leak at Fukushima, RIA Novosti 21.03.2013.
Radioactive waste to be disposed of in originating prefectures: Environment Ministry, Mainichi 21.06.2013.
Akira Hatano: Tests continued for 37 hours after radiation leak at neighboring lab, Asahi Shimbun 21.06.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: NRA shows off its new crisis center, Japan Times 21.06.2013.
NRA gives pass to 2 Oi nuke reactors as showdown looms on tougher standards, Asahi Shimbun 21.06.2013.
360 liters of radioactive water leaks from Fukushima No. 1, (Kyodo) Japan Times 21.06.2013.
More leaks of contaminated water discovered at Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 21.06.2013.
Fairewinds: Thyroid data means much more radiation must have come out of Fukushima reactors than anyone reported — Medical professionals are talking about how many cancers have started showing up, (audio) Energy News 20.06.2013.
NRA eyes allowing Japan’s two operating reactors to remain online through September, (Kyodo) Japan Times 20.06.2013.
TEPCO withheld data on contaminated well water for weeks, Asahi Shimbun 20.06.2013.
Malene Breusch Hansen: Radioaktiv isotop 30 gange over grænseværdien i Fukushimas grundvand, Ingeniøren 20.06.2013.
Japan, Brazil to restart talks on nuclear deal stalled since Fukushima crisis, (Jiji) Japan Times 20.06.2013.
Fukushima: Strontium now in Groundwater, (video) beyondnuclear.org 19.06.2013.
Yang Yi (Ed.): High radioactivity levels detected in groundwater at Fukushima nuke plant, Xinhua 19.06.2013.
Osamu Tsukimori & Yuka Obayashi: Japan finds highly toxic strontium in Fukushima groundwater, (Reuters) Scientific American 19.06.2013.
Ryuta Koike & Jin Nishikawa: Utilities to apply to restart 12 reactors at 6 nuclear plants, Asahi Shimbun 20.06.2013.
Mari Yamaguchi: Japan formally OKs new nuclear safety requirements, AP 19.06.2013.
Utilities set to apply for screening of pressurized-water reactors under new safety rules, Mainichi 20.06.2013.
Global warming danger zone, (leder) Japan Times 20.06.2013.
Regulator must thoroughly examine nuclear reactors amid new safety standards, (leder) Mainichi 20.06.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Strontium in groundwater at No. 1 soars, Japan Times 20.06.2013.
Japan, Brazil to resume nuclear technology pact talks, Asahi Shimbun 20.06.2013.
Abe states intention to promote nuclear power via energy market, safety reform, (Kyodo) Japan Times 20.06.2013.
Tsuyoshi Inajima & Yuji Okada: Tepco minutes reveal staff exodus concerns, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 19.06.2013.
Regulators officially decide new safety requirements for reactors, (Kyodo) Mainichi 19.06.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Meltdowns haven’t killed anyone: LDP bigwig, Japan Times 19.06.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: High levels of strontium, tritium found in well water at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 19.06.2013.
Ruth Brown: More Bad Fukushima News, newser 19.06.2013.
Chisaki Watanabe: Marubeni to set up floating wind turbine off Fukushima in world first, Japan Times 19.06.2013.
Nathan Ingraham: Japan’s nuclear power reactors set to reopen later this year under tighter regulations, The Verge 19.06.2013.
LDP’s Takaichi retracts death toll comment after sparking anger in Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 19.06.2013.
Mark Cooper: Nuclear aging: Not so graceful, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 18.06.2013.
Tomohihro Osaki: Kan hits Abe’s nuclear salesmanship, Japan Times 18.06.2013.
Debate on fuel-recycling program needed before revival of ‘pluthermal’ projects, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 18.06.2013.
Eric Johnston: Kepco’s MOX load to arrive June 27, Japan Times 18.06.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: NRA says quake not responsible for damage to Fukushima cooling condensers, Asahi Shimbun 18.06.2013.
NRA denies 3/11 quake damaged condenser pipes at Fukushima No. 1, (Kyodo) Japan Times 18.06.2013.
Satoshi Otani: Familiar faces win ¥1.6 billion in nuclear public relations projects after Fukushima disaster, Asahi Shimbun 17.06.2013.
Takayuki Hayashi & Hajime Horiguchi: Japan to cooperate with 4 central European nations on nuclear energy, Asahi Shimbun 17.06.2013.
KEPCO rate hikes found to include costs for empty company housing units, Mainichi 17.06.2013.
Abe’s political views taint white paper on energy, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 17.06.2013.
Support for Cabinet tumbles below 60%, (leder) Japan Times 17.06.2013.
TEPCO puts water decontamination unit on hold after possible leak, Asahi Shimbun 17.06.2013.
Nuclear stance helps Shizuoka Gov. Kawakatsu win second term, (Kyodo) Japan Times 17.06.2013.
TEPCO mulls putting off application to restart Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuke plant, Mainichi 17.06.2013.
Almost 60% of public opposes Japan’s export of nuclear tech: survey, (Jiji) Japan Times 16.06.2013.
Government secretly backtracks on Fukushima decontamination goal, Asahi Shimbun 16.06.2013.
NRA inspection clears Oi reactors, (Kyodo) Japan Times 16.06.2013.
NRA conducts on-site inspection at Oi nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 15.06.2013.
Toshio Kawada: Utilities seek resumption of plutonium-thermal power generation, Asahi Shimbun 15.06.2013.
Tepco employee loses info on 22 claiming nuclear compensation redress, (Kyodo) Japan Times 15.06.2013.
Energy report skips nuclear phase-out, (Kyodo) Japan Times 15.06.2013.
Yuriko Suzuki: Energy white paper ignores DPJ government policy of zero nuclear plants, Asahi Shimbun 14.06.2013.
Yuri Kageyama: Fukushima No. 1 faces labor crunch as better jobs attract, (AP) Japan Times 14.06.2013.
Adam Westlake: Fukushima governor urges government to scrap all nuclear reactors in prefecture, Japan Daily News 14.06.2013.
Tepco again corrects water radiation level, (Kyodo) Japan Times 14.06.62013.
Tomoyoshi Otsu: LDP to campaign in July Upper House poll on plan to restart nuke reactors, Asahi Shimbun 14.06.2013.
Tepco workers get room to breathe, (Kyodo) Japan Times 14.06.62013.
No magic wand to stop fall in stock market, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 14.06.2013.
Karolin Schaps & Barbara Lewis: EU proposes mandatory nuclear reviews every six years, (Reuters) Planet Ark 14.06.2013.
Carol J. Williams: Global Voices: Fukushima made ex-premier a ‘no nukes’ crusader, Los Angeles Times 13.06.2013.
EU Presents Post-Fukushima Nuclear Safety Rules, AP 13.06.2013.
Proposed EU nuclear safety rules won’t rule out a European Fukushima, (pressemeddelelse) Greenpeace 13.06.2013.
EU wants six-yearly post-Fukushima nuclear stress tests, (AFP) France24 13.06.2013.
Experts: Shock during first trip to Fukushima – Radiation levels so high far away from reactors that full protection suit would be used in U.S., yet people were walking around – “Contamination far more widespread than most understand”, Energy News 13.06.2013.
Art Keller: Cleanup From Fukushima Daiichi: Technological Disaster Or Crisis In Governance? Fairewinds 13.06.2013.
Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Tour, (billedserie) Wall Street Journal 13.06.2013.
60 percent of elderly, disabled didn’t go to evacuation shelters in 2011 earthquake: survey, Mainichi 13.06.2013.
Special agency needed to accelerate decommissioning of reactors, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 13.06.2013.
Agency says fish contamination limited to near Fukushima plant, Kyodo 13.06.2013.
Japan set to top solar power market, (Kyodo) Japan Times 13.06.2013.
Japanese scientists speed up research on tsunami to minimize possible disaster damage, Mainichi 13.06.2013.
Korea Times: Quarter-billion liters of Fukushima contaminated water flowed into Pacific – Japan cover-up could violate international law – Hid global issue of environmental concern? Energy News 11.08.2013.
Japanese stocks lead rout in Asia, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 13.06.2013.
Japanese media open photo exhibit charting Tohoku’s disaster recovery, (Kyodo) Japan Times 13.06.2013.
Yuri Oiwa: Red Cross radiation limit for relief workers too low, say critics, Asahi Shimbun 13.06.2013.
Macolm Foster: Fukushima plant steps closer to fuel-rod removal, AP 12.06.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Special inspections to be required for extending reactor use beyond 40-year limit, Asahi Shimbun 12.06.2013.
DPJ to play up dark side of ‘Abenomics’ in Upper House poll, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.06.2013.
Keisuke Katori: Damaged reactor building at Fukushima plant fully covered, Asahi Shimbun 12.06.2013.
Kanako Takahara: Nuclear advocacy lands Abe in hot water with wife, Japan Times 12.06.2013.
Safety measures to delay restarts of 2 Oi nuclear reactors, Asahi Shimbun 12.06.2013.
Suit over patient deaths, (Jiji) Japan Times 12.06.2013.
Asahi: Locations and condition of melted Fukushima fuel unknown – Mainichi: 450 tons of scattered radioactive rods… unknown where holes in reactors are… plans may be delayed, Energy News 11.06.2013.
Shinichi Fujiwara & Noriyoshi Ohtsuki: TEPCO sued over deaths of elderly patients during Fukushima evacuation, Asahi Shimbun 11.06.2013.
Kyushu Electric spends 10 billion yen a year to maintain idle nuclear reactors, Mainichi 11.06.2013.
Abe’s wife casts doubts on nuclear plant exports, Asahi Shimbun 11.06.2013.
Cease promoting nuclear power, (leder) Japan Times 11.06.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Removal of nuke fuel debris at Fukushima plant set for 2020, Asahi Shimbun 11.06.2013.
Status of melted fuel in Fukushima reactors uncertain despite push for early removal, Mainichi 11.06.2013.
Peter N. Henderson: Canada to make nuclear operators pay more for accidents, Reuters 10.06.2013.
Ryuta Sometaya, Nahoko Kyotani & Yuriko Suzuki: In age of Abe, local governments still fight for nuclear-free society, Asahi Shimbun 10.06.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Tepco doesn’t plan to build sacrophagus in Fukushima nuclear plant, Fukushima Dairy 10.06.2013.
Removal of melted fuel from stricken Fukushima reactors may be advanced a bit, (Kyodo) Japan Times 10.06.2013.
Asahi Poll: 59% oppose Abe’s nuclear power policy, Asahi Shimbun 10.06.2013.
Miracle pine tree in Rikuzentakata rises again, Mainichi 10.06.2013.
Andrew DeWit: Abenomics Needs a Reboot Rather than Nuclear Restarts, JapanFocus 10.06.2013.
Sawada Soji: Scientists and Research on the Effects of Radiation Exposure: From Hiroshima to Fukushima, Japan Focus 10.06.2013.
Thierrry Ribault: UN Special Rapporteur Anand Grover on Fukushima: A Stunning Report Brushed Aside by the Japanese Government, Japan Focus 10.06.2013.
Kazumasa Sugimura: Preserved ‘miracle’ pine tree rises again in tsunami-hit city, Asahi Shimbun 10.06.2013.
Regulators to inspect Japan’s sole operating reactors on June 15, (Kyodo) Japan Times 10.06.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: TEPCO moves all radioactive water from leaky underground tanks, Asahi Shimbun 10.06.2013.
Japan security cooperation with France important, but nuclear claims unfounded, (leder) Mainichi 10.06.2013.
John Mathews & Mei-Chih Hu: Renewable Energy vs. Nuclear Power: Taiwan’s energy future in light of Chinese, German and Japanese experience since 3.11, Japan Focus 10.06.2013.
State of melted fuel at Fukushima plant unknown – Worker: “We opened the Pandora’s box” – Journalist: “We’re headed toward a real crisis”, Energy News 09.06.2013.
Stricken nuke plant struggles on, AAP 09.06.2013.
Rally against nuclear power, (leder) Japan Times 09.06.2013.
Nagasaki declaration to take swipe at nuclear pact with India, Asahi Shimbun 09.06.2013.
Tomohiro Osaki: Fukushima kids’ thyroids screened, Japan Times 09.06.2013.
M9 quake in Nankai Trough could rock Tokyo, Osaka high-rises, (Kyodo) Mainichi 09.06.2013.
California utility to close San Onofre reactors, (Washington Post) Japan Times 09.06.2013.
Data reveals that 75 percent of decontamination work in housing areas remains unfinished, Mainichi 08.06.2013.
Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky & Jake Adelstein: Japanese rockers sing the truth about post-meltdown Fukushima. Is anyone listening? Japan Subculture Research Center 08.06.2013.
Yuriko Suzuki: Japan begins ocean surveys of methane hydrate reserves, Asahi Shimbun 08.06.2013.
Mizuho Aoki: Abe, Hollande reach deal to push nuclear technology, Japan Times 08.06.2013.
California utility to close troubled nuclear plant, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 08.06.2013.
Monju reactor’s sodium heater temporarily halted by error, (Kyodo) Mainichi 08.06.2013.
Fishermen to Tepco: Scrap plan to release No. 1 plant water into Pacific, (Jiji) Japan Times 08.06.2013.
Abe should stop using diplomacy to promote nuclear power, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 08.06.2013.
Bill establishing new power supply/demand coordinating agency set to pass Diet, Mainichi 08.06.2013.
Don’t dump radioactive groundwater into sea, Fukushima fishermen tell Tepco, (Jiji) Japan Times 08.06.2013.
Mizuho Aoki: Abe, Hollande reach deal to push nuclear technology, Japan Times 08.06.2013.
U.S. orders new safety upgrades at nuclear plants, CNN 07.06.2013.
Belarus shares experiences handling radiation contamination in Tokyo symposium, Mainiichi 07.06.2013.
Matthew L. Wald: Nuclear Power Plant in Limbo Decides to Close, New York Times 07.06.2013.
Antoni Slodkowski: France, Japan join forces for larger share of nuclear market, Reuters 07.06.2013.
Tepco admits culpability in Fukushima farmer’s suicide, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 07.06.2013.
Chisaki Watanabe & Tsuyoshi Inajima: Abe plan lifts renewables at utilities’ expense, Japan Times 07.06.2013.
Takeshi Suezaki: Draft economic policy offers goals but not strategies, Asahi Shimbun 07.06.2013.
Over 10,000 people have yet to apply for redress from Tepco, (Jiji) Japan Times 07.06.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Radiation levels fall 40 percent in Fukushima evacuation zones, Asahi Shimbun 06.06.2013.
Momentum builds for LDP to push for nuclear reactor reactivation to back ‘Abenomics’, Mainichi 06.06.2013.
Asahi: “Unexpectedly high” number of thyroid cancers in Fukushima children – Experts: Premature to say nuclear disaster played no role, Energy News 06.06.2013.
Yuri Oiwa & Teruhiko Nose: Experts: More data needed to assess radiation’s role in cancer among Fukushima kids, Asahi Shimbun 06.06.2013.
Restarting nuclear plants necessary: Keidanren chief, Kyodo 06.06.2013.
4 members leave Fukushima panel overseeing prefectural health survey, Mainichi 06.06.2013.
Shinichi Sekine: Fukushima evacuees could lose right to seek damages from TEPCO, Asahi Shimbunn 06.06.2013.
NRA updates nuclear crisis responses, iodine provision, (Jiji) Japan Times 06.06.2013.
New tainted water storage tank at Fukushima No. 1 plant leaking, (Kyodo) Japan Times 06.06.2013.
TEPCO reports another radioactive water leak from storage tank, Asahi Shimbun 06.06.2013.
High-level radiation zones now less than quarter of 2011 crisis levels, (Kyodo) Japan Times 06.06.2013.
Ryojiro Komatsu: Family blasts TEPCO’s refusal to apologize for Fukushima farmer’s suicide, Asahi Shimbun 06.06.2013.
Martin Fackler: Leak Found in Steel Tank for Water at Fukushima, New York Times 05.06.2013.
Mari Saito, Risa Maeda & Kenichiro Hamada: Another contaminated water leak at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant, Reuters 05.06.2013.
Toshihiro Okuyama: TEPCO’s failure at math may have increased radiation release at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 05.06.2013.
Iran’s Bushehr reactor damaged by powerful quakes: IAEA diplomats, (AP) Japan Times 05.06.2013.
Radioactive cesium found in groundwater at Fukushima plant; fishermen furious, Asahi Shimbun 05.06.2013.
Nuke regulators inspect damaged Fukushima reactor building to analyze disaster, Mainichi 05.06.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: NRA releases images of debris inside Fukushima reactor building, Asahi Shimbun 05.06.2013.
Thyroid cancer hits 12 kids in Fukushima, (Kyodo) Japan Times 05.06.2013.
Ayako Nakada: Luxury sleeper train to start service in quake-hit region by 2016, Asahi Shimbun 05.06.2013.
Cooperation needed on radioactive waste disposal facilities, (leder) Mainichi 05.06.2013.
Abe’s growth strategy misses the big picture by reverting to nuclear energy, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 05.06.2013.
Kan shares lessons of Fukushima in U.S., (Kyodo) Japan Times 05.06.2013.
Japan soon to be largest solar market, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 05.06.2013.
Jonathan Amos: Fukushima tuna ‘pose little health risk’, BBC News 04.06.2013.
Joshua S. Hill: Japanese Solar Industry Soaring, Cleantechnica 04.06.2013.
Tetsu Kobayashi: Environmental government white paper removes risks of nuclear power, Asahi Shimbun 04.06.2013.
Chico Harlan: In Japan, new policy spurs solar power boom, Washington Post 04.06.2013.
Nankai quake preparedness, (leder) Japan Times 04.06.2013.
Risa Maeda: Fukushima plant operator reverses claim groundwater not contaminated, Reuters 04.06.2013.
Super Cool Biz season starts again, (Kyodo) Japan Times 04.06.2013.
Matsuura takes over helm of JAEA, (Jiji) Japan Times 04.06.2013.
Hirobumi Ohinata & Eiji Zakoda: Government to freeze ‘reconstruction’ projects outside disaster zone, Asahi Shimbun 04.06.2013.
Tokyo-area frequency of quakes still high, (Kyodo) Japan Times 04.06.2013.
‘Miracle pine tree’ almost revived after 9-months’ restoration work, Mainichi 04.06.2013.
Tepco finds groundwater contaminated with radioactive cesium, (Kyodo) Japan Times 04.06.2013.
Erik Holm: Svensk reaktor uden køling i 19 minutter, Ingeniøren 03.06.2013.
Takayuki Kihara, Kaigo Narisawa & Takuro Yagi: Anti-nuke protesters surround Diet building with Upper House election looming, Asahi Shimbun 03.06.2013.
Large anti-nuclear rally held near Diet building, (Kyodo) Mainichi 03.06.2013.
Kosuke So: Prototype of high-speed maglev train shown to public, Asahi Shimbun 03.06.2013.
Ministry may sue Tepco for ¥16 billion, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.06.2013.
Fukushima family, TEPCO reach redress deal over farmer’s suicide, Mainichi 03.06.2013.
Consolation money to place additional financial burden on TEPCO, Asahi Shimbun 03.06.2013.
Fukushima village residents to receive new compensation over mental damage, Mainichi 03.06.2013.
Eiji Zakoda & Hirotaka Kojo: Post-quake employment budget used to hire locals, not disaster victims, Asahi Shimbun 03.06.2013.
Large anti-nuclear rally held near Diet building, Kyodo 02.06.2013.
Reactor-dismantling cost rule may change, (Kyodo) Japan Times 02.06.2013.
U.N. experts: No rise in cancer seen from Japan’s nuclear disaster, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 02.06.2013.
U.N. experts see no increased risk of cancer for residents near No. 1 plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 02.06.2013.
Gov’t eyes suing TEPCO over unpaid decontamination costs, (Kyodo) Mainichi 02.06.2013.
Cabinet OKs ex-senior nuke regulator for atomic energy agency’s presidency, (Jiji) Japan Times 01.06.2013.
Maj 2013
Chisaki Watanabe: Japan Domestic Solar Shipments Leap by Most in at Least 30 Years, Bloomberg 31.05.2013.
Andrew C. Revkin: Experts Foresee No Detectable Health Impact from Fukushima Radiation, New York Times 31.05.2013.
Ann Finkbeiner: How Do We Know Nuclear Bombs Blow Down Forests? Slate 31.05.2013.
Antony Slodkowsky: Fukushima fishermen forced to test fish for radiation, Reuters 31.05.2013.
Tomohiro Osaki: Widow in farmer suicide sues Tepco, Japan Times 31.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (18): Lessons learned in helping animals after Fukushima disaster, Asahi Shimbun 31.05.2013.
Monju restart effectively banned, (Kyodo) Japan Times 31.05.2013.
Tomoya Fujita: Abe to intensify efforts to restart nuclear power plants, Asahi Shimbun 31.05.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Ground freeze urged to curb seepage into Fukushima No. 1 radioactive basements, Japan Tiimes 31.05.2013.
Matsuura named to head Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Kyodo 31.05.2013.
TEPCO told to freeze soil around reactor buildings to block groundwater, Asahi Shimbun 31.05.2013.
Risa Maeda: Japan develops cost-competitive way to make ethanol from farm waste, Reuters 30.05.2013.
Japan’s ‘Super Cool Biz’ targets women, Yomiuri 30.05.2013.
Gov’t orders TEPCO take measure to halt radioactive water increase, Kyodo 30.05.2013.
4 utilities to apply for early screening for restart of reactors, Asahi Shimbun 30.05.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Abe, Singh ink statement on nuclear deal, Japan Times 30.05.2013.
Yu Kotsubo: Town near Fukushima nuclear plant seeks more compensation for residents, Asahi Shimbun 30.05.2013.
Radioactive particles from J-PARC accident spread 1 km westward, Mainichi 30.05.2013.
Officials say no environmental risk from radioactive leak at Tokai lab, Asahi Shimbun 30.05.2013.
Nuclear regulators to review radiation controlled areas at major accelerator facilities, Mainichi 30.05.2013.
Jun Tabushi, Yuriko Suzuki & Masaaki Shoji: Abe pushes ahead with India nuclear agreement, despite concerns, Asahi Shimbun 30.05.2013.
Monju must remain idled, NRA to order, (Kyodo) Japan Times 30.06.2013.
Tairiku Kurosawa: Experts recommend preparation over prediction for major quake, Asahi Shimbun 29.05.2013.
‘India, Japan civil nuclear deal may happen within two years’, IBN Live 29.05.2013.
Nuclear Free Future: The Ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Eyewitness Report, (video) Fairewinds 29.05.2013.
Priority should be on socially vulnerable in quake aftermath: Japanese panel, (Kyodo) Japan Times 29.05.2013.
Review of quake-preparedness policy a matter of national urgency, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 29.05.2013.
Speed up measures to minimize damage from feared Nankai Trough quake, (leder) Mainichi 29.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (17): Volunteers seek new approach to handling strays, Asahi Shimbun 29.05.2013.
Regulators to issue order effectively banning restart of Monju, Mainichi 29.05.2013.
S. Korea suspends more nuclear reactors over fake documents, RT 28.05.2013.
Japan vows tighter nuclear safety after accident at research facility doses 33 with radiation, (AP) Washington Post 28.05.2013.
Tsuyoshi Inajima: Nuclear Regulator Says Radiation Leak at Japan’s Lab at Level 1, Bloomberg 28.05.2013.
South Korea halts two reactors, delays two more, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 28.05.2013.
Torben R. Simonsen: Forfalskede certifikater lukker sydkoreanske atomkraftværker, Ingeniøren 28.05.2013.
Choe Sang-Hun: South Korea Shuts 2 Reactors Over Faked Certificates, New Yor Times 28.05.2013.
Sweeping review needed of JAEA’s nuclear security system, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 28.05.2013.
Last no-go zone designation lifted in Fukushima Prefecture, (Kyodo) Mainichi 28.05.2013.
South Korea idles 2 nuke plants after cable tests faked, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 28.05.2013.
Jon Mitchell: 281_Anti Nuke’s anger at authority is at a critical mass, Japan Times 28.05.2013.
Taguro Negishi: Rezoning offers little hope for Fukushima evacuees, Asahi Shimbun 28.05.2013.
End of the line for Tsuruga reactor, (leder) Japan Times 28.05.2013.
Yuri Oniwa: U.N.: Post-Fukushima collective thyroid dose about 3.3% the dose from Chernobyl, Asahi Shimbun 27.05.2013.
Expand health survey beyond Fukushima: U.N. (Jiji) Japan Times 27.05.2013.
Subcontractor chided for sacking Fukushima decontamination work whistle-blowers, Mainichi 27.05.2013.
Yuko Takeo: A New Red Flag for Nuclear ‘Safety Culture’, Wall Street Journal 27.05.2013.
J-PARC leak signals poor sense of crisis, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.05.2013.
Manmohan Singh leaves for 5-day Japan tour, nuclear pact on agenda, Business Today 27.05.2013.
NRA ranks radiation leak at lab as Level 1, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.05.2013.
Strict safety management crucial at nuclear research facilities, (leder) Mainichi 27.05.2013.
Nuclear exposure toll hits 30 in J-PARC lab accident, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (16): Veterinarian haunted by slow start to dealing with animals, Asahi Shimbun 27.05.2013.
Singh puts nuclear power deals, investment at top of agenda, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.05.2013.
Elaine Kurtenbach: UN expert urges help for Japan’s nuclear victims, AP 26.05.2013.
Stephen Hesse: Mr. Abe: Bag the nukes and heed the Keeling Curve, Japan Times 26.05.2013.
Abe to pledge nuclear plant restart in growth strategy, (Kyodo) Mainichi 26.05.2013.
Jeff Kingston: Is it safe? Ruling party pushes nuclear village agenda, Japan Times 26.05.2013.
Radiation leak reported day after incident at Ibaraki laboratory, (Kyodo) Mainichi 26.05.2013.
Researchers hurt at Ibaraki nuclear facility, (Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 26.05.0213.
Amanda H. Miller: Report: Rooftop solar could replace nuclear with pumped hydro storage in Japan, Clean Energy Authority 26.05.2013.
Nuclear physics lab continued experiment even after radioactive leak, Asahi Shimbun 25.05.2013.
Japan Atomic Power saw fiscal 2012 growth despite no power output, Japan Times 25.05.2013.
Shinichi Sekine: Strict radiation reference levels shunned to stem Fukushima exodus, Asahi Shimbun 25.05.2013.
Martin Fackler: Japanese Lab Workers Exposed to Low Levels of Radiation, New York Times 25.05.2013.
Miya Tanaka: NRA forges new trail in judging reactor risk, (Kyodo) Japan Times 25.05.2013.
New national park designated as part of rebuilding efforts in Tohoku, Asahi Shimbun 25.05.2013.
Japan has 70% chance of M8-9 quake in Nankai Trough within 30 years: panel, (Kyodo) Mainichi 25.05.2013.
Radiation leak reported day after incident at Ibaraki laboratory, Mainichi 25.05.2013.
Greg Webb: IAEA Delivers Final Report to Japan After Initial Review of Plans to Decommission Fukushima Daiichi, IAEA 24.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (15): The veterinarian thought, ‘They are stray cats, aren’t they?’, Asahi Shimbun 24.05.2013.
U.N. urges Japan to boost checks for internal radiation exposure from Fukushima disaster, Mainichi 24.05.2013.
Democratic rights or illegal squatting? Court holds first hearing on anti-nuclear tents, Asahi Shimbun 24.05.2013.
Iran expands nuclear technology, (AP) Japan Times 23.05.2013.
NRA backs Tsuruga active fault finding, (Kyodo) Japan Times 23.05.2013.
Yuri Kageyama: Stricken Japan Nuke Plant Struggles to Keep Staff, (AP) ABC News 23.05.2013.
Mizuho Aoki: Cesium levels in water, plankton baffle scientists, Japan Times 23.05.2013.
Power output at Oi nuclear reactor to return to normal early Friday, Kyodo 23.05.2013.
Chubu Electric, Tepco to build coal-fired plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 23.05.2013.
IAEA calls for defining “end state” of crippled Fukushima plant, Kyodo 23.05.2013.
Geological research raises fears of tsunami strike on Kii Peninsula, (Kyodo) Japan Times 23.05.2013.
Nuclear watchdog to officially prohibit restart of Monju, (Kyodo) Mainichi 23.05.2013.
Japan emerges as solar beacon, (Bloomberg) Sydney Morning Herald 22.05.2013.
IAEA team to help Fukushima decontamination, (Kyodo) Japan Times 22.05.2013.
Farmers plant rice near doomed Fukushima plant, (AFP) Seed Daily 22.05.2013.
Jun Hongo: Women to get larger role in Cool Biz, Japan Times 22.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (14): What about the happiness of dogs and cats? Asahi Shimbun 22.05.2013.
Researchers find high cesium in some Pacific plankton, (Kyodo) Japan Times 22.05.2013.
Nuclear regulators acknowledge fault below Tsuruga reactor is active, (Kyodo) Mainichi 22.05.2013.
Goldman Sachs to invest big in renewable energy, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 21.05.2013.
Hiroshi Kawai: Fishermen net fish in Fukushima waters to measure radiation levels, Asahi Shimbun 21.05.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Fukushima No. 1 can’t keep its head above tainted water, Japan Times 21.05.2013.
Tepco: M6 quake caused leak at Fukushima Daiichi – Water coming from pipe of Units 5 & 6, Energy News 21.05.2013
Japan looks to resume nuclear energy talks with India, (Kyodo) Japan Times 21.05.2013.
Int’l experts say info not enough to assess fault at nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Global Post 21.05.2013.
Miya Tanaka: U.S. shale gas alters Japan’s energy plans, (Kyodo) Japan Times 20.05.2013.
Japan, India set to resume talks on nuclear energy agreement, AsahiShimbun 20.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (13): Farmer offers flowers, apology to slain cattle, Asahi Shimbun 20.05.2013.
Rice planted in former no-go zone, (Jiji) Japan Times 20.05.2013.
Despite lacking FTA, Japan to get U.S. LNG, (Kyodo, Washington Post) Japan Times 19.05.2013.
Shin Matsuura: Industry ministry behind private panel’s push for reactor restarts, Asahi Shimbun 19.05.2013.
Magnitude 6 quake Tohoku region; no tsunami warning issued, (Kyodo) Japan Times 19.07.2013.
IAEA inspector backs pumping Fukushima groundwater into sea, Mainichi 19.05.2013.
Ken Kawashima: Fukushima photos focus on what can’t be seen, Japan Times 19.05.2013.
Kansai Electric Power should end resistance to tougher nuclear safety standards, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 18.05.2013.
JAEA head quits over Monju ills, (Kyodo) Japan Times 18.05.2013.
LDP platform for July poll to push reactor restarts, Japan Times 18.05.2013.
Yusuke Fukui: Local governments ignore cesium detection in Tokyo river eels, Asahi Shimbun 17.05.2013.
Japan eyes nuclear-related exports to reach 2 tril. yen in 2020, Kyodo 17.05.2013.
World’s 1st floating hybrid power generation system set to test in fall, Asahi Shimbun 17.05.2013.
Monju reactor unlikely to resume operations by next March: JAEA, (Kyodo) Japan Times 17.05.2013.
JAEA president resigns over insufficient safety at Monju reactor, Asahi Shimbun 17.05.2013.
TEPCO: Less water than initially thought leaked from nuke plant tanks, Asahi Shimbun 17.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (12): Farmer finds it impossible to oppose killing of cattle, Asahi Shimbun 17.05.2013.
Head of operator of trouble-plagued fast-breeder reactor resigns, Mainichi 17.05.2013.
Tsuruga should be model for breaking free of nuclear energy, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 17.05.2013.
Nuke foes start hunger strike at METI, (Kyodo) Japan Times 17.05.2013.
Lay the groundwork for decommissioning Tsuruga No. 2 reactor, (leder) Mainichi 17.05.2013.
Tsuyoshi Inajima & Yuji Okada: Japan’s Nuclear Watchdog Shows Its Bark Has Some Bite: Energy, Bloomberg 16.05.2013.
Antinuclear activists on hunger strike over gov’t lawsuit, Kyodo 16.05.2013.
Mari Fujisaki & Takashi Ebuchi: NRA finding puts Japan Atomic Power on cusp of crisis, Asahi Shimbun 16.05.2013.
Winifried Bird: In Post-Tsunami Japan, A Push To Rebuild Coast in Concrete, Yale Environment 360, 16.05.2013.
No choice but to decommission prototype fast-breeder reactor Monju, (leder) Mainichi 16.05.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Fault under reactor at Tsuruga active: NRA, Japan Times 16.05.2013.
Nuclear industry in a state of ‘learned helplessness’, Mainichi 16.05.2013.
Erik Holm: Skifergas truer USA’s nye atomkraftværker, Ingeniøren 16.05.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Japan Atomic Power calls NRA determination of active fault unfair, Japan Times 16.05.2013.
Japan nuclear watchdog to stop troubled plutonium-burning test reactor over safety violations, AP 15.05.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Japanese Reactor Is Said to Stand on a Fault Line, New York Times 15.05.2013.
Japan poised for first permanent reactor closure following Fukushima, (Jiji) rt 15.05.2013.
LDP lawmakers form group to push for restart of nuclear reactors, (Kyodo) Japan Times 15.05.2013.
Risa Maeda and Aaron Sheldrick: Japan takes first step to a permanent reactor shutdown after Fukushima, Reuters 15.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (11): Farmers told not to kill cattle, Asahi Shimbun 15.05.2013.
Jun Hongo: Monju: Generating only misfortune, Japan Times 15.05.2013.
NRA: Active fault lies below Tsuruga nuke reactor – decommissioning likely, Asahi Shimbun 15.05.2013.
Yuki Okado & Yosuke Akai: Tokyo estimates giant quake would kill 1,774 islanders, liquefy huge area of central capital, Asahi Shimbun 15.05.2013.
Fukushima fishermen’s distrust leads to rejection of TEPCO groundwater plan, Asahi Shimbun 14.05.2013.
NRA wants Monju to remain shut down, (Kyodo mv.) Japan Times 14.05.2013.
Monju fast-breeder reactor program should be terminated, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 14.05.2013.
Export of nuclear technology, (leder) Japan Times 14.05.2013.
Mayors of municipalities near idled Hamaoka nuke plant oppose reactivation, Mainichi 14.05.2013.
Tsuruga mayor to NRA: Don’t rush to judgment on fault under reactor, (Kyodo) Japan Times 14.05.2013.
‘Absurd’: Intentionally dumping Fukushima nuclear material into ocean from land “is not considered dumping” – Allowed under international law? Energy News 14.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (10): Cooperation between government, volunteers ended quietly, Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2013.
Andrew DeWit: An Emerging Fukushima Model? Japan Focus 13.05.2013.
Hideki Muroya: Monju reactor faces long-term suspension over lax safety system, Asahi Shimbun 13.05.2013.
Nuclear authority not to allow restart of Monju reactor, (Kyodo) Mainichi 13.05.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura & Takemichi Nishibori: Fisheries officials uneasy at TEPCO plan to release groundwater, Asahi Shimbun 13.05.2013.
TEPCO seeks approval over dumping groundwater from Fukushima plant, Mainichi 13.05.2013.
Renewable energy policy, (leder) Japan Times 13.05.2013.
Yuko Takeo: How Fukushima Contamination May Have Spread via Waterways, Wall Street Journal 13.05.2013.
Mark Halber: Realpolitik: Japan trades nuclear tech to Middle East in exchange for oil, SmartPlanet 13.05.2013.
NRA asks Kepco to recheck Oi safety, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.05.2013.
LDP locks sights on reactors, Constitution, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.05.2013.
Terrorist drill held for Fukushima nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.05.2013.
Atsushi Kashimoto & Kenji Ogata: Anti-terrorist drill held at second Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 12.05.2013.
Nagasaki firms warned for sending workers to stricken nuke plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.05.2013.
LDP campaign platform seeks nuclear restart, economic revival, Mainichi 11.05.2013.
Toshio Tada: Labor ministry disciplines 3 worker dispatch companies, Asahi Shimbun 11.05.2013.
Tim Smedley: Goodbye nuclear power: Germany’s renewable energy revolution, The Guardian 10.05.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Cover on Fukushima reactor building to be demolished, Asahi Shimbun 10.05.2013.
Gerald Traufetter: Nuclear Headache: Task of Decommissioning Plants Is Herculean, Der Spiegel 10.05.2013.
Atomic commissioner’s testimony reveals deeper ties between NPO, power industry, Mainichi 10.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (9): Protection of cats in no-go zone took a back seat, Asahi Shimbun 10.05.2013.
TEPCO to take off cover of No. 1 reactor building for fuel removal, (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.05.2013.
Yuri Oiwa: Cellphone logs help estimate radiation exposure of Fukushima evacuees, Asahi Shimbun 10.05.2013.
Researcher uses GPS data to investigate evacuee movements after nuclear disaster, Mainichi 10.05.2013.
Mizuho Aoki: Fukushima activist fights fear and discrimination based on radiation, Japan Times 09.05.2013.
Confusion prevails as decision deadline approaches on Tsuruga nuke plant, Mainichi 09.05.2013.
Tepco eyes dumping groundwater, (Kyodo) Japan Times 09.05.2013.
Radiation level at Fukushima plant boundary could exceed limit: TEPCO, (Kyodo) Mainichi 08.05.2013.
Ibaraki fishermen go after whitebait for first time since nuclear disaster, (Jiji) Japan Times 08.05.2013.
TEPCO to dump groundwater to ease crisis at Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 08.05.2013.
Eric Johnston: Kyoto’s cultural treasures at mercy of Fukui reactors, Japan Times 08.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (8): Woman repeatedly rescued pets in the Fukushima off-limits zone, Asahi Shimbun 08.05.2013.
70% of nuclear experts still ‘comfortable’ with atomic power: survey, Mainichi 08.05.2013.
Sky-high radiation known from get-go, (Jiji) Japan Times 08.05.2013.
Young sardine catch resumes off northern Ibaraki Pref. after more than 2-year hiatus, Mainichi 07.05.2013.
Jun Hongo: Fukushima debris disposal falling short, Japan Times 07.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (7): Dogs in shelter finally get some attention, Asahi Shimbun 06.07.2013.
Gov’t to review Fukushima quake debris disposal plans due to nuclear disaster, Mainichi 07.05.2013.
Noriyoshi Otsuki: Last remaining pupil at Fukushima school hides his loneliness, Asahi Shimbun 07.05.2013.
Nuclear regulators assemble for three-day meeting, (Kyodo) Japan Times 07.05.2013.
Cats and dogs rescued from nuclear no-go zone featured in photo exhibition, Mainichi 06.05.2013.
David Pacchioli: Seafood Safety and Policy, Oceanus 06.05.2013.
Japan to promote new framework for pursuing greenhouse gas cuts, Mainichi 06.05.2013.
Sachi Matsumoto, Momoko Jingu & Tamiyuki Kihara: Crooked Cleanup: Yakuza taking slice of lucrative decontamination work, Asahi Shimbun 06.05.2013.
Takao Yamada: Japan losing its moral compass with nuclear reactor exports, Mainichi 06.05.2013.
Jake Adelsten: Yakuza links put nation at added nuclear risk, Japan Times 05.05.2013.
Japan vows ‘high safety’ for Turkish reactor, (AP) Mainichi 04.05.2013.
Japan, Turkey ink $22 billion nuclear plant deal, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 04.05.2013.
Fukushima farmers plant rice after 2-year self-imposed ban, Mainichi 04.05.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Antinuclear drive in search of new strategies, Japan Times 04.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (6): Dogs in the shelter are suffering from mental illness, Asahi Shimbun 03.05.2013.
Abe clinches nuclear technology deal with Abu Dhabi, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 03.05.2013.
Atomic energy commissioner joined events run by power industry-backed NPO, Mainichi 03.05.2013.
NRA to open new study on role 3/11 quake played in damaging No. 1 plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.05.2013.
PM Abe vows to promote Japan nuclear infrastructure exports to Mideast, (Kyodo) Mainichi 02.05.2013.
Saudi nuclear pact talks to start, (Kyodo) Japan Times 02.05.2013.
Seana K. Magee: Japanese film on March 11 disasters premiers in New York, Japan Times 02.05.2013.
Kansai, Kyushu utilities raise prices on households to offset fuel costs, (Kyodo) Japan Times 02.05.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Nuclear watchdog to answer unresolved questions about Fukushima disaster, Asahi Shimbun 02.05.2013.
Cool Biz starts for another summer, (Kyodo) Japan Times 02.05.2013.
Takashi Ebuchi, Mari Fujisaki & Yuriko Suzuki: TEPCO, 7 other utilities post combined loss of 1.6 trillion yen, Asahi Shimbun 01.05.2013.
Japan, Saudi Arabia to start preliminary talks for nuclear pact, (Kyodo) Mainichi 01.05.2013.
Jens Ramskov: Lockheed Martin vil have fusionsreaktor klar om fem år, Ingeniøren 01.05.2013.
Kansai, Kyushu utilities raise household electricity rates, Mainichi 01.05.2013.
Tepco reports ¥685 billion net loss for 2012 as redress claims take toll, (Kyodo) Japan Times 01.05.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (5): Dogs wandering in the no-entry zones, Asahi Shimbun 01.05.2013.
Bryan Walsh: Leaks, Rats and Radioactivity: Fukushima’s Nuclear Cleanup Is Faltering, Time Magazine 01.05.2013.
April 2013
Paul Koberstein & Robin Klein: From the Pacific Northwest to Fukushima: the long, tragic trail of failed General Electric Nuclear Plants, Cascadia Times, april 2013.
Siting for renewables needs bottom-up approach, Japan Times 30.04.2013.
Katsuno Onozawa: Government’s lethargic response stresses Fukushima mothers, (synspunkt) Asahi Shimbun 30.04.2013.
70-year-old photographer records radiation-tainted hometown with camera, Mainichi 30.04.2013.
Martin Fackler: Flow of Tainted Water Is Latest Crisis at Japan Nuclear Plant, New York Times 29.04.2013.
Toshiaki Mizuno & Hideya Kubo: Overview of active cesium contamination of freshwater fish in Fukushima and Eastern Japan, Science Reports 3, 29.04.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (4): An evacuee slept on a floor for the first time in 80 days, Asahi Shimbun 29.04.2013.
Kepco mulls Takahama plant restart, (Kyodo) Japan Times 28.04.2013.
Saiko Nozu & Shu Nomura: Survivors of 3/11 disaster issue newspaper to pull people together, Asahi Shimbun 28.04.2013.
Abe leaves for Russia on four-nation trip, Mainichi 28.04.2013.
Groundwater at No. 1 plant tainted, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.04.2013.
Enclosed vegetable factory opens in Fukushima village, Mainichi 27.04.2013.
Tepco chief Shimokobe asked to delay his exit, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.04.2013.
Steps to halt increase of radioactive water at Fukushima plant studied, Mainichi 27.04.2013.
TV: Clay sheet used for Fukushima nuclear waste leaked after just 8 days – Tepco: “Designed to prevent leakage completely”, (NHK) Energy News 27.04.2013.
Fukushima residents dissatisfied with prefectural handling of thyroid cancer screenings, Mainichi 27.04.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (3): Pets forgotten in the mass evacuation, Asahi Shimbun 26.04.2013.
Article: Fukushima Daiichi plant “did amazingly well” – “Performed beyond its best expectations” , Energy News 26.04.2013.
James Murray: Fukushima Plant Passed Ultimate Test, (slideshow) Design News 26.04.2013.
Japan needs no numerical power-saving targets this summer: gov’t, Kyodo 26.04.2013.
Tepco develops its own filtered venting system to hasten reactor restarts, (Kyodo) Japan Times 26.04.2013.
Gov’t requests TEPCO chairman Shimokobe to stay in post, Kyodo 26.04.2013.
Japan and IAEA “grossly downplaying” Fukushima cesium releases — Chernobyl-like levels leaked from plant, Energy News 25.04.2013.
Japan court rejects demand to evacuate Fukushima children, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 25.04.2013.
“Gross containment failure” of Fukushima reactors – Now we are seeing plutonium far from plant, Energy News 25.04.2013.
Collapse of Chernobyl nuke plant building attributed to sloppy repair work, aging, Mainichi 25.04.2013.
Yasushi Saito: Japan refuses to sign international document describing nuclear weapons as inhumane, Asahi Shimbun 25.04.2013.
Tohoku Electric, Tepco in nuclear compensation talks, (Kyodo) Japan Times 25.04.2013.
Fukushima safety monitoring body says TEPCO’s handling of radioactive water ‘sloppy’, Mainichi 25.04.2013.
Nuclear fuel recycling just a pipe dream, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 25.04.2013.
Hunt for nuclear waste site put on fast track, (Kyodo) Japan Times 25.04.2013.
TEPCO shuts down cooling system for spent nuclear fuel pool at Fukushima plant, Mainichi 25.04.2013.
Fukushima’s ‘contaminated’ rice still in storage two years on, Asahi Shimbun 25.04.2013.
Recovery from meltdowns patchy, (Jiji) Japan Times 25.04.2013.
Hokkaido Electric seeks OK for rate hike, (Kyodo) Japan Times 25.04.2013.
Utility could seek 20 billion yen from TEPCO over nuclear disaster, Asahi Shimbun 24.04.2013.
Panel to finalize in May judgment on fault below Tsuruga nuclear plant, Kyodo 24.04.2013.
Marion Douet: Slow is scary if France quits nuclear: state institute, (Reuters) Planet Ark 24.04.2013.
Minister indicates autumn restarts of nuclear reactors, Asahi Shimbun 24.04.2013.
Citizens file suit against operation of new reactor in Shimane Pref., Kyodo 24.04.2013.
U.S. alarmed by nuclear recycling plan, (Kyodo) Japan Times 24.04.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (2): Daughter tells father, ‘You are stupid’, Asahi Shimbun 24.04.2013.
Claims against Tepco can run long, (Kyodo) Japan Times 24.04.2013.
Japan may restart nuclear reactors from fall: Motegi, (Kyodo, jiji) Japan Times 24.04.2013.
Tetsu Kobayashi & Minoru Nagata: With no specific goals, Japan set to attend U.N. climate change meeting, Asahi Shimbun 23.04.2013.
IAEA tells Tepco to improve critical systems at Fukushima No. 1, (AFP-Jiji) Japan Times 23.04.2013.
Tohoku Electric not to pay bonuses to employees this summer, Kyodo 23.04.2013.
Fukushima nuke plant forced to stop cooling system for fuel pools due to dead rats, Mainichi 23.04.2013.
Peace center ex-leader continues antinuke fight, (Kyodo) Japan Times 23.04.2013.
Japan to mull ways to make progress on final radioactive waste site, Kyodo 23.04.2013.
Martin Fackler: Fukushima Plant Operator Should Prepare Better, U.N. Watchdog Says, New York Times 22.04.2013.
IAEA calls for improvements at Japan’s Fukushima plant, BBC News 22.04.2013.
Mari Iwata: Dead Rodents Cause Another Cooling System Halt at Stricken Plant, Wall Street Journal 22.04.2013.
Russia partially lifts ban on food imports from eastern Japan, Kyodo 22.04.2013.
Takao Yamada: Diet should debate how to drastically restructure Japan, Mainichi 22.04.2013.
Masakazu Honda: Radioactive mud in Fukushima school pools tops 100,000 becquerels, Asahi Shimbun 22.04.2013.
Disaster-area farmers to put pain of losing cattle into book, Mainichi 22.04.2013.
IAEA: Japan nuke cleanup may take more than 40 years, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 22.04.2013.
Anti-reactor restart mayors victorious in Shizuoka elections, Mainichi 22.04.2013.
Fukushima nuclear cooling system offline for 3rd time in 5 weeks, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 22.04.2013.
Fukushima gov’t forced to reveal children’s thyroid gland tests, Mainichi 22.04.2013.
Misuzu Tsukue: Prometheus Trap/ The disaster and animals (1): Veterinarian finds puppy amid Fukushima nuke crisis, Asahi Shimbun 21.04.2013.
Cass Jones: Hartlepool nuclear power plant fire triggers emergency response, Asahi Shimbun 21.04.2013.
Paul Brown: Fukushima faces long road to repair, Climate News Network 21.04.2013.
Fukuko Takahashi: TEPCO rejects ministry’s demand to pay 10.5 billion yen for decontamination work, Asahi Shimbun 21.04.2013.
NRA team maintains active fault runs directly beneath Tsuruga nuclear reactor, Mainichi 20.04.2013.
Fukushima workers treated water leaks without dosimeters, Asahi Shimbun 20.04.2013.
Radioactive water problems at Fukushima nuke plant force rethink, Kyodo 20.04.2013.
Don’t look now, The Economist 20.04.2013.
Atomic regulator starts formal checks on Oi reactor safety, (Kyodo) Japan Times 19.04.2013.
Ryota Koike: KEPCO: 2 online Oi reactors meet new safety standards, Asahi Shimbun 19.04.2013.
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa faults, (Jiji) (nederst på siden) Japan Times 19.04.2013.
Hiroyoshi Itabashi: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (21): Fukushima plant chief cried, Asahi Shimbun 19.04.2013.
MOX shipment set to land in June, (Kyodo) Japan Times 19.04.2013.
Erik Klemetti: The Most Dangerous (Man-Made) Lava Flow, Wired 18.04.2013.
John Hofilena: Yamagata Prefecture refuses waste soil from Fukushima, JDP 18.04.2013.
Reactor halt ups costs by ¥3.8 trillion, (Kyodo/Jiji) Japan Times 18.04.2013.
Fukushima residents allowed to go home once a month, Kyodo18.04.2013.
Planet’s biggest storage battery for natural energy to be set up in Hokkaido, Asahi Shimbun 18.04.2013.
MOX nuclear fuel shipment leaves France for Japan, Mainichi 18.04.2013.
Court issues timid ruling on grave issue of nuclear safety, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 18.04.2013.
M6.2 quake on Miyakejima a terrifying reminder of 2000 volcanic eruption, Mainichi 18.04.2013.
6.2-magnitude earthquake hits off Miyakejima island, Asahi Shimbun 17.04.2013.
Regulators to start checking whether Oi plant can meet new requirements, (Kyodo) Mainichi 17.04.2013.
Hiroyoshi Itabashi: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (20): TEPCO offered only a list of cellphone numbers, Asahi Shimbun 17.04.2013.
Gov’t may not request power-saving across Japan this summer, Mainichi 17.04.2013.
Ryo Toyooka: Honda set to become 1st Japan carmaker to sell solar power, Asahi Shimbun 17.04.2013.
Chisaki Watanabe: Japan to Install Battery in Hokkaido to Ease Solar Pressure, Bloomberg 17.04.2013.
Tepco starts pumping radioactive water from leaking tank, (Kyodo) Japan Times 17.04.2013.
Stefan Lippert: Renewable energy thrives in Japan, World Review 16.04.2013.
Japan Puts Nuclear Energy on Hold, Embraces Solar Power, PR Newswire 16.04.2013.
Eric Johnston: Oi reactors can remain online: court, Japan Times 16.04.2013.
Court rejects request to shut down Oi nuclear reactors, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 16.04.2013.
Court turns down suit seeking suspension of Oi nuclear plant reactors, (Kyodo) Mainichi 16.04.2013.
Kansai Electric expects online reactors to meet new requirements, Kyodo 16.04.2013.
IAEA reviewing cleanup at damaged Fukushima nuke plant, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 16.04.2013.
Non-commercial nuke plants face order to beef up safety measures, Mainichi 16.04.42013.
Yuriko Suzuki: Japan taps into its potentially largest oil, gas field, Asahi Shimbun 16.04.2013.
Radioactive water set to be shifted to aboveground tanks soon: TEPCO, Mainichi 16.04.2013.
IAEA starts review at Fukushima, (Kyodo) Japan Times 16.04.2013.
Nuclide Analysis Results of Marine Soil inside the Port Entrance of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, TEPCO 15.04.2013 (pdf).
Mochizuki: Tepco admitted Pu-238/239/240, Sr-90 in sea soil are from Fukushima accident, Fukushima Dairy 15.04.2013.
Plutonium-238 from Fukushima plant detected for first time offshore – Tepco reveals data 9 months later, Energy News 15.04.2013.
Hiroyoshi Itabashi: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (19): Highest alert level ordered for first time since 1995 sarin attack, Asahi Shimbun 15.04.2013.
Tepco postpones transfer of radioactive water in Fukushima, (Kyodo) Japan Times 15.04.2013.
Survey: Cabinet support rate drops to 60%; 55% upbeat on ‘Abenomics’, Asahi Shimbun 15.04.2013.
TEPCO begins preparing to transfer contaminated water at stricken Fukushima plant, Mainichi 15.04.2013.
Lawsuit seeks evacuation of Fukushima children, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 15.04.2013.
Unknown active fault may have caused M6.3 quake in Hyogo, (Kyodo) Japan Times 15.04.2013.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Hitachi reluctant about UK nuclear reactor plan, Telegraph 14.04.2013.
Martin Fackler: Small Leak Is Discovered at Plant in Fukushima, New York Times 14.04.2013.
Matthew M. Wald: U.S. Rethinks How to Respond to Nuclear Disaster, New York Times 14.04.2013.
M5.2 quake jolts Fukushima, vicinity, Japan Times 14.04.2013.
Japan to form nuclear agreements with Turkey, UAE, Kyodo 14.04.2013.
Lawsuit seeks evacuation of Fukushima children, Mainichi 14.04.2013.
CO₂forecast to boost flood risks, (Kyodo) Japan Times 14.04.2013.
Transfer of radioactive water to be delayed at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 14.04.2013.
Strong quake hurts 23 in echoes of Kobe ’95, (Kyodo, AFP/Jiji) Japan Times 14.04.2013.
M6.3 quake jolts western Japan, at least 23 injured, (Kyodo) Mainichi 13.04.2013.
Tetsuya Sasaki: Students take bittersweet tour of school near Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 13.04.2013.
Powerful temblor on Awaji Island reminds residents of 1995 Great Hanshin quake, Mainichi 13.04.2013.
Nuke plant utilization rate fell to 3.9% in 2012, (Jiji) Japan Times 13.04.2013.
TEPCO yet to nail down cause of radioactive leaks at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 13.04.2013.
2 vessels carrying MOX fuel to leave France for Japan, Kyodo 12.04.2013.
Government must build framework to decommission nuclear reactors, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 12.04.2013.
Ayako Mie: Disaster did little to shake up status quo, expert says, Japan Times 12.04.2013.
Tsuyoshi Inajima: Tepco Faces Decision to Dump Radioactive Water in Pacific, Bloomberg 12.04.2013.
Leaky cisterns to be emptied ASAP, (Jiji) Japan Times 12.04.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura & Jin Nishikawa: Another leak found at Fukushima plant during water transfer, Asahi Shimbun 12.04.2013.
More radioactive water leaks during Tepco transfer effort at Fukushima No. 1, (Jiji) Japan Times 12.04.2013.
Radioactive cesium not detectable in 99% of Fukushima residents: study, (Jiji) Japan Times 11.04.2013.
Radiation monitoring system must protect residents near nuke plants, (leder) Mainichi 11.04.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: New NRA rules impose costly roadblocks to restart idle reactors, Asahi Shimbun 11.04.2013.
Ryugo S. Hayano et al.: Internal radiocesium contamination of adults and children in Fukushima 7 to 20 months after the Fukushima NPP accident as measured by extensive whole-body-counter surveys, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B Vol. 89 (2013) No. 4 p. 157-163 (pdf).
No radioactive cesium found in any of 10,000 children examined, Kyodo 11.04.2013.
TEPCO president apologizes for radioactive water leaks at Fukushima plant, Mainichi 11.04.2013.
Cherry blossoms in full bloom in evacuated Fukushima town, Mainichi 11.04.2013.
Fate of tsunami-grounded fishing vessel still under debate, Mainichi 11.04.2013.
Ryugo S. Hayano et al.: Internal radiocesium contamination of adults and children in Fukushima 7 to 20 months after the Fukushima NPP accident as measured by extensive whole-body-counter surveys, Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. vol. 89 no. 4, 11.04.2013 pp. 157-63.
Tepco boosts coal capacity to cut need for costly oil, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 11.04.2013.
LDP Fukushima chapter at odds with headquarters over nuclear policy, Mainichi 10.04.2013.
Stop using reservoirs at Fukushima: Motegi, (Kyodo, Jiji) Japan Times 10.04.2013.
Water leaks at Fukushima plant raise questions over plan to store radioactive water, Mainichi 10.04.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Mishaps Underscore Weaknesses of Japanese Nuclear Plant, New York Times 10.04.2013.
Mari Yamaguchi: Water, rats, outages: Japan nuke plant precarious, AP 10.04.2013.
TEPCO plans for storing radioactive water dealt heavy blow, Asahi Shimbun 10.04.2013.
Matthew L. Wald: Ex-Regulator Says Reactors Are Flawed, New York Times 10.04.2013.
New NRA safety standards may impact reactor restarts, (Kyodo) Japan Times 10.04.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Nuclear standards proposal may force decommissioning of old reactors, Asahi Shimbun 10.04.2013.
TEPCO to remove all radioactive water from troubled tanks by June, Kyodo 10.04.2013.
State suit seeks removal of activists’ tents, (Kyodo) Japan Times 10.04.2013.
Hiroyoshi Itabashi: ‘Shadow units’ (17): SDF ‘suicide mission’ considered for dealing with nuclear accident, 10.04.2013.
Power-saving targets may be axed for first time since 3/11, (Jiji, Kyodo) 10.04.2013.
Activists protest government suit to have anti-nuke tents removed, Asahi Shimbun 09.04.2013.
New leak of radioactive water found at Japan nuclear plant, (AP) CBC News 09.04.2013.
Hirko Tabuchi: Another Tank Leaks Water at Japanese Nuclear Plant, New York Times 09.04.2013.
IAEA team to view decommissioning, (Kyodo) Japan Times 09.04.2013.
Questions arise over whether poor workmanship or design led to leak of radioactive water, Mainichi 09.04.2013.
More government involvement needed to address safety at stricken plant, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 09.04.2013.
Chisaki Watanabe: Japan Considering 21 Geothermal Plans After Fukushima, METI Says, Bloomberg 09.04.2013.
Fukushima springs new cistern leak, (Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 09.04.2013.
Expert needed to judge if TEPCO’s clean-up efforts good enough, Mainichi 09.04.2013.
Nuclear watchdog: third storage tank likely leaking at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 09.04.2013.
Tepco pressured to halt leaks, blackouts at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 09.04.2013.
Gov’t starts pre-survey on candidate site for contaminated soil storage in Fukushima, Mainichi 09.04.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura & Sachiko Miwa: Criticism, doubts greet new Diet panel on nuclear issues, Asahi Shimbun 09.04.2013.
Brian A. Victoria: Rosy Fukushima health report faulted by experts, Japan Times 09.04.2013.
Japan’s Tepco may run out of space for radioactive water, Reuters 08.04.2013.
Ryuta Koike & Jin Nishikawa: Problems at Fukushima plant stem from TEPCO’s rickety equipment, Asahi Shimbun 08.04.2013.
Chiyako Sato: Japan should take leadership role on nuclear disarmament, Mainichi 08.04.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: Defect could affect all radioactive water storage tanks at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 08.04.2013.
Mayor of Namie asks for cooperation in disaster recovery, Mainichi 08.04.2013.
Hiroyoshi Itabashi: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (16): SDF members take off protective gear to ease concerns of residents, 08.04.2013.
LDP secretary-general cites Japan’s role as a non-nuclear model despite limitations, Mainichi 08.04.2013.
Shin Matsuura: Spent nuclear fuel reprocessing costs nearly triples, a blow to utilities, Asahi Shimbun 08.04.2013.
Ex-head of Diet panel probe say nuclear disaster still not under control, Mainichi 08.04.2013.
Tepco finds second pit leaking in Fukushima, (Jiji) Japan Times 07.04.2013.
Daniel P. Aldrich: Bottom-up initiatives needed to move forward after 3/11, Asahi Shimbun 07.04.2013.
C.W. Nicol: Many in Japan can’t see the stars; some not even their home, Japan Times 07.04.2013.
Fishermen alarmed by water leak at nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 07.04.2013.
Fukushima tank springs major leak, (Kyodo) Japan Times 07.04.2013.
Martin Fackler: Small Leak Is Reported at Fukushima Nuclear Plant, New York Times 07.04.2013.
Contaminated water likely leaked from second Fukushima tank, (Kyodo) Mainichi 07.04.2013.
Lisa Twaronite: Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant finds second tank leak, (Reuters) Scientific American 07.04.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura & Jin Nishikawa: TEPCO floundering in dealing with sea of contaminated water, Asahi Shimbun 07.04.2013.
Martin Fackler: Damaged Nuclear Plant in Japan Leaks Toxic Water, New York Times 06.04.2013.
Fukushima operators fear radioactive water leak, (ABC/AFP) ABC News 06.04.2013.
Anti-rat work caused latest cooling system problem at Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 06.04.2013.
Japan nuclear plant ‘detects’ signs of leak, Aljazeera 06.04.2013.
Abe says restarting Fukushima No. 2 plant not easy, Asahi Shimbun 06.04.2013.
Fukushima reservoir tank may have leaked contaminated water, Kyodo 06.04.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: 120 tons of contaminated water leaks at Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 06.04.2013.
Tepco has emergency press conference about new highly radioactive leak at Fukushima Daiichi, Energy News 05.04.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Rat Chase Again Bedevils Fukushima Nuclear Plant, New York Times 05.04.2013.
Power restored to Japan nuke plant cooling system, Mainichi 05.04.2013.
TEPCO makes room to store spent nuclear fuel from damaged Fukushima reactor building, Asahi Shimbun 05.04.2013.
TEPCO sent workers to public hearing on nuclear framework in Fukushima, Mainichi 05.04.2013.
Fukushima nuclear plant’s cooling system goes offline for 3 hours, Asahi Shimbun 05.04.2013.
Japan’s nuclear regulator to give plant operators 5-year hiatus on new safety facilities, Mainichi 05.04.2013.
Reactor 3 cooling pool stops for three hours, (AFP, Jiji Kyodo) Japan Times 05.04.2013.
Deductions strip daily wage of nuclear cleanup workers down to 1,000 yen, Mainichi 05.04.2013.
Mistake halts Fukushima No. 1 water cleaner, (Jiji) Japan Times 05.04.2013.
Hiroyoshi Itabashi: Prometheous Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (15): SDF members in protective gear worried local residents, Asahi Shimbun 05.04.0213.
LDP, DPJ agree on bill to allow Internet electioneering, (Jiji) Japan Times 05.04.2013.
Erina Ito: Inspired by lumpsucker, photographer captures regeneration of sea after tsunami, Asahi Shimbun 04.04.2013.
Internet electioneering ban set to be lifted as parties reach compromise, Mainichi 04.04.2013.
Japan’s solar market eclipsed only by China, (Bloomberg) Sydney Morning Herald 04.04.2013.
Japan nears deal in Turkey to export first post-disaster nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 04.04.2013.
Povinec, P.P. et al.: Cesium, iodine and tritium in NW Pacific waters – a comparison of the Fukushima impact with global fallout, Biogeosciences 03.04.2013 (abstract).
Povinec, P.P. et al.: Cesium, iodine and tritium in NW Pacific waters – a comparison of the Fukushima impact with global fallout, Biogeosciences vol. 10, 2013 pp. 6377-16 (pdf).
Pressure from industry and LDP waters down power reform proposal, Mainichi 03.04.2013.
Kazumasa Sugimura & Tomoaki Ito: Rail service resumes on quake-ravaged Sanriku coast, Asahi Shimbun 03.04.3013.
Japan to set frequency limit for serious nuclear accidents, Kyodo 03.04.2013.
Hiroyoshi Itabashi: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (14): SDF commander had to see for himself if order could be carried out, Asahi Shimbun 03.04.2013.
Masumi Suga: Japan Approves Mega Solar Power Project in Kyushu, Paper Says, Bloomberg 02.04.2013.
M. Kitamura et al.: Horizontal distribution of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in zooplankton in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, Boigeosciences vol. 10, 02.04.2013 pp. 6143-70 (pdf).
Electricity market to be freed up in ’16, (Kyodo) Japan Times 02.04.2013.
Elaine Kurtenbach & Mari Yamaguchi: Japan moves to revamp troubled power industry, (AP) The Hindu 02.04.2013.
Shinichi Fujiwara: Tsunami survivor keeps searching for missing family, Asahi Shimbun 02.04.2013.
Gov’t approves 2 utilities’ household electricity rate hikes, Kyodo 02.04.2013.
Tateki Iwai: Cherry trees to mark tsunami line in Tohoku as warning to future generations, Asahi Shimbun 02.04.2013.
Reactor-scrapping research facility to be built in Fukushima Pref., Kyodo 02.04.2013.
Fukushima’s Namie sees no-go zone designation lifted, (Jiji) Japan Times 01.04.2013.
Anders Pape Møller & Timothy A. Mousseau: Uncomfortable Questions in the Wake of Nuclear Accidents at Fukushima and Chernobyl, Japan Focus 01.04.2013.
Hiroyoshi Itabashi: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (13): SDF members recruited for Fukushima mission brought emotional baggage, Asahi Shimbun 01.04.2013.
Chishaki Watanabe: Marubeni Targets National Park in Japan for Geothermal, Bloomberg 01.04.2013.
Asato Ikeda: Ikeda Manabu, the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, and Disaster/Nuclear Art in Japan, Japan Focus 01.04.2013.
Rezoning of evacuation zones opens up access to Namie, Mainichi 01.04.2013.
11.-31. marts 2013
Tepco testing new water decontamination system at Fukushima No. 1 plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 31.03.2013.
Tomoya Fujita: Abe’s advisory council calls for early restart of nuclear reactors, Asahi Shimbun 30.03.2013.
First anniversary of weekly antinuclear rallies outside prime minister’s office marked, (Kyodo) Japan Times 30.03.2013.
All seats in NRA’s radiation council vacant since Sept., Mainichi 30.03.2013.
Tepco to set up independent office to oversee own nuclear safety efforts, (Kyodo) Japan Times 30.03.2013.
Satellite schools strive to keep evacuee kids, (Kyodo) Japan Times 30.03.2013.
Shinichi Fujiwara, Miho Tanaka, Junko Watanabe & Kentaro Uechi: Local opposition spelled end for Namie-Odaka nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 29.03.2013.
Radiation rumors trigger expanding Fukushima vegetable price collapse, Mainichi 29.03.2013.
Idled reactor upkeep bleeding utilities by ¥1.2 trillion, (Kyodo) Japan Times 29.03.2013.
TEPCO set to pay compensation for assets in nuclear crisis evacuation zones, Mainichi 29.03.2013.
Yutaka Shiokura: Locals divided over ‘disaster museum’ proposal for Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 29.03.2013.
Hiroyoshi Hitabashi: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (12): Should SDF really take over fire department’s task? Asahi Shimbun 29.03.2013.
Singh to visit for rail, nuke pact talks, (Kyodo) Japan Times 29.03.2013.
“Game Changer”: Fukushima cesium releases likely 20-30 times higher than revealed, Energy News 28.03.2013.
Faster improvement eyed for Fukushima reactors’ water cooling system, Kyodo 28.03.2013.
Nabutaro Kaji: Researchers: Invasive seaweed from tsunami dock poses threat to Oregon, Asahi Shimbun 28.03.2013.
Mizuho Aoki: Elderly 3/11 nuke evacuee deaths spiked, Japan Times 28.03.2013.
KEPCO-funded NPO seen as nuclear power propaganda tool, Mainichi 28.03.2013.
Japan utility scraps plan for new nuke plant, AP 28.03.2013.
Kyushu Electric made 150 insiders attend public hearing on nuclear policy in 2005, Mainichi 28.03.2013.
Kiyoko Miichi: Report: 30% of city dwellers will be 65-plus by 2040, Asahi Shimbun 28.03.2013.
Tsunami-hit town office to be preserved as ‘disaster remains’, Mainichi 28.03.2013.
Tohoku Electric drops plan to build nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture, Asahi Shimbun 28.03.2013.
Tohoku Electric axes planned Fukushima nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 28.03.2013.
Japanese regulators to investigate nuclear crisis, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 28.03.2013.
Two utilities to be told to trim rate hikes, (Kyodo) Japan Times 28.03.2013.
Pano Kroko: Japan’s Silent Spring, Bleeding Edge Blog 28.03.2013.
Google adds street views inside Japan nuclear zone, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 28.03.2013.
Nuclear group blames overconfidence for crisis, (Jiji) Japan Times 28.03.2013.
Google adds street views inside Japan nuclear zone, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 28.03.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Google Street View Captures Ghost Town in Fukushima’s Evacuation Zone, New York Times 27.03.2013.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima town revealed in Google Street View two years after tsunami, The Guardian 27.03.2013.
Nuclear regulatory body to dig deeper into cause of Fukushima crisis, Kyodo 27.03.2013.
In-depth report released on Fukushima plant blackout – Examines animal feces, small burn hole in fur, Energy News 27.03.2013.
Japanese nuclear commissioner urges limits for reprocessing spent fuel, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.03.2013.
Tomoyuki Yamamoto: Rock shells disappearing on coast near Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 27.03.2013.
Tepco to boost compensation zone, (Jiji) Japan Times 27.03.2013.
Hidefumi Nogami: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (11): You’re specialists, shoot water into the reactor, Asahi Shimbun 27.03.2013.
Gundersen: “Liquid releases” of nuclear material into ocean will continue for years and years at Fukushima Daiichi – Already 10 times Chernobyl, Energy News 26.03.2013.
Photo: Dead radioactive trees not decomposing, Energy News 26.03.2013.
NRC: Fukushima reactor’s containment leaked at 300% per day – Assumed only 1%, Energy News 26.03.2013.
Itai Keshet: In Japan, a Portrait of Mistrust’, New York Times 26.03.2013.
Sean Carney: Both Sides Claim Advantage in Europe’s Sole Nuclear Power Competition, Wall Street Journal 26.03.2013.
Atomic energy bigwig’s NPO favored for nuke waste disposal project, Mainichi 26.03.2013.
Suvendrini Kakuchi: Tug-of-War Over Nuclear Future, IPS news 26.03.2013.
Youkyong Lee: Nuclear Waste a Growing Headache for SKorea, (AP) ABC Bews 26.03.2013.
Abe ties nuke plant restarts to rebuilding, (Kyodo) Japan Times 26.03.2013.
TEPCO concludes rat caused last week’s Fukushima blackout, Asahi Shimbun 26.03.2013.
Ranjit Devraj: India Playing Risky Games at Nuclear Parks, IPS news 25.03.2013.
Roger Witherspoon: A Lasting Legacy of the Fukushima Rescue Mission: Cat and Mouse with a Nuclear Ghost, (2 af 2) Japan Focus 25.03.2013.
Roger Witherspoon: Fukushima Rescure Mission Lasting Legacy: Radioactive Contamination of Americans, (1 af 2) Japan Focus 18.03.2013.
Rat found as cause of power problem at Fukushima plant, Kyodo 25.03.2013.
Nuclear evacuation zone revised in Fukushima’s Tomioka, (Jiji) Japan Times 26.03.2013.
Hidefumi Nogami: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (10): SDF general left food for pets at Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 25.03.2013.
‘Housewives’ educating children on energy linked to TEPCO PR firm, Mainichi 25.03.2013.
Prime minister wants safety first before restarting reactors, Asahi Shimbun 25.03.2013.
Power industry extends logistics support to volunteer groups, Mainichi 25.03.2013.
Utilities gave money to group led by atomic energy commissioner even after Fukushima disaster, Mainichi 25.03.2013.
7,000 flock to rally for decommissioning of all reactors in Fukushima, Mainichi 25.03.2013.
Nuke disaster exclusion zone change has Fukushima town ready for cherry blossom season, Mainichi 25.03.2013.
Japan Atomic Power won’t recruit class of 2014, (Jiji) Japan Times 25.03.2013.
Power industry extends logistics support to volunteer groups, Mainichi 25.03.2013.
Abe visits Fukushima to check reconstruction efforts, (Kyodo) Japan Times 25.03.2013.
3/11 still too raw to make hard and fast decisions about preservation issues, Asahi Shimbun 24.03.2013.
Criticism arises over nuclear agency’s fees to view documents, Mainichi 24.03.2013.
Shinichi Fujiwara: Teachers return to clean classrooms 2 years after Fukushima disaster, Asahi Shimbun 24.03.2013.
Accident highlights nuclear peril, (leder) Japan Times 24.03.2013.
No. of Hiroshima A-bomb victims stands at around 557,000, (Kyodo) Mainichi 24.03.2013.
Study: Up to 900 trillion becquerels of strontium-90 into ocean from Fukushima plant — “Direct discharges of cooling water”, Energy News 23.03.2013.
Miki Aoki & Tamiyuki Kihara: Fukushima cleanup contractors told workers to lie about pay in ‘surprise’ inspections, Asahi Shimbun 23.03.2013.
Hokkaido Electric Power to apply for power rate hike, Kyodo 23.03.2013.
“Significant volatile fission products” deposited 300 kilometers from Fukushima plant, Energy News 23.03.2013.
TEPCO owes over 10 billion yen to gov’t in unpaid decontamination costs, Mainichi 23.03.2013.
Nuclear experts advising NRA disclose funding from related businesses, (Jiji) Japan Times 23.03.2013.
Anti-nuclear activists protest government eviction plan, Asahi Shimbun 23.03.2013.
Plan eludes for fissile plutonium, (Kyodo) Japan Times 23.03.2013.
Sara Reardon: US soldiers sue over Fukushima radiation exposure, New Scientist 22.03.2013.
Land price increases in disaster-hit prefectures cause concern, Mainichi 22.03.2013.
Tepco snubs ¥10.5 billion cleanup tab, (Kyodo) Japan Times 22.03.2013.
Utilities unable to devise plan on use of reprocessed fissile plutonium, (Kyodo) Japan Times 22.03.2013.
TEPCO apologizes for delay in reporting plant power outage, Mainichi 22.03.2013.
Takahama MOX fuel shipment in works, (Kyodo, Jiji) Japan Times 22.03.2013.
Hidefumi Nogami: Prometheus Trap/’Shadow units’ (9): SDF members told to hold their ground, Asahi Shimbun 22.03.2013.
Fukushima plant outage reveals lack of backup power source 2 years after crisis outbreak, Mainichi 21.03.2013.
Justin McCurry & Michael Condon: On Location Video: The dirty work of cleaning up Fukushima, Global Post 21.03.2013.
Fukushima blackout investigators examine dead rat, Asahi Shimbun 21.03.2013.
Oi nuke reactors to stay online even when new safety standards take effect, Asahi Shimbun 20.03.2013.
Oi reactors to get early NRA check to stay on, (Kyodo) Japan Times 20.03.2013.
Another bent rod found in fuel assembly at Kashiwazaki nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 20.03.2013.
Radioactive dust reported in Tokyo after recent fog – Over 4,000 Bq/kg of cesium – “Contamination never disappear, be careful”, Energy News 21.03.2013.
Tepco smells a rat in Fukushima No. 1 fuel pool cooling glitch, (Kyodo) Japan Times 20.03.2013.
Tariku Kurosawa: Toshitaka Katada: Don’t trust hazard maps and don’t depend on authorities, (interview) Asahi Shimbun 20.03.2013.
Cooling systems restored at Fukushima reactors: Tepco, (AFP, Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 20.03.2013.
Martin Fackler: Rat Body Linked to Blackout at Atomic Site, New York Times 20.03.2013.
Analysis: Cooling failure brings renewed criticism of lax TEPCO, Asahi Shimbun 20.03.2013.
Rene Chen: Washed-up dock stirs awareness in Oregon, (Kyodo) Japan Times 20.03.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: No. 1 fuel pool power to be restored: Tepco, Japan Times 20.03.2013.
Hidefumi Nogami: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (8): SDF unit commander angered at lack of warning at Fukushima No. 1 plant, Asahi Shimbun 20.03.2013.
Regulator to check Oi reactors before safety standards take effect, Kyodo 20.03.2013.
Martin Fackler: Fukushima Blackout Hints at Plant’s Vulnerability, New York Times 19.03.2013.
Japan must show commitment to global warming countermeasures, (leder) Mainichi 19.03.2013.
Temperatures rise in Fukushima fuel pools after nearly 20 hours without power — Crews “scrambling” to fix problems – Tepco placing “highest priority” on Unit 4, Energy News 19.03.2013.
Gov’t panel report predicts devastation of Nankai Trough earthquake, Mainichi 19.03.2013.
Three-day stockpile of food, water essential if disaster strikes, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 19.03.2013.
Nankai quake could destroy production bases, Achilles heel of Japan’s economy, Mainichi 19.03.2013.
Panel: Quake off southern coast could cost 40 percent of Japan’s GDP, Asahi Shimbun 19.03.2013.
Fukushima plant’s spent fuel pool cooling system partially restored, (Kyodo) Mainichi 19.03.2013.
Update: Cooling systems restart for 2 spent fuel pools at Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 19.03.2013.
Fukushima plans 190-km coastal row of cherry trees, (Jiji) Japan Times 19.03.2013.
¥220 trillion hit seen from Nankai quake, (Kyodo) Japan Times 19.03.2013.
Power cut strikes Fukushima nuclear plant, Aljazeera 19.03.2013.
Crippled Japanese nuclear plant suffers blackout, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 19.03.2013.
Power trouble leads to suspension of cooling operations at Fukushima plant, Japan Times 19.03.2013.
End nuclear fuel recycling program for sake of future generations, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 19.03.2013.
30% of nuclear evacuee families live apart: poll, (Jiji) Japan Times 19.03.2013.
Hidefumi Nogami: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (7): Reactor explosion heavily damaged SUV driven by SDF personnel, Asahi Shimbun 18.03.2013.
Many local gov’ts near nuke plants miss anti-disaster planning deadline: survey, Mainichi 18.03.2013.
Chisaki Watanabe: Tepco Faces Growing Suit by U.S. Troops Over Radiation Exposure, Bloomberg 17.03.2013.
U.S. facing 221,000 tons of debris, (Jiji) Japan Times 17.03.2013.
Eric Johnston: Prefectures dally over nuclear evacuation plans, Japan Times 17.03.2013.
Japan discussed acquisition of ‘defensive’ nuclear weapons in 1958, (Kyodo) Japan Times 17.03.2013.
U.S. military personnel suing Tepco, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 17.03.2013.
Winifried Bird: Tohoku coast faces man-made perils in wake of tsunami, Japan Times 17.03.2013.
N. Korea says Japan no exception to nuke 1st-strike policy, Kyodo 17.03.2013.
Tepco may spend more to restart Niigata plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 17.03.2013.
Man who lost wife to tsunami transforms experiences into art, Mainichi 17.03.2013.
Philip Brasor: Data from 3/11 could save lives if used effectively, Japan Times 17.03.2013.
Weekly anti-nuke protests still going strong, but with far fewer people, Asahi Shimbun 16.03.2013.
Record cesium level detected in fish caught near Fukushima nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Japan Times 16.03.2013.
Harufumi Nori: Tsunami debris washing up in N. America far higher than expected, Asahi Shimbun 16.03.2013.
Bullet train starts running at 320 km per hour, fastest in Japan, (Kyodo) Mainichi 16.03.2013.
Mari Fujisaki: ‘Anti-nuclear’ voices are weak as government begins energy policy revision, Asahi Shimbun 16.03.2013.
METI wants tent city to move on, (Kyodo) Japan Times 16.03.2013.
Kyoto wind farm turbine falls after pylon snaps, (AFP, Jiji) Japan Times 16.03.2013.
Abe purges energy board of antinuclear experts, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 16.03.2013.
Fukushima evacuees ask lawmakers for more assistance, Asahi Shimbun 15.03.2013.
Talks on Japan’s long-term energy plan start with pro-nuclear tone, Kyodo 15.03.2013.
Kunio Ozawa: Museum about Fukushima nuclear accident to open in May, Asahi Shimbun 15.03.2013.
Japan Experts: Up to 93 billion becquerels a day may still be leaking into Pacific from Fukushima plant, Energy News 15.03.2013.
Richard Ingham: Tsunami trash a long-term hazard, (Jiji, AFP) Japan Times 15.03.2013.
Hidefumi Nogami: Prometheus Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (6): SDF members exposed to high radiation levels in reactor explosion, Asahi Shimbun 15.03.2013.
Tepco’s clients less wary of shortage threat, (Jiji) Japan Times 15.03.2013.
Shiro Namekata: Former U.S. nuke watchdog chair says regulators must stay independent, (interview) Asahi Shimbun 14.03.2013.
Hideaki Kimura: TEPCO inquiry admits ‘misinformation,’ but critics demand more, Asahi Shimbun 14.03.2013.
‘Setsuden’ may return in summer, (Kyodo) Japan Times 14.03.2013.
George Monbiot: Japan’s ‘frozen gas’ is worthless if we take climate change seriously, The Guardian 14.03.2013.
Tepco’s misstatements in probe ‘unintentional’, (Kyodo) Japan Times 14.03.2013.
Eric Johnston: Japan urged to send out global SOS over No. 1 plant, Japan Times 14.03.2013.
3 men searched for people in no-go zone without protective gear for 1 month, Mainichi 13.03.2013.
Japan Professor: Fukushima release equivalent to 1,000 atomic bombs? (video) Energy News 13.03.2013.
Nuclear disaster-hit Fukushima schools at the crossroads, Mainichi 13.03.2013.
Warming bill to ax long-term emissions goal, (Kyodo) Japan Times 13.02.2013.
Strict standards needed on extending use of nuclear reactors, (leder) Mainichi 13.03.2013.
Empty streets, menacing crows and little hope in towns co-hosting Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 13.03.2013.
For owners of tsunami-destroyed seafood shop, recovery seems distant, Mainichi 13.03.2013.
Hidefumi Nogami: Prometheous Trap/ ‘Shadow units’ (5): CRF units aligned against common enemy, the crippled nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 13.03.2013.
Teacher in disaster-hit city publishes touching haiku collection, Mainichi 13.03.2013.
Panel says no cover-up attempt by TEPCO, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 13.03.2013.
Niels Böhmer: Analysis: Fukushima two years later, Bellona 13.03.2013.
Key events in Fukushima crisis, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.03.2013.
Brad Plumer: Are methane hydrates the next big energy source? Japan hopes so, Wahington Post 12.03.2013.
We must reconnect ourselves to the situation in Fukushima, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 12.03.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Hibiya rally tries to keep nuclear foes on message, Japan Times 12.03.2013.
Charles Digges: Road to Fukushima fraught with ongoing tragedy and innovations ignored, Bellona 12.03.2013.
Study: Up to 47 quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 released into Pacific from Fukushima – Nearly 50 times original Tepco estimate, Energy News 12.03.2013.
Job seekers and offers in Tohoku still mismatched, (Jiji) Japan Times 12.03.2013.
Ministry: Radioactive cesium dose drops 66% in Fukushima meals, Asahi Shimbun 12.03.2013.
Checi Harlan: Work resumes on Aomori’s new Oma nuclear plant, Japan Times 12.03.2013.
Study: Fukushima fallout detected in fish from Atlantic Ocean, Energy News 12.03.2013.
Germany to deepen cooperation with Japan to phase out reactors by 2022, Kyodo 12.03.2013.
Survey: 30% worry about radioactive substances in food production areas, Asahi Shimbun 12.03.2013.
Government lender says more people eager to buy food from radiation-tainted areas, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.03.2013.
Jun Sato: Government to review staffing plan at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 12.03.2013.
Richard Schiffman: Two years on, America hasn’t learned lessons of Fukushima nuclear disaster, The Guardian 12.03.2013.
Kan cites ‘God’s help’ in containing nuclear crisis, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.02.2013.
Former PM Kan says ‘zero nuclear power’ is safest policy, Japan Daily Press 12.03.2013.
Road map for Fukushima evacuees due in summer: Abe, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.03.2013.
Residents, evacuees file lawsuit against central government, TEPCO, Asahi Shimbun 12.03.2013.
Government, Tepco sued over fallout, (Jiji) Japan Times 12.03.2013.
Rebuilding Tohoku can redesign our vision for the future, Asahi Shimbun 12.03.2013.
Stephen Leahy: Public Pays for Fukushima While Nuclear Industry Profits, IPS news 12.03.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Survivors recall two years of struggle, Japan Times 12.03.2013.
We must reconnect ourselves to the situation in Fukushima, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 12.03.2013.
Former Prime Minister: Half the people in Japan were close to being evacuated after start of Fukushima crisis, Energy News 11.03.2013.
Steven Mufson: In U.S., nuclear energy loses momentum amid economic head winds, safety issues, Washington Post 11.03.2013.
Marissa Fessenden: A Silver (Actually Cesium) Lining: Traces of Fukushima Disaster Fallout Help Scientists Track Tuna, Scientific American 11.03.2013.
Charles Digges: Displaced Fukushima survivors come to terms with never going home again, Bellona 11.03.2013.
Report: Fukushima Daiichi equal to or greater than Chernobyl? “Some startling results”, Energy News 11.03.2013.
Lucas W. Hixson: Two years have passed since Japan nuked the rest of the world, Enformable 11.03.2013.
Political leadership needed for disaster recovery, (leder) Mainichi 11.03.2013.
The top priority is building homes for disaster victims, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Two years after the 3/11 disasters, (leder) Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Nuclear watchdog vows to regain trust 2 yrs after Fukushima accident, Kyodo 11.03.2013.
Ian Wilson: David Suzuki Says Japan Wasted Time to Rework Atomic Plan, Bloomberg 11.03.2013.
Antony Froggatt: Nuclear reactor operators must be financially liable for disasters, The Guardian 11.03.2013.
Geoff Bumfiel: Depression And Anxiety Could Be Fukushima’s Lasting Legacy, NPR (audio) 11.03.2013.
Japan marks 2nd anniversary of March 11 disasters, Mainichi 11.03.2013.
Wolfgang Weiss: Long-term impact on mental health the main concern in Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
A recharged power industry, Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Fukushima plant decommissioning may last until 2051, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Elanor Warnock: Food Exports Still Restricted by Radiation Fears, Wall Street Journal 11.03.2013.
‘Light of hope’ transferred to tsunami memorial in Fukushima Prefecture city, Mainichi 11.03.2013.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Uprooted by Tsunami, Church’s Flock Regroups, New York Times 11.03.2013.
Tetsuya Kasai: About 60 percent of Fukushima evacuees cannot return home by 2017, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Justin McCurry: Japan marks tsunami anniversary, The Guadian 11.03.2013.
Mizuho Aoki: Residents failed by fitful rebuilding, Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Let there be no mistake, the Fukushima crisis continues, (Vox Populi) Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
TEPCO vows to stand by Fukushima people 2 yrs after nuclear accident, Kyodo 11.03.2013.
Fukushima family holds hope for daughter born on March 11, Mainichi 11.03.2013.
Master woodworker puts grief into altar for 3 children lost to tsunami, Mainichi 11.03.2013.
Lynne Peeples: Fukushima And The Navy: Sailors Sue Japan Nuclear Plant Owner, Saying Disaster Made Them Sick, Huffington Post 11.03.2013.
Solar plant domes spring up in Fukushima’s shadow, New Scientist 11.03.2013.
Activists fault WHO report on Fukushima radiation, (AFP) Global Post 11.03.2013.
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes: Fukushima disaster: Long road to nuclear clean-up, BBC News 11.03.2013.
Kumi Naidoo: Fukushima disaster: holding the nuclear industry liable, The Guardian 11.03.2013.
Aya Takada & Yuriy Humber: Fukushima Seeks Revival in Radiation-Free Farms With No Soil, Bloomberg 11.03.2013.
Fukushima Meltdown’s 2nd Anniversary Brings Protests Against Japan’s Reliance on Nuclear Power, (video) Democracy Now 11.03.2013.
Lennox Samuels: Fukushima Nuclear Cleanup Bogged Down in Bureaucracy, Could Take Decades, The Daily Beast 11.03.2013.
Asger Røjle: Japan: Atomulykke tvinger unge par til skilsmisse, DR 11.03.2013.
Nation marks second year since calamity, (Kyodo) Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Then and now: Photos compare changes in disaster zone, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Son recalls fond memories of climbing mountain with mom before tsunami, Mainichi 11.03.2013.
Kasumasa Sugimura: Memories of wife, daughters help disaster victim move forward, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Evacuees may have to leave private housing used as temporary units, Mainichi 11.03.2013.
Shunichi Kawabata: Ishinomaki: Two years on, firefighters still searching for bodies, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Tepco’s survival tied to reactors, rate hikes, (Jiji) Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Radiation in most seafood products from disaster areas below limit: agency, Mainichi 11.03.2013.
Masakatsu Higashino: Otsushi: Many survivors are leaving, deterred by slow recovery, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Eric Johnston: Nuclear evacuees bide time in Kyoto but fret over future, Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Takayuki Kihara: Okuma: Town that co-hosts Fukushima plant remains deserted, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Abe vows to create disaster-resilient Japan on quake anniversary, (Kyodo) Mainichi 11.03.2013.
Victims of 2011 disaster remembered; survivors move on, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Radiation within 80-km radius of Fukushima plant fallen by half, (Kyodo) Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Recovery slow as Japan marks 2 years since tsunami, (AP) Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Mami Maruko: Unable to return, Futaba residents fear becoming lost tribe, Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Louis Templado: Checking Back: British father who refused to flee feels vindicated 2 years later, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Ayako Mie: Protesters rail against Abe, reactors, Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Satioshi Shiba: American woman returns to keep disaster victims in peoples’ thoughts, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Dreux Richard: Toxic management erodes safety at ‘world’s safest’ nuclear plant, Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Tetsuya Kasai: About 60 percent of Fukushima evacuees cannot return home by 2017, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Rikuzentakata, Okuma remember disaster victims, (Kyodo) Japan Times 11.03.2013.
Hidefumi Nogami: Prometheus Trap / ‘Shadow units’ (4): Selection of personnel for Fukushima mission limited by unit makeup, Asahi Shimbun 11.03.2013.
Steve Chao: Japan tsunami exacts heavy toll two years on, Aljazeera 11.03.2013.
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