Den oprindelige link-side med links om udfoldelsen af problemerne efter Fukushima Daiichi-katastrofen var efterhånden blevet så lang, at det var på tide at opdele den. Herunder finder man således links fra tredje år (det første halvår), mens de to forudgående indlæg, Fukushima links år 1, og Fukushima links år 2 rummer links fra de første to år efter katastrofedagen. Og link-siden for år tre blev efterhånden så uhåndterlig lang, at den er delt i to: Fukushima links år 3 – første halvår samt Fukushima links år 3 – andet halvår.
Siden juni 2012 har jeg næsten dagligt lavet små optegnelser over udviklingen omkring genstarten af de japanske reaktorer og vedtagelsen af en ny energiplan, som bringer Japan ind i en udvikling baseret på vedvarende energi. Disse optegnelser er holdt månedsvis – se tilsvarende optegnelser for juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november og december 2012, januar, februar, marts, april, maj, juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november og december 2013 samt januar, februar og marts 2014. I den forbindelse er der medtaget ganske mange links til belysning af den politiske side af energiplanens tilblivelse, som ikke findes herunder.
Det har vist sig, at både Mainichi og Kyodo inddrager de fleste af deres nyhedsartikler. Frem for at fjerne disse links fra oversigten er de givet en brun farve og link-henvisningen er fjernet. Hvis det er noget, man meget gerne vil læse, vil en Google-søgning på overskriften (sat i gåseøjne) ofte afsløre, at der er en tredjepart, som har indkopieret artikelteksten. Det vil blot være uoverkommeligt at gøre for samtlige artikler, så jeg har valgt at lade overskriften stå for at bevare overskriftsbilledet af en proces med mange variable.
Hen over sommeren 2013 har jeg sat paper.li-siden Fukushima Blues op, så den hver morgen kl. 8 dansk tid opdateres med nyhedsartikler, videoer mv. om om Fukushima-katastrofen og dens udfoldelse i det japanske samfund. Der dukker indimellem regulære skæverter op, men omvendt kommer man med Fukushima Blues langt omkring i informationsstrømmen omkring Fukushima Daiichi.
Gå direkte til links for marts, april, maj, juni, juli og august.

Se samtlige blog-indlæg om Fukushima.
September 2013
… opdateres løbende.
NHK: Attempts to stop Fukushima contamination flowing into ocean have failed — Japan Nuclear Expert: “Most likely flowing fairly quickly into sea” from nearby Reactor No. 2, Energy News 11.09.2013.
Now Japan must deliver, (leder) Japan Times 11.09.2013.
Christian Sarich: Miso Soup Found to Protect Against Radiation Exposure, Natural Society 11.09.2013.
Scrap nuclear power in Sweden: Social Democrat, The Local 11.09.2013.
Fukushima Unit 4 Fuel Removal Risks, Simply Info 11.09.2013.
Ministry angers residents by pushing back Fukushima cleanup, Asahi Shimbun 11.09.2013.
Decontamination work delayed in 7 Fukushima municipalities, Mainichi 11.09.2013.
Finlay Colville: Recharged Japan Solar PV Industry Hits 10 GW of Installed Capacity, SolarBuzz 11.09.2013.
David McNeill & Miguel Quintana: Return to the radiation zone: Fukushima clean-up operation mired in fear and misinformation, The Independent 11.09.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: No. 1 chief pleased with Olympics bid; tritium reading doubles, Japan Times 11.09.2013.
Japan ponders Fukushima options, but TEPCO too big to fail, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 11.09.2013.
Xinhua: “Indications are that there is a second leak” at Fukushima, says Japan expert – Fish over 140 km from plant have shown extremely high levels of contamination, Energy News 11.09.2013.
Jon Day & Liu Tian: TEPCO failing to solve Japan’s nuke crisis, but gov’t keeping away on financial concern, Xinhua News 11.09.2013.
Japan Marine Expert: Fukushima radioactive tanks may have already been emptied into Pacific Ocean -Xinhua, Energy News 11.09.2013.
2011 disaster survivors stuck in housing limbo, Asahi Shimbun 11.09.2013.
Eric Johnston: Kansai not overly enthusiastic about Tokyo landing Olympics, Japan Times 11.09.2013.
Finlay Colville: Recharged Japan Solar PV Industry Hits 10 GW of Installed Capacity, SolarBuzz 11.09.2013.
Japan disaster, economic crisis prompt IAEA to cut nuclear growth projection, Eco-Business 10.09.2013.
Fredrik Dahl: Japan disaster, economic crisis prompt IAEA to cut nuclear growth projection, Reuters 10.09.2013.
Marco Evers: Japan’s Nuclear Migraine: A Never-Ending Disaster at Fukushima, Der Spiegel 10.09.2013.
Minoru Matsutani: Japan hopes to blow ahead in renewables with floating wind farm, Japan Times 10.09.2013.
Fukushima victims angered at decision not to prosecute officials, Asahi Shimbun 10.09.2013.
Water highly irradiated near leaky tank, (AFP-Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 10.09.2013.
Disaster areas critically short of manpower, (Jiji) Japan Times 10.09.2013.
Japan Times: Prime Minister telling “outright lie”? — Experts: Nuclear material “has kept gushing into Pacific far beyond man-made bay” — Fukushima fisherman: “He must be kidding… he doesn’t know what’s going”, Energy News 10.09.2013.
Mari Saito: Fukushima plant operator names U.S. adviser to aid clean-up, Reuters 10.09.2013.
Japan Nuclear Expert: I was “flabbergasted” by Olympic speech — Fukushima reactors are actually destroyed and constantly leaking in ocean – Contamination dumping into sea – PM: “It’s contained in 0.3 km² area of harbor”, Energy News 10.09.2013.
Abe wasn’t originally going to mention radioactive water leak in Olympic speech, Mainichi 10.09.2013.
Doubt cast on Abe’s assurance to IOC about Fukushima leaks, Asahi Shimbun 10.09.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Abe’s assurance to IOC on nuclear plant called into question, Japan Times 10.09.2013.
Japan disaster, economic crisis prompt IAEA to cut nuclear growth projection, Eco-Business 10.09.2013.
Speeches by Tokyo bid committee members during final presentation to IOC, Mainichi 10.09.2013.
Candy Chan & Amy Nip: Ban all fish from Japan to ease fears, says Hong Kong food expert, South China Morning Post 10.09.2013.
Leak from Fukushima tank contaminating groundwater, Asahi Shimbun 10.09.2013.
Abe’s assurance over Fukushima radioactive water comes under question, Mainichi 10.09.2013.
New hotspot: TEPCO detects high groundwater radiation at Fukushima plant, RT 10.09.2013.
Fukushima refugees disappointed that ex-PM, TEPCO execs escape prosecution, Mainichi 10.09.2013.
Ko Shu-ling: Taiwan’s 4th nuclear plant might be ready for loading fuel rods in Sept.: ministry, Kyodo 10.09.2013.
Lucas W. Hixson: Spread of contamination likely to prevent TEPCO from pumping groundwater into the ocean, Enformable 10.09.2013.
High radiation detected at Fukushima monitoring well: reports, (AFP) France 24 09.09.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: Reactor makers look abroad as home market fizzles, Japan Times 09.09.2013.
Prosecutors decide not to indict anyone related to Fukushima nuclear accident, Asahi Shimbun 09.09.2013.
Ida Torres: Japanese fishermen object to planned release of Fukushima water into Pacific Ocean, Japan Daily Press 09.09.201
Masaaki Kameda: Games nod pressures Tokyo to act, Japan Times 09.09.2013.
Stress-induced deaths in Fukushima top those from 2011 natural disasters, Mainichi 09.09.2013.
Feed-in-tariff system should be used to recharge local communities, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 09.09.2013.
Phred Dvorak: A New Groundwater Problem, Wall Street Journal 09.09.2013.
Nuclear Consultant: They will have to maintain Fukushima ice wall for hundreds of years if ever installed, Energy News 09.09.2013.
Philippa H. Stewart: Fukushima’s financial fallout, Aljazeera 09.09.2013.
Kan, Tepco execs avoid charges over nuclear disaster, (Kyodo) Japan Times 09.09.2013.
Gundersen: Spent fuel likely to break when pulled from Fukushima Unit 4 pool – Racks have been distorted; Fuel rods overheated – Suspects some will be stuck there for long, long time, Energy News 09.09.2013.
Hirotaka Kojo & Eiji Zakoda: Quake reconstruction budget still used for unrelated projects, Asahi Shimbun 09.09.2013.
Radio: Problems looming at Fukushima plant; Soil unstable, risk of liquefaction – CBC: If fuel pool comes down, release could be dozens of times larger than Chernobyl, Energy News 09.09.2013.
Asahi poll: 72% criticize government’s response to Fukushima radioactive water leak issue, Asahi Shimbun 09.09.2013.
Japan Prime Minister’s Fiction vs. Fact: Fukushima contamination has never done any damage to Tokyo; Radioactive water at plant was “blocked” – Study: Tokyo was contaminated – Experts: Radioactive water is constantly flowing out to sea and almost impossible to stop, Energy News 09.09.2013.
Lake H. Barrett: Fixing Fukushima’s water problem, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 09.09.2013.
David Icke: Boycott The Radioactive 2020 Olympics Of Death, 08.09.2013.
Yoichi Shimatsu: Boycott The Radioactive 2020 Olympics Of Death, rense.com 08.09.2013.
Abe hopes Tokyo Olympics will ring out period of deflation, Asahi Shimbun 08.09.2013.
Gundersen: Fukushima reactor cores are in crisis as bad as ‘China Syndrome’, Energy News 08.09.2013.
Hosting Olympics to lift Japan’s GDP by 0.5%: estimate, (Kyodo) Japan Times 08.09.2013.
Ed Odeven: What others are saying about Tokyo’s winning Olympic bid, Japan Times 08.09.2013.
Tokyo wins bid to host 2020 Olympics, (Kyodo) Japan Times 08.09.2013.
Tokyo emerges triumphant in race for 2020 Summer Games, Asahi Shimbun 08.09.2013.
Tokyo Olympics to be held from July to August 2020 under theme ‘Discover Tomorrow’, Mainichi 08.09.
Masaaki Kameda: Tokyo Olympic bid committee makes last-ditch pitch for 2020 Games, Japan Times 08.09.2013.
The Characterization of Chernobyl Findings by Fukushima Medical University’s Thyroid Survey, Paul Langley’s Nuclear History Blog 08.09.2013.
Richard Osley & Oscar Quine: ‘The safe Games’: Judges convinced over Fukushima fallout fears as Tokyo wins the race to host 2020 Olympics, The Independent 08.09.2013.
Elain Lies: Japan anticipates Olympic boost, but Fukushima shadows linger, Reuters 08.09.2013.
Nuclear Expert: Biggest concern at Fukushima is the huge source of radioactivity from molten fuel and spent fuel pools winding up in ocean – “The health of the entire Northern Pacific is at stake”, Energy News 07.09.2013.
Finland seeks lessons after Fukushima on nuclear complacency culture, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 07.09.2013.
Stephen Wilson: Tokyo, Istanbul, Madrid make final 45-minute pitches ahead of 2020 vote, Japan Today 07.09.2013.
Jin Nishikawa: Science panel recommends strengthening inspection of Fukushima-grown produce, Asahi Shimbun 07.09.2013.
Inose slams Fukushima coverage, (AFP-Jiji) Japan Times 07.09.2013.
Momentum for 2020 Games with Tokyo: Tokyo Gov. Inose, Mainichi 07.09.2013.
Rowan Hopper: Fukushima: health disaster or PR fail? Japan Times 07.09.2013.
South Korean ban on Japanese seafood imports could hurt fisheries industry as a whole, Asahi Shimbun 07.09.2013.
Charlie Smith: IOC grants Tokyo 2020 Olympics, despite ongoing concerns over Fukushima power plant, straight.com 07.09.2013.
Rowan Hopper: Fukushima: health disaster or PR fail? Japan Times 07.09.2013.
Fukushima residents rap Tokyo Olympics bid chief over nuclear crisis, Kyodo 06.09.2013.
Keiji Hirano: Outgoing antinuclear mayor attacks Japan’s nuclear exports, Kyodo 06.09.2013.
Ida Torres: Anti-nuclear mayor calls gov’t export of nuclear power ‘unethical’, ‘shameful’, Japan Daily Press 06.09.2013.
Mattt Slater: Olympics: How Madrid has edged ahead in 2020 host city vote, BBC news 06.09.2013.
S. Korea bans fishery imports due to radioactive water leak on eve of Olympic vote, Asahi Shimbun 06.09.2013.
2,020 candles cheer Tokyo for successful bid to host 2020 Olympics, Mainichi 06.09.2013.
Reconstruction Agency must listen to victims of nuclear disaster, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 06.09.2013.
Crime up among No. 1 plant staff, (Jiji) Japan Times 06.09.2013.
Tokyo Olympic bid committee on the defensive over radioactive water at Fukushima nuke plant, Mainichi 06.09.2013.
South Korea bans fisheries imports from Fukushima area, BBC News 06.09.2013.
Kazuaki Nagata: At stake in bid – ¥3 trillion, Japan Times 06.09.2013.
Nuclear Engineer: Fuel appears damaged in Fukushima Unit 4 pool and will fall apart if they pull it up – Make sure your radiation monitor works so you know what’s going on when something drops, Energy News 06.09.2013.
Gov’t agency kept meetings on nuke disaster support off-record, withheld documents, Mainichi 06.09.2013.
Team holds second Olympics presentation rehearsal, (Kyodo) Japan Times 06.09.2013.
Meeyoung Cho & Mari Saito: South Korea extends Japan fisheries ban as Fukushima concerns grow, Reuters 06.09.2013.
Masaaki Kameda: Experts uncertain about Tokyo bid, Japan Times 05.09.2013.
Tokyo Olympic bid news conference hit with questions about nuke plant contamination, Mainichi 05.09.2013.
David Hueston: JOC delegates in radiation spin control, (Kyodo, AP) Japan Times 05.09.2013.
Atsushi Akutsu: Japan assures IOC Tokyo is safe ahead of Summer Games vote, Asahi Shimbun 05.09.2013.
The Road Less Taken: Energy Choices for the Future, (med transskript af videoen) Fairewinds 05.09.2013.
Hamaoka plant holds Nankai drill, (Jiji) Japan Times 05.09.2013.
TV: People will be consuming radioactive material coming from Fukushima – Seafood “much further away” from region will have unacceptable levels of contamination at times, says senior scientist, Energy News 05.09.2013.
Chisaki Watanabe: Japan Fuel Cell Market Ripe After Fukushima, Bloom Energy Says, Bloomberg 05.09.2013.
Michael Greger: Fukushima and Radioactivity in Seafood, (m. video) 04.09.2013.
Eleazar David Melendez: 2020 Olympics Likely To Go To Madrid: Source, Huffington Post 04.09.2013.
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Bid Shadowed by Fukushima, Discovery News 04.09.2013.
NRA team still seems leaning toward ruling fault under Aomori nuke plant is active, (Jiji, Kyodo) Japan Times 04.09.2013.
Prime minister’s office rushes to address Fukushima contamination as Olympic vote nears, Mainichi 04.09.2013.
Trade minister says Japan in contact with U.S., others on Fukushima water crisis, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 04.09.2013.
Ministry meeting on greenhouse gases scheduled, but carbon dioxide off the agenda, Mainichi 04.09.2013.
Mizuho Aoki: Tokyo sets up English website on radiation, Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Mayor gets disaster response award, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Fukushima leaks won’t be threat to Tokyo Olympics – bid leader, RT 03.09.2013.
New radiation spike found near Fukushima nuclear plant water tanks, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2013.
NRA experts agree ‘crush zone’ at Oi nuclear plant is not active fault, Mainichi 03.09.2013.
Justin McCurry: Japan earmarks £300m+ for Fukushima cleanup, The Guardian 03.09.2013.
Fukushima water release unavoidable: Japan watchdog, AFP 03.09.2013.
Shunsuke Kimura: Academic society recommends releasing radioactive tritium into sea, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2013.
Reiji Yoshida: Abe steps in to tackle nuclear water crisis, Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Gov’t to spend 47 bil. yen to fight Fukushima toxic water, (Kyodo) Mainichi 03.09.2013.
Government to spend ¥47 billion to tackle water problem at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2013.
Mari Yamaguchi: Japan to fund costly ice wall around Fukushima reactors to contain radioactive water leaks, AP 03.09.2013.
Japan to Spend Almost $500 Million on Water Crisis at Fukushima Nuclear Plant, (Reuters) New York Times 03.09.2013.
Kishida eyes nuke projects in Brazil, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Radioactive water leaks call Japan’s crisis management capability into question, (leder) Mainichi 03.09.2013.
Clare Leschin-Hoar: In the Aftermath of Radiation, Is Fish From the Pacific Ocean Safe to Eat? Take Part 03.09.2013.
Residents file criminal complaint against TEPCO over Fukushima leaks, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2013.
Tepco dealt another criminal complaint, (Kyodo) Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Fear and Fukushima, World Nuclear News 03.09.2013.
Iori Mochizuki: Approx. 90% of contaminated water tank is already full, Fukushima Dairy 03.09.2013.
No active fault under Oi plant, NRA team says, (Jiji) Japan Times 03.09.2013.
Professor: Fukushima Unit No. 4 “an immediate problem” – Building is sinking, over 30 inches in places – Extraordinary possibility plant could be back at March 2011 if situation continues – Risk of fission accident in fuel pool, Energy News 03.09.2013.
Phred Dvorak & Mari Iwata: Fukushima Cleanup to Test Japan Government, Wall Street Journal 03.09.2013.
Japanese government turns on TEPCO after latest Fukushima failures, (audio) ABC 03.09.2013.
Fukushima No. 4 fuel pool “is perhaps the greatest threat humanity has ever faced” – CEO, Energy News 03.09.2013.
Evgeny Sukhoi: Fukushima radioactive leak is ‘the greatest threat humanity ever faced’ – expert, The Voice of Russia 02.09.2013.
Anthony Bond: New radiation leaks from Fukushima could be ‘lethal within four hours’ as safety concerns at nuclear power plant increase, Daily Mail 02.09.2013.
Tanks said built in haste, bound to leak, (Jiji) Japan 02.09.2013.
High radiation levels detected in water leaking from Fukushima plant tank pipes, Mainichi 02.09.2013.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima: Japan promises swift action on nuclear cleanup, The Guardian 02.09.2013.
Don’t let Fukushima nuke disaster devolve into another Battle of Guadalcanal, Mainichi 02.09.2013.
Leaking pipe connecting tanks adds more woes at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 02.09.2013.
News Navigator: What is ALPS, and can it solve the radioactive water crisis? Mainichi 02.09.2013.
Oi reactor halt leaves just one unit still online, (Kyodo) Japan Times 02.09.2013.
Don’t let Fukushima nuke disaster devolve into another Battle of Guadalcanal, Mainichi 02.09.2013.
Oi reactor checks to temporarily halt nuclear power generation, (Kyodo) Japan Times 01.09.2013.
New disaster evacuation rules say firefighters must flee before helping others, Mainichi 01.09.2013.
Chubu Electric eyes April rate hike, (Kyodo) Japan Times 01.09.2013.
Governor: Who instructed Tepco to lie for months and say Fukushima didn’t melt down? “It should have been explained there were reasons why lies had to be told”, Energy News 01.09.2013.
RO Waste Water Leak at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Spot with 1,800 Millisieverts/Hr “Dose Equivalent” Found, Hilarity Ensued, EX-SKF 01.09.2013.
High radiation readings suggest new tank water leak at Fukushima, (Kyodo) Mainichi 01.09.2013.
Ryuta Koike: Leaks suspected from more tanks at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 01.09.2013.
Edan Corkill: Naoto Kan speaks out, Japan Times 01.09.2013.
Fukushima plant worker says leaks were feared when water tanks constructed, Kyodo 01.09.2013.
Tetsuji Hashimoto: Radiation readings spike at water tank at Japan’s ruined nuclear plant, (Reuters) Chicago Tribune 01.09.2013.
New radioactive hotspots suggest more leaks at Fukushima, RT 01.09.2013.
Douglas A. Yates: Fukushima’s comeback: Radiation from unending mess could threaten Alaska’s fisheries, Daily News Miner 01.09.2013.
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